loglog is a program to compare two
reflection files. The program creates scatterplots for corresponding
reflections in both sets.
- You specify two reflection files. Various formats are possible:
- hkl format hkl hklv sad raw hkp
Every line contains one reflection:
H K L I sigI batch
Format: 3I4, 2F8.2, i2
Other information is ignored. Various programs create reflection
files in hkl format:
- any (hklf4 → hkl,
sadabs → sad),
- sadabs
- platon ( → hkp)
- hk6 format hk6 ram
Every line contains one reflection:
H K L M N P I sigI batch
Format: 3I4, 3I4, 2F8.2, i2
Other information is ignored.
Various programs create reflection files in hk6 format:
- any (sadabs → ram)
- sadabs (→ hk6)
- fcf format fcf fco
Reflections are stored in cif format.
- Both reflection files are read. Within each file, reflections with
the same indices are merged (see --merge.
Refections with negative Intensity and/or
negative Sigma are ignored (see --negative)
- A (common) set of reflections is created, containing only reflections
with matching indices in both reflections files. If no scale factor
is specified (command line argument --scale), a scale
factor is calculated based on the sum of both intensities of the reflections
in the common set.
- Two R's are calculated
- R(iobs) = Σ abs(Intensitya-scale*Intensityb)/Σ 0.5*(Intensitya+scale*Intensityb)
- R(sigma) = Σ abs(Sigmaa-scale*Sigmab)/Σ 0.5*(Sigmaa+scale*Sigmab)
- You specify which variable will be plotted in the scatterdiagram:
- Intensity
- log(Intensity)
- sqrt(Intensity)
- Sigma
- log(Sigma)
- Intensity/Sigma
- Average Ia/Ib per intensity bin
- Average Ia/Ib per sin(θ)/λ (if cell parameters are available)
[-c a b c alpha beta gamma]
[-d dotsize]
[--ignorestatus ]
[-m mode]
[--merge ]
[-n nbins]
[--negative ]
[--pagehor horsize]
[--pagever versize]
[-r rmatfile]
[--savetype filetype]
[-s scale]
[-w wavelength]
hklfile1 hklfile2
- -v
more verbose output. Multiple -v increase
the verbosity.
- -c a b c alpha beta gamma
--cell=a b c alpha beta gamma
Supply cell parameters. Cell parameters are read from fcf files.
If cell parameters are available, variables d and sinthl will be calculated.
A barplot (Average Ia/Ib per sin(θ)/λ) is
added to the available plots. Cell parameters can also be set by
reading an rmat file (-r)
- -d dotsize
set dotsize in scatterplot to dotsize pixels.
Default is 4
- --ignorestatus
fco files contain a status field per reflection.
By default reflections with a nonzero status are ignored.
By using --ignorestatus all reflections
will be accepted.
- -m mode
Select variable for the initial plot.
- 0 Intensity
- 1 log(Intensity)
- 2 √(Intensity)
- 3 Sigma
- 4 log(Sigma)
- 5 Intensity/Sigma
- 6 Average Ia-Ib/Sigma per resolution (sin(θ)/λ)
- 7 Average Ia-Ib/Sigma per resolution (d)
- 8 Average Ia-Ib/Sigma per θ
- 9 Normal probability
- 10 Average Ia/Ib per intensity bin
- 11 Average Ia/Ib per sin(θ)/λ
- 12 Correlation coefficent between Ia and Ib per resolution (sin(θ)/λ)
- 13 Correlation coefficent between Ia and Ib per resolution (d)
Note: some plots depend on extra information:
- resolution ((sin(θ)/λ or d) depend on cell parameters, either by -c or
- theta depends on cell parameters -c or -r) and on wavelength
The default is 2
- --merge mergetype
This controls the merging of reflections with identical indices.
- 0 do not merge
- 1 merge the first hklfile, do not merge the second file
- 2 do not merge the first hkl file, merge the second file
- 12 merge in both hkl files
The default is12
Note: reflections are merged only on identical indices. No laue or spacegroup
symmetry is taken into account.
- -n nbins
set number of bins in the average plots.
Default is 10
- --negative
By default, reflections with negative intensities are ignored.
By using --negative, negative intensities
are accepted, but the logarithmic and squareroot plots will be disabled.
- --pagehor size
Specify the horizontal dimensions of the graphics window.
Default is 29.7 cm.
- --pagever size
Specify the vertical dimensions of the graphics window.
Default is 21.0 cm.
- -r rmatfile
--rmatr rmatfile
Extract cell parameters from rmatfile
- --savetype filetype
Set the filetype of hardcopy files. Possible filetypes are
png emf eps pdf ps raw rgba svf svgz.
Default is png
- -s scale
Use a fixed scale factor scale between the two
reflection files .
- -w wavelength
Set wavelength. If cell parameters and wavelength are available,
theta will be added to the reflection variables.
- hklfile1 hklfile2
reflection files. The filetype
(hkl hklin hklv sad raw hkp hk6 ram fcf fco) sets the format.
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