View Colour

You can specify a colour with a colourname, a RGB code or RESET (load the initial colour).


Here is a table with colournames.
aquamarine black blue blueviolet
brown cadetblue coral cornflowerblue
cyan darkgreen darkolive green
darkorchid darkslateblue darkslategrey darkturquoise
dimgrey firebrick forestgreen gold
goldenrod grey green greenyellow
indianred khaki lightblue lightgray
lightsteelblue limegreen magenta maroon
mediumaquamarine mediumblue mediumforestgreen mediumgoldenrod
mediumorchid mediumseagreen mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen
mediumturquoise mediumvioletred midnightblue navy
orange orangered orchid palegreen
pink plum purple red
salmon sienna seagreen skyblue
slateblue springgreen steelblue tan
thistle turquoise violet violetred
wheat white yellow yellowgreen


It is also possible to specify colours using a hexadecimal string. The specifications are:
code explanation
#RGB 4 bits, each of red, green and blue
#RRGGBB 8 bits, each of red, green and blue
#RRRGGGBBB 12 bits, each of red, green and blue
#RRRRGGGGBBBB 16 bits, each of red, green and blue
Each of the letters represents a hexadecimal digit. In the shorter formats, the specified values are interpreted as the most significant bits of a 16-bit value (f.e. #7b2 is equivalent to #7000B0002000).
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