EVAL Programs Suite License
License Agreement for the software package: EVAL
I agree to use the EVAL package under the following conditions:
- The package shall be used for academic purposes only, excluding all
industrial or commercial purposes.
- You will provide the authors with feedback on the use of
EVAL. Any bug reports and technical questions shall be sent to:
a.m.m.schreurs@uu.nl or l.m.j.kroon-batenburg@uu.nl
- The following acknowledgment shall be made in publications
resulting from the use of this program:
- EVAL15: A.M.M. Schreurs, X. Xian and L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg,
J. Appl. Cryst. 43 (2010) p. 70-82
- EVAL14: A.J.M. Duisenberg, L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg and A.M.M. Schreurs,
J. Appl. Cryst. 36 (2003) 220-229
- The programs shall not be made available to users outside the
recipient's laboratory, unless written consent is obtained.
- The programs are provided 'as is' and are without warranties. The
authors will not be held liable for any use you make of the
- The additional software and possible licenses required to
run EVAL should be obtained directly from the
distribution sites
Name group leader: _______________________
Institution: _____________________________
Address: _________________________________
E-mail: __________________________________
Date:__________ Signature group leader:_________________________
Mail the signed form to:
Dr. L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg
Crystal and Strcutural Chemistry
Bijvoet Centre of Biomolecular Research
University of Utrecht
Padualaan 8
NL-3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands
Email: l.m.j.kroon-batenburg@uu.nl