

Beside the normal commands used in this program, there is a group of extra commands available. With these commands simple scripting facilities, startup scripts, aliases and other useful options are available.

All these commands have to be prefixed with a backslash (\). Note: if you want to specify a backslash on the commandline, you may have to escape the backslash from the shell.
The prefix character can be changed with the \prefix command.

This is how a command is presented in this manual.
Aliases are case insensitive and are always stored in uppercase.
Lines starting with ! are treated as comments.

Commands by type

\alias define or list aliases
\arg define alias with default
\export put alias to environment
\import import alias from environment
\store save result from evaluate
\unalias remove alias
\back return to previous directory
\cd change working directory
\dir directory listing
\mkdir create directory
\pwd print working directory name
\addeval add a variable
\evaluate calculator
\listeval show stored variables
\removeeval remove a variable
@ execute commandfile
& execute commandfile
\command show command list
\dir directory listing
\edit invoke editor
\journal copy input commands to file
\overwrite overwrite existing files
\rename rename file
Flow Control
\exit emulate end-of-file
\goto skip statements
\if conditional execution
\repeat multiple execution
@ execute commandfile
& execute commandfile
\bell keyboard bell
\help try to display program help
\journal write input commands to file
\pause pause until user types go
\spawn execute command as subshell
\shell create new shell
\cls clear screen
\echo echo input commands and command files
\output more or less output
\wl set terminal width to 132
\wn set terminal width to 80
\cpu show cpu time since last setcpu
\date show date
\pause wait for user (if interactive)
\second show cpu time since last setcpu
\setcpu initialize cpu timer
\time show time
\wait wait



Syntax: @filename
Open a command file and read until end-of-file.


Syntax: &filename
Check a command file and read until end-of-file.
If filename exist, run the command @filename, otherwise nothing happens.


Syntax: \addeval name expression
Evaluate expression and save the result in the internal variable name.
name can be used in succeeding expressions of the internal evaluate routines. See \evaluate, \listeval and \removeeval.


Define or list aliases. Actions are dependent of the number of parameters.
\alias list all aliases
\alias a list specific alias a
\alias a line set alias a to line
See the substitution rules.


Define alias with default.
\arg a1 a2 a3.....
This may be usefull within scripts, see @


return to the previous directory. See \cd.


Ring keyboard bell.


Syntax: \cd new-directory-name
Change working directory
See \back. The alias WORK_DIR contains the directoryname where the program was started from, so you may return to this directory with \cd WORK_DIR.


Clear screen


Display the contents of file CONFIG_PATH/IMAGE_NAME.commands (if this file exists).


Show cpu time used (in hh:mm:ss) since last \setcpu. See also \second.


Show current date


Syntax: \dir [name]
Get a directory listing.
The number of files will be stored in the alias DIRCOUNT.


Set/reset echo of input commands.
Syntax: \echo on/off/auto/debug
\echo on echo all input commands
\echo off do not echo input commands
\echo auto echo input commands only from @files
\echo debug echo all input commands. Echo cannot be switched off anymore


Invoke the default editor.
Syntax: \edit filename
The editor is defined with the shell environment variable EDITOR.


Syntax: \evaluate expression
Evaluate expression.
Evaluate always stores the result in the alias EVAL_RESULT. (use \store to save the result into another alias.)
+ add
- subtract
* multiply
/ divide
** power
^ power
Functions (radians)
acos arc cosine
asin arc sine
atan arc tangent
atan2 atan2
cos cosine
sin sine
tan tangent
Functions (degrees)
acosd arc cosine
asind arc sine
atand arc tangent
atan2d(f,g) atan2
cosd cosine
sind sine
tand tangent
Boolean Tests
eq(f,g) 1.0 if f is equal to g, else 0.0
eq(f,g,v,w) v if f is equal to g, else w
even(f) 1.0 if f even, else 0.0
even(f,v,w) v if f even, else w
ge(f,g) 1.0 if f is greater than or equal to g, else 0.0
ge(f,g,v,w) v if f is greater than or equal to g, else w
gele(f,g,h) 1.0 if f is greater than or equal to g and less than or equal to h, else 0.0
gele(f,g,h,v,w) v if f is greater than or equal to g and less than or equal to h, else w
gelt(f,g,h) 1.0 if f is greater than or equal to g and less than h, else 0.0
gelt(f,g,h,v,w) v if f is greater than or equal to g and less than h, else w
gt(f,g) 1.0 if f is greater than g, else 0.0
gt(f,g,v,w) v if f is greater than g, else w
gtle(f,g,h) 1.0 if f is greater than g and less than or equal to h, else 0.0
gtle(f,g,h,v,w) v if f is greater than g and less than or equal to h, else w
gtlt(f,g,h) 1.0 if f is greater than g and less than h, else 0.0
gtlt(f,g,h,v,w) v if f is greater than g and less than h, else w
le(f,g) 1.0 if f is less than or equal to g, else 0.0
le(f,g,v,w) v if f is less than or equal to g, else w
lt(f,g) 1.0 if f is less than g, else 0.0
lt(f,g,v,w) v if f is less than g, else w
ne(f,g) 1.0 if f is not equal to g, else 0.0
ne(f,g,v,w) v if f is not equal to g, else w
odd(f) 1.0 if f odd, else 0.0
odd(f,v,w) v if f odd, else w
Other Functions
abs absolute value
between(f,g) bring f between -g and g (modulo 2*g)
entier largest integer less than f
exp exponent
gauss GAUSS4+GAUSS1*exp(-0.5*((x-GAUSS2)/GAUSS3)**2)
int truncate
log natural log
log10 base 10 log
max(f....) maximum of (at most) 5 arguments
min(f....) minimum of (at most) 5 arguments
mod(f,g) f modulo g
nint round
plog natural log (zero for arg ≤ 1)
plog10 base 10 log (zero for arg ≤ 1)
sign(f) -1.0 if f<0, +1.0 if f≥0
sqrt square root
within(f,g,h) f if g<f<h, otherwise the extreme value. min(max(f,g),h)
Pi 3.1415....
PiOver2 0.5*Pi
TwoPi 2*Pi
Grad 180.0/Pi
rnd 0.0-1.0
rnd is not actually a constant. It returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0, but the syntax resembles a constant due the lack of an argument.
Constants can be added to this list with \addeval. See \listeval.


emulate an end-of-file
If this command is executed from a script (@file), the rest of the file is ignored. If you type \exit from the keyboard, you will probably end the program.


Syntax: \export aliasname
Define an environment variable with the same name as aliasname.
This is only useful if you are going to create new processes (via \shell or \spawn).


Syntax: \goto label
Skip statements
All input is skipped until a line with !label is encountered. Notes:


Try to display program help
Syntax: \help [text]
The program will search for an URL with information. The search order is:
  1. Environment variable IMAGE_NAME
  3. CONFIG_PATH/doc/index.html
If the subdirectory doc does not exist, the search will be tried for subdirectory html.
If you specify the optional [text] the search order will be
  1. Environment variable IMAGE_NAME
  3. CONFIG_PATH/doc/commands.html
  4. CONFIG_PATH/doc/IMAGE_NAME_commands.html
If the URL is found, a html browser (firefox, mozilla, netscape) will be launched with the URL as option. First the program tries to launche a daughter of a running browser (with options -remote and new-window). If this fails, the browser will be started. You may define the browser with the environment variable BROWSER or with an alias BROWSER.

If the URL is not found, a search is done for a (VMS-like) .hlp file. The search order is:
If found, the program will allow you to browse this hlp file.


Execute commands depending on a condition.
or negate with the statement \if not


Syntax: \import variable
Get the value of an environment variable.
The value is stored in an alias with the same name as variable


Syntax: \journal on/off/suspend
Echo input commands to a journal file.


Syntax: \listeval
Prints an overview of the constants available to the internal evaluate routines (see \evaluate. Constants can be added or changed with \addeval and removed with \removeeval.


Syntax: \mkdir directory-name
Create a new directory


Syntax: \output none/normal/full/debug
Default: \output normal
Selects less or more output.
OutputLevel Command Action
full @ echo script name
\command list obsolete commands
\alias echo alias definition
\repeat echo repeat nr and command
\unalias echo removal of alias
debug   a lot during file search
  echo input and substituted lines


Syntax: \overwrite on/off
Default: \overwrite off


Wait until the user enters the command go. Pause is only activated if the process mode is interactive. You may use this command in a @script to suspend execution.


Syntax: \prefix c
Set the prefix character to c. The default is a backslash (\).


Syntax: \pwd
Show working directory name
See \back. The alias WORK_DIR contains the directoryname where the program was started from, so you may return to this directory with \cd WORK_DIR.


Syntax: \removeeval name
Remove the internal variable name.
See \addeval and \listeval.


Syntax: \repeat n line
Repeat a command
n (evaluated as \evaluate) is the number of times to repeat the command line. If NREP is an existing alias (with a value >0), the value of NREP will be incremented after each execution of line. If the value of NREP starts with a leading 0, the number of digits in NREP will be kept constant.


Syntax: \rename oldfile newfile
Rename oldfile into newfile.


Show cpu time (in seconds) used since last \setcpu. See also \cpu.


Initialize cpu timer. You can use \cpu or \second to show the used cpu time.


Create a new shell. The program will be suspended. If you terminate the shell (control-d) the program will be reactivated.


Syntax: \spawn command
Start a subprocess and execute command.


Show the status of all internal commands.


Syntax: \store aliasname
Save the result of \evaluate into an alias.
\evaluate always stores the result in the alias EVAL_RESULT, and the contents of this alias are copied into the alias you specify.


Show current time.


Undefine aliases. Actions depend on the parameters.


Syntax: \wait f
Delay the execution of the program. where f is the time in seconds.


Syntax: \write s
Print character string s to the screen. Single words in s, recognized as aliases, will be substituted. You may want to use single quotes to force or inhibit alias substitution. See the substitution rules.


Set terminal with to 132
Use \wn to set the width to 80.


Set terminal width to 80
Use \wl to set the width to 132.

Alias substitution

The alias substitution rules: Examples:
Before With Alias Without Alias
abcd [abcd] abcd
ab'cd ab[cd] abcd
'abcd [abcd] abcd
ab''cd   ab'cd
''abcd   'abcd
ab'c'd ab[c]d abcd
'ab'cd [ab]cd abcd
abcd'   abcd


Some aliases are created at the startup of the program.
alias value
CONFIG_PATH path where image configuration files reside
IMAGE_NAME name of current image
USER_NAME user invoking the program
WORK_DIR directory where program was started from
NODE_NAME host name
PROCESS_MODE Batch, Interactive.....
PROCESS_NAME process name or process id

At program startup 3 init files (if they exist) will be executed if the following order:
  3. IMAGE_NAME.init in the current directory


This is how a .init file could look like:
#make an alias script1 which executes a file
\alias script1 @'config_path'script1

#if script2 exists, make an alias script2
\if file 'config_path'script2 \alias script2 @'config_path'script2
#so script2 will be an unknown command if the file does not exist

#another approach:
\alias script2 &'config_path'script2
#so script2 will be defined, but does nothing if the file does not exist.

\alias x 600
\alias y 400
\alias w 1000
\alias h 800
\alias zoom2 zoomfactor 2 zoom 'hx'-'w'/4  'hy'-'h'/4  'hx'+'w'/4  'hy'+'h'/4
\alias zoom3 zoomfactor 3 zoom 'hx'-'w'/6  'hy'-'h'/6  'hx'+'w'/6  'hy'+'h'/6
\alias zoom4 zoomfactor 4 zoom 'hx'-'w'/8  'hy'-'h'/8  'hx'+'w'/8  'hy'+'h'/8
\alias zoom5 zoomfactor 5 zoom 'hx'-'w'/10 'hy'-'h'/10 'hx'+'w'/10 'hy'+'h'/10
\unalias w \unalias h \unalias x \unalias y

#go5 will run go 5 times
\alias go5 \repeat 5 go