EUHEDRAL Installation

Obtaining EUHEDRAL

The program is distributed as source code in the form of a tar file for Unix/Linux platforms.

Installing EUHEDRAL

  1. Copy the file euhedral-1.10.tar into an empty directory, for example /usr/local/src/euhedral
  2. Untar the file with the command tar -xvf euhedral-1.10.tar
  3. Edit the Makefile and (un)comment the lines for your operating system.
  4. Compile the source code by typing make all (See note 1)
  5. Create with your editor a file /usr/local/bin/euhedral (or somewhere else in your searchpath). This file should contain two lines:
       exec /usr/local/src/euhedral/euhedral "$@"
  6. Make this file executable: chmod ugo+x /usr/local/bin/euhedral
  7. You should now be able to use the "command-line" version of euhedral.


The command-line version of EUHEDRAL can also be run via a Graphical User Interface, which makes use of the Tcl/Tk library. Please make then sure, that a recent version of this library is installed on your system (the program was tested with version 8.3).
  1. Copy the file euhedral.tcl into a directory, for example /usr/local/src/euhedral
  2. Create with your editor a file /usr/local/bin/euhedralgui. (or somewhere else in your searchpath). This file should contain two lines:
     exec /usr/local/src/euhedral/euhedral.tcl "$*"
  3. Make this file executable: chmod ugo+x /usr/local/bin/euhedralgui
  4. You should now be able to use the "GUI" version of euhedral.
    Note: not all commands of the "command-line" version are available in the GUI. But the most important commands should be there.


  1. Compilation warning
    On some Linux systems, you will see a warning:
    g77 -O2 -DUNIX euhedral.o libccd.o libwin.o librtl.o libc.o winx.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -o euhedral /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-suse-linux/2.95.3/libg2c.a(open.o): In function `f_open': open.o(.text+0x4da): the use of `tempnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
    This warning is caused by the g77 compiler and will hopefully be fixed in future versions of g77. It will not influence the functionality of EUHEDRAL.

Go to EUHEDRAL introduction.