Any Glossary


Split intensities into two groups
  1. loop over all mother reflections
  2. if at least 2 daughters are active
  3. otherwise set half1 and half2 to an invalid value.
At this stage, every mother reflection has a half1 and half2 value. These values are available via the daughter variables half1 and half2.
Splitting of the intensities is done: The calculation of CC1/2
  1. loop over all mother reflections
  2. if half1 and half2 are valid
  3.                 Σx*y - Σx*Σy/n
    CC1/2 = ———————————————————————————————————
             √[ (Σx²-Σx*Σx/n)*(Σy²-Σy*Σy/n) ]
    CC* = √ ——————
CC1/2 is calculated:

Direction Cosines

The Direction Cosines describe the orientation of a reflection normal hkl with respect to the reciprocal axes.
The orientation matrix Rmat contains the coefficients of the reciprocal axes as column vectors at goniostat position (0,0,0) Note, the direction cosines are written to hkl files in a specific order:
cosi(1) coso(1) cosi(2) coso(2) cosi(3) coso(3)


If the rotation axis is perpendicular to the primary beam, the reflections in the equator (i.e. reflection vectors perpendicular to the rotation axis) move with the highest velocity through the Ewald sphere. These reflections have duration 1.

The duration of a reflection is the time spent in the Ewald sphere with respect to an equatorial reflection.
variable definition length description
rotax   1.0 vector along rotation axis
inray   1.0 vector pointing to primary beam
lorvec vecprod(rotax,inray) sin(rotax,inray) lorentz vector (does not change during one scan)
c   2*sin(θ)/λ c-vector in diffracting position
lor |(1.0/scalprod(c,lorvec)|   the lorentz correction
duration |c|*lor   theta corrected lorentz correction


A reflection in diffracting position will keep diffracting if the crystal is rotated about the reflection normal. The angle of this rotation is names psi. R000 Orientation Matrix
ToGonio0 = Rotate crystal to goniostat position with rotation angle 0
ToGonio = Rotate crystal to diffracting position
c000 = R000·h
c = ToGonio·c000

Renninger Score

The intensity of a specific reflection can be influenced by simultaneous diffraction on two other reflections. This only occurs if the primary beam diffracts on the second reflection AND that diffracted beam diffracts again on a third reflection. This process can be ignored if the second and third reflection are weak. So there are 3 reflections: refA, refB and refC with corresponding intensities IA, IB and IC. refB can have any set of indices, as long as it diffracts at the same time as refA.
Now if the reflection indices of refC are hC = hB - hA, the renninger reflection will coincide with refA. We can express JB and JC relative to the intensity of the primary beam IPB:
sB = JB/IPB and sC = JC/IPB.
(The initial intensity of the primary beam is set to the intensity of the strongest reflection in the dataset)

The initial score of reflections refB and refC is defined as sB*sC (This score is then a number between 0.0 and 1.0).
The final score is calculated by multiplying the initial score with IPB.

For every possible pair of renninger reflections the final score is evaluated. The renningerscore is defined as the sum of final scores for all renninger pairs.

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