Any Commands

You may also visit the explanation of internal commands: aliases, flowcontrol etc.

List of commands

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top


Syntax: abort state
Default: abort off
If state=off, warnings are not fatal. If state=on a warning will abort the program.


Syntax: activate n
Activates a subplot area. The subplots are numbered (from top to bottom) 1, 2 and 3. In each subplot, several settings (plottype, horizontal axis, vertical axis, colourtype, plotlimits) are stored. The pictures in each subplot can be redrawn with r.
Related command: deactivate


Re-evaluates all expressions. The dependency of expressions to other expressions is handled. But an expression may also be dependent on one of the other variables. In general, these variables do not change, with a few exceptions: equiv2, imean or smean. Also the overwrite command can change a variable.
Related command: autoexpression


Set reflection filters. See the flags page.


Set reflection filters. Flags set by alwaysforbid are always forbidden. The filter settings for these flags are not influenced by the filter commands allow, forbid and require.

Alwaysforbid Example

bad uniformity reflections are always forbidden. After the command allow all they remain forbidden.
Use a minus sign to remove flags from the allwaysforbid mask. See the flags page.


Shows the reciprocal lattice in layers. You enter the name of the reciprocal axis (h, k or l) along which the layers are printed. Then you enter the layer number. Use quit to return to the command prompt.
The following symbols are used:
# reflection not available
. reflection not measured, but an equivalent one is available
a reflection one time measured
b reflection two times measured
creflection three times measured
etc reflection n times measured


Syntax: autoexpression state
If on, all espressions will be re-evaluated at some stages in the program (after reading a new rmatrix using rmat, after changing an existing expression, after reading another dataset). The expressions can also be re-evaluated with allexpressions.


Syntax: autoincidence
Calculates a incidence coefficient. 1-cosd(incid).


Syntax: automsa
Calculate the msa factor using rint. The final factor will show a constant χ² for all intensity intervals.
Related commands: kfactor, msa, msapower, sigmafactor.


Syntax: autoshell state
Default: autoshell off
Thetamax is the high value of limit theta. top


Syntax: badmother
Set the BADMOTHER flag for equivalent reflections if at least one of the equivalent reflections is forbidden. Use the filter commands allow, forbid and require to enable/disable the BADMOTHER flag once it is set.


Syntax: bfactor


Syntax: bfactorexp expname bfactor
Syntax: bfactorexp all bfactor


Syntax: bfactorread filename
Related command: write bfactor


Syntax: bgqual f
Sets BADBG flag on reflections with background quality > f.
The background quality is determined by eval14 and stored in variable fombg. The default for f is extracted from the datafile.


Change the bravais type. The bravais type is extracted from the input file, but you may change it.
Syntax: bravais code
Code is one of ABCFIPR. pointgroup overview
Related commands: laue, ps. top


Syntax: capillaryaxis f1 f2 f3
Default: capillaryaxis 0 0 1
Defines the capillaryaxis. f1 f2 f3 are coordinates in the laboratory system.
Note, this definition does not use any goniostat information. So think of the crystal as it is mounted on the goniometerhead, and put the goniometer head with the crystal in front of you. Then capillaryaxis 0 0 1 will point to the zenith.


Calculate CC1/2 with the current two groups of split intensities. These two groups are build when


Split and merge all intensities into 2 groups. These groups are used to calculate CC1/2. See glossary on CC1/2 for more information.


Syntax: cell a b c alpha beta gamma orx ory ora
Extracts cell parameters (a b c alpha beta gamma) and orientation (orx ory ora) form the rmatrix. You may then change these parameters. A new rmat will be build.


Syntax: colour item colourname
Sets a colour. Used in the histcount, histo, hkl, icr, plot, plot2d, plotgrid, plotray, plotrefl commands.
item default used by
main darkgoldenrod background main window
fg white hkl, go
bg black all
inray green plotray
histobar1 grey40 histo, histcount
histobar2 white histo, histcount
histoline1 darkgreen lines through histogram points of histo and histcount
histoline2 green calculated line of histo and histcount
label yellow numbers along axes
text yellow labels along axes, title, legenda
ticks grey30 icr, plot, plotc, plotd, plotray
strong red colourtype weak
weak blue colourtype weak
negative blue colourtype weak
renninger cyan icr, plot (if renninger on)
var1 through var11 11 colours from red to blue colourtype var
Use colourvar or colourscheme if you want to change all the colours of var1 - var11.
See also colourbw and colourinvert


Syntax: colourbw state
Default: colourbw off
If set to on, all colours will be set to white, except colour bg, which is set to black.
See also colourinvert


Syntax: colourinvert state
Default: colourinvert off
If set to on, all colours will be inverted. You may set colourinvert on before creating snapshots with ps.
See also colourbw


Syntax: colourscheme bw/rainbow/bry/blueyellow
Default: colourscheme rainbow
Sets the colours of var1 to var11. These colours are used by the colourtype var command.


Syntax: colourtype weak/fixed/sign/var/flag
Default: colourtype weak


Syntax: colourvar 11 colournames
Sets the colours of var1 to var11 (or less if you changed the number of colours with ncolourvar). These colours are used by the colourtype var command. You are prompted for each colour. The answers can be:

Colourvar Examples

Related commands: colour, colourscheme, colourtype var, ncolourvar.


Syntax: common
For every experiment print


Syntax: compareexperiments e1 e2
Compares two experiments e1 e2 and prints the differences (rotation axis, rotaxnumber, goniostat angles, goniostat offsets, swing, detector distance, rotation increment, first and last framenumbers, detzero, detrot, intensity correction, rotation start, rotation end).


Syntax: conevec hkl/uvw/xyz f1 f2 f3
Default: conevec xyz 0 0 1
Defines the cone-vector. The variable cone contains the angle between the diffracting c-vector and this cone-vector. Note, conevec is defined with respect to the crystal and does not take into account the goniostat. So think of the crystal as it is mounted on the goniometerhead, and put the goniometer head with the crystal in front of you. Then conevec xyz 0 0 1 will point to the zenith and conevec hkl 1 0 0 will coincide with a*.


Syntax: copy var1 var2
Copies the values from var1 to var2. Runtime variables are not allowed for var2 (The src column in variables can be anything but c.
copy can be dangerous. It can completely ruin the database.
Another approach is: The following variables only contain data. They are not used by any, unless you define expressions depending on them. You can use these variables as storage for something else.
bga bgb bgc corbg corbox corpeak edgefrac fombg fombox fompeak sigmabad volume
Related commands: expression, overwrite


Syntax: correct none/normal/full/debug
Default: correct normal
Allows command and option corrections. Commands and options are only corrected if input originates from the keyboard, and output is sent to the screen.


You enter h,k,l and any calculates the direction cosines for this reflection and its qivalents. Use to debug the program.


Syntax: coscell n
Default: coscell 1
Direction cosines describe the angles between incoming-xray/reciprocal-axes and outgoing-xray/reciprocal-axes. The coscell command defines which reciprocal axes will be used. n is the rmat number. You may set it to an interfering cell, and the direction cosines will be calculated relative to this other cell.
If you set n to zero, the direction cosines for each hkl are calculated with respect to the corresponding cell (for example: main reflections use rmat 1, interfering reflections use rmat2). See also the Reflection output section on the main page.


Syntax: cosid n
Calculate and print the direction cosines for one reflection with reflection number n.


Syntax: cosines state
Default: cosines on
If set to on, direction cosines will be written to the various reflection files. See also the Reflection output section on the main page. top


Syntax: deactivate n
Deactivates a subplot area. The subplots are numbered (from top to bottom) 1, 2 and 3. Subplot 1 can not be deactivated.
Related command: activate


Calculates and stores the variables imean, smean, smean, delsig, iplus, splus, imin and smin for all reflections using the current filter settings.
Imean = ∑ (v·I) / ∑(v) with v selected according the weightint delta/sigma = (IImean)/σ
With colourtype sign delsig the colour of reflections is dependent on the sign of delta/sigma. You may change the filter settings (for example limit delsig -3 3 no), but the stored delta/sigma's will not change (unless you call delsig again).


Syntax: deoverlap f
This command modifies intensities of overlapping reflections where the main reflection is equivalent to the overlapping one. The new intensity will be multiplied by f.
If ia and ib are the average intensities of the two twin lattices, then f=ia/(ia+ib). If g is the ratio of the two lattices (i.e. ia/ib), then then f=g/(1+g).
This command will only run if allow OVERLAPSUM is set.
Related command: listrefl overequiv.


Syntax: detectorsize left right bottom top
Sets the dimensions of the detector in the detectorwindow. The defaults are extracted from the input file. The detector window is used for the commands plotgrid, plotrefl and plot2d.


Syntax: dict state
Default: dict off
If state=on the output of flagall, flagfilter, list exp, list intensity, list var, minmax and rshell will contain a list of keyword/value pairs. The keywords start with dictname. This output can be used to parse the output of any into another program.
Also, if state=on, the command read will output the EVAL15PROCESS commands from the y-file as !!eval15process-xxxx.


Syntax: dictname label
Default: dictname !!any-
Sets the leading part of keywords of dictionary output (if dict=on).


Syntax: dotsize n
Default: dotsize 1
Sets the dotsize (in pixels). This value is used for the drawing of reflections for dotsizetype fixed.


Syntax: dotsizemax n
Default: dotsize 10
Sets the maximum dotsize for dotsizetype var.


Syntax: dotsizetype fixed/var
Default: dotsizetype fixed


Syntax: drx n
Creates a drxfile. From all reflections passing the reflection filters, a random subset of n reflections will be selected. You can specify the filename with the drxfile command.
The drxfile can be used by DirAx to re-investigate the current lattice.
Note: Dirax will only use 1000 reflections.


Syntax: drxfile name
Sets the name of the drxfile which can be created with the drx command.


Syntax: dump
Default: dump off
Toggles the dump flag. If set, any listing of reflections will print all the information of each reflection. This will generate a lot of output. This command is added for debugging purposes.


Syntax: dumpid n
Print all variables of reflection n in the format dump=on. The reflection constants will also be printed if output=full. top


Exit program.


Syntax: euler state
Default: euler off
Only useable with a kappa goniostat. If state=on, the kappa angles in the list exp command will be converted to eulerian angles.


Syntax: evpylog text
Write text to evpy.log if that file exists in the current directory or up to three levels up in the directory tree.


Exit program.


Enable/Disable experiments. Experiments are complete scans. Experiments are divided into sets.
Syntax: experiment all/none/next/prev/curr (+/-)n ....
Use a plus sign to allow experiments and a minus sign to forbid them. You may enter more selections in one line of input. Use nop or ; to signal the end of options if you want to put more commands on a single line.
option description
all enable all experiments
none disable all experiments
invert toggle all experiments
curr evaluates to the last selected experiment
next evaluates to the next experiment
prev evaluates to the previous experiment
last evaluates to the last experiment
n sets/unsets experiment n
Some examples are given in the set section. (experiment is one of the reflection filter options). Use list exp to print the names and status of all experiments.
You could also use limit expnr, but the experiment command is moch more flexible.
Related command: set.


Syntax: expression n formula.
Defines the formula for expression n

Expression Examples

  1. the total shift of reflections can be defined with:
    expression 1 sqrt(shifthor^2+shiftver^2)

    To print the shifts, use field add expr1 and listrefl refl. Or to see how the shifts change in time you may use plot expr1 nr.
    The variable shiftmm already exists, so you can verify this example with: plot expr1 shiftmm.
  2. The distance between the impact and the centre of the detector can be calculated:
    expression 1 sqrt(hor^2+ver^2)

  3. The incidence angle is:
    expression 2 atand(expr1/dist)

    The variable incid already exists, so you can verify this example with: plot expr2 incid.
  4. Use only reflections with odd h-indices
    expression 3 odd(h)
    limit expr3 1 1 yes

  5. A pixel (at coordinates 12.6 8.7) in experiment 5 is suspect. How to disable all reflections within 2 mm of this pixel.
    Start with calculating the distance from the suspect pixel:
    expression 1 sqrt((12.6-hor)^2+(8.7-ver)^2)

    limit expr1 0 2 no will remove the suspect reflections, but also reflections from the other experiments. So we add a large number to expression 1 if the experiment is not 5:
    expression 2 1000.0*abs(expnr-5)
    expression 3 expr1+expr2
    limit expr3 0 2.0 no

    Another approach: the lt(f,g) function returns 1.0 if f<g and otherwise 0.0. So
    expression 2 lt(expr1,2.0)

    will mark the suspect pixels with a value of 1.0
    The function eq(f,g,v,w) returns v if f=g, otherwise it returns w. We can use this function to limit ourselves to experiment 5.
    expression 3 eq(expnr,5,expr2,0.0)

    Expression 3 evaluates to expression 2 if the experiment number=5, otherwise it evaluates to zero. And expression 2 evaluates to 1.0 only if the pixel is suspect.
    Finally, use the limit command to remove the suspect pixels:
    limit expr3 0 0.1 no

    Expression 3 can be written in one line by subsequent substitution of expr2 and expr1.
    expression 3 eq(expnr,5,lt(sqrt((12.6-hor)^2+(8.7-ver)^2),2.0),0.0)

    This corresponds to the following Fortran code:
    if(expnr.eq.5) then
      if(sqrt( (12.6-hor)**2+(8.7-ver)**2).lt.2.0) then
        result = 1.0
        result = 0.0
      result = 0.0
  6. Calculate abs(I+-I-)/√(σ+²+σ-²) but only for reflections where either I+ or I- unequals zero.
    For all reflections (without the test) this is:
    expression 1 abs(iplus-imin)/sqrt(splus^2+smin^2)

    If both I+ and I- should be nonzero we could multiply both variables. The result is zero if either one is zero:
    expression 2 ne(iplus*imin,0.0)

    This will evaluate to 1.0 if both variables are nonzero.
    To test whether one of them is nonzero, calculate the absolute value of both variables:
    expression 3 max(abs(iplus),abs(imin))

    and check whether the maximum of these two numbers is nonzero:
    expression 4 ne(expr3,0.0)

    To combine expression 1 and 4, we will use the ne function with four arguments:
    expression 4 ne(expr3,0.0,expr1,0.0)

    and in one line:
    expression 4 ne(max(abs(iplus),abs(imin)),0.0,abs(iplus-imin)/sqrt(splus^2+smin^2),0.0)

Related command: allexpressions.


Syntax: expressionalias n s.
Changes the name of expression n into s. The default names are exprn.


Syntax: extract filename
Write reflection information to a file. Use the program extractshoe to extract reflectionboxes for the reflections in this file from the whole set of reflectionboxfiles. As long as the extractfile is open, reflections printed to the screen (using various commands as hkl, listrefl) will be written to the file. Close the file with noextract.


Syntax: extractsubset n filename
Write reflection information for a (random) subset of n reflections passing the reflection filters to a file. You can use the program extractshoe to create a new reflectionboxfile from the whole set of reflectionboxfiles. top


Syntax: fcffilter args
Default: fcffilter *
Set a filter on the status of reflections read by readfcf and readicalc. The reflection status is read from the fcf file in the _refln_observed_status field. The filter consists of one or more characters. If the reflection status is listed in the filter, the reflection will be accepted. Use * to accept all reflections.


Syntax: field add/list/remove/set args
Change the layout of the reflections printed to the screen.
option args description
add variable(s) adds variable(s) to the set
list   show the current set
remove variable(s) remove variable(s) from the set
set fieldnumber variable puts a variable at a specific position
For floating point data, the number of decimals for each variable can be set with precision.
The final column contains a description of the reflection flags. This column may be removed with fieldflags off.

Field Examples

field list
 1 set
 2 refl
 3 h
 4 k
 5 l
 6 intensity
 7 sigma
 8 ioversig
 9 delsig

hkl 0 -2 0
hkl= 0 -2 0 hb=9002 im=1 Theta=6.796 Reso=3.003 MaxInt=757.873 Mean=734.858
(mean=734.858 sigma=8.705 ioversig=84.422 <ioversig>=48.734) Rsym=0.015 Rmeas=0.018 Rpim=0.011 Chi2=0.951 n=3
  nr   boxfil set refl  h  k   l intensity  sigma ioversig delsig
1128 s01f002:   2  125  0 -2   0    745.87  15.17    49.16   0.73 +
1303 s01f002:   2  300  0  2   0    757.87  15.42    49.15   1.49 -EDGEROT
1476 s02f001:   3  168  0  2   0    740.59  15.27    48.51   0.38 +
1578 s02f001:   3  270  0 -2   0    718.42  14.80    48.53  -1.11 +

   3 average:                       734.96  15.08    48.73  -0.00

field add hor ver rot
hkl 0 -2 0
hkl= 0 -2 0 hb=9002 im=1 Theta=6.796 Reso=3.003 MaxInt=757.873 Mean=734.858
(mean=734.858 sigma=8.705 ioversig=84.422 <ioversig>=48.734) Rsym=0.015 Rmeas=0.018 Rpim=0.011 Chi2=0.951 n=3
  nr   boxfil set refl  h  k   l intensity  sigma ioversig delsig    hor    ver     rot
1128 s01f002:   2  125  0 -2   0    745.87  15.17    49.16   0.73 -16.67   9.37   82.63 +
1303 s01f002:   2  300  0  2   0    757.87  15.42    49.15   1.49  -4.55  -7.01  106.22 -EDGEROT
1476 s02f001:   3  168  0  2   0    740.59  15.27    48.51   0.38   0.74   0.85 -178.23 +
1578 s02f001:   3  270  0 -2   0    718.42  14.80    48.53  -1.11  21.28   0.85 -164.63 +

   3 average:                       734.96  15.08    48.73  -0.00   1.78   3.69  -86.74


Syntax: fieldflags state
Default: fieldflags on
Change the layout of the reflections printed to the screen. (hkl, hklm, listrefl)
The contents of the table is controlled by the field command, except for the final column containing the reflection flags. Use fieldflags off to remove this column.


Syntax: fillgap state
Default: fillgap on
While reading reflections from the inputfile, the imagename for each reflection is stored in a list. The variable frame is the indexpointer of the reflection in this list.
If a gap in the images occurs, fillgap controls whether the intermediate images will be inserted into the list. If reflections occur on all images, the setting of fillgap is of no importance. If some images do not contain reflections (small unit cells or very fine sliced images) and fillgap=off, the frame number of the reflections will be wrong. On the other hand, if the first image of a set does not start with number 1, an articifial gap is introduced in the frame numbers.
You can use list images to inspect the frame numbers, image names and number of reflections per image.


Show a summary of the reflection flags for all reflections (ignoring the reflection filters)
Flags for all reflections
Good 1365 Not Good 364 (Weak 282 Not Weak 82) Total: 1729
  Total  Percent NonWeak  Percent
   1365   78.947    1365   94.333 GOOD
    282   16.310                  WEAK
     13    0.752      13    0.898 EDGEVER
     11    0.636      10    0.691 EDGEHOR
     28    1.619      25    1.728 EDGEROT
                      16    1.106 BADBG
     11    0.636      11    0.760 NEGATIVE
     13    0.752                  BADUNIF
      1    0.058       1    0.069 MAXSHIFT

More output will be given after output full:
Flags for all reflections
Good 1365 Not Good 364 (Weak 282 Not Weak 82) Total: 1729
  Nrefl    Code Flags
   1365       0  GOOD (hkl 1 1 5 Set s01f001 Refl 5)
    278       1 WEAK (hkl -2 -7 0 Set s01f001 Refl 6)
      8       2 EDGEVER (hkl -1 -7 -1 Set s01f001 Refl 107)
      8       4 EDGEHOR (hkl 1 -2 8 Set s01f001 Refl 105)
      1       5 WEAK EDGEHOR (hkl -2 -3 0 Set s02f001 Refl 50)
     25       8 EDGEROT (hkl -4 0 -5 Set s01f001 Refl 2)
      3       9 WEAK EDGEROT (hkl -4 -5 -4 Set s01f001 Refl 1)
     15    1024 BADBG (hkl -2 -7 -3 Set s01f001 Refl 96)
      1    1028 EDGEHOR BADBG (hkl -3 2 3 Set s01f001 Refl 447)
     11    8192 NEGATIVE (hkl 0 -6 -5 Set s01f001 Refl 271)
      7   16384 BADUNIF (hkl -1 -6 -7 Set s01f001 Refl 243)
      5   16386 EDGEVER BADUNIF (hkl 0 3 -12 Set s01f001 Refl 699)
      1   16388 EDGEHOR BADUNIF (hkl -3 -3 -5 Set s02f001 Refl 173)
      1   65536 MAXSHIFT (hkl 1 -6 -4 Set s01f001 Refl 373)

  Total  Percent NonWeak  Percent
   1365   78.947    1365   94.333 GOOD
    282   16.310                  WEAK
     13    0.752      13    0.898 EDGEVER
     11    0.636      10    0.691 EDGEHOR
     28    1.619      25    1.728 EDGEROT
                      16    1.106 BADBG
     11    0.636      11    0.760 NEGATIVE
     13    0.752                  BADUNIF
      1    0.058       1    0.069 MAXSHIFT


Show a summary of the reflection flags for all reflections using the reflection filters.
Flags for selected reflections
Require: NONE
Good 1365 Not Good 289 (Weak 278 Not Weak 11) Total: 1654
  Total  Percent NonWeak  Percent
   1365   82.527    1365   99.201 GOOD
    278   16.808                  WEAK
     11    0.665      11    0.799 NEGATIVE

More output will be given after output full:
Flags for selected reflections
Require: NONE
Good 1365 Not Good 289 (Weak 278 Not Weak 11) Total: 1654
  Nrefl    Code Flags
   1365       0  GOOD (hkl 1 1 5 Set s01f001 Refl 5)
    278       1 WEAK (hkl -2 -7 0 Set s01f001 Refl 6)
     11    8192 NEGATIVE (hkl 0 -6 -5 Set s01f001 Refl 271)

  Total  Percent NonWeak  Percent
   1365   82.527    1365   99.201 GOOD
    278   16.808                  WEAK
     11    0.665      11    0.799 NEGATIVE

Related command: limitcount.


Change focus parameters. The focus parameters focusdist, focushor and focusver are used to calculate the coordinates (in the lab system) of the primary beam. The primary beam is used to calculate capillaryin, capillaryout, direction cosines, eta, and renninger.


Set reflection filters. See the flags page.


Syntax: forbidsets variable f1 f2 include
Disable complete sets if at least one of the reflections (passing the reflection filters) fulfills the expression variable f1 f2 include.
The expression is similar to limit.
Example: Disable all sets where at least one reflection has a bgc larger than 25: Related commands: limit, set.


Syntax: formulasigext n
Default: formulasigext 1
Sets the formula used for calculation of the external sigma.
n formula
1 shelx
2 crystals, sortav
More information in the section Mean and Sigma on the main page.
Related command: resultsig.


Syntax: formulasigint n
Default: formulasigint 2
Sets the formula used for calculation of the internal sigma.
n formula
1 standard
2 shelx
3 crystals
4 sortav
More information in the section Mean and Sigma on the main page.
Related command: resultsig.


Syntax: frame n
Lists reflections within frame n. This could also be done using:
limit frame n n+1 yes
listrefl refl


Syntax: frameoffset n
Default: frameoffset 0
The command sadabs writes reflection information to a file. The framenumber is part of this information. The value of n will be added to this framenumber.


Use all reflections in reflection listings. Use nofull to show only selected reflections.


Create a document file. The file will have filetype .doc. In this file you can find the results of flagall, tables for GOOD,WEAK and OVERLAPSPLIT, tables for GOOD and WEAK and tables for GOOD. The tables are requiv, rshell and rexperiment
Related command: redirect. top


Syntax: gaussexp name f1 f2 f3 f4
Sets four coefficients for the gauss function for a specific experiment, identified with the experimentname (not the experiment number). The four coefficients are available as reflection variables gauss1, gauss2, gauss3, gauss4.
Related command: gausspar


Syntax: gausspar f1 f2 f3 f4
Sets four coefficients for the gaussion function:
These four coefficients are automatically calculated for each plot or histo if histoline is on. The four coefficients can be used by the function gauss() in expressions. The four coefficients are available as reflection variables gauss1, gauss2, gauss3, gauss4.
Related command: gaussexp


Alias for ps.


Use the mouse ( left or middle) to pick a reflection in one of the graphics subwindows. The selected reflection will be redrawn in colour label, and the equivalent reflections in colour fg. The reflections will also be printed. Click-able windows are created with: icr, plot, plot2d, plotgrid, plotray, plotrefl.

Go back to the commandlevel by clicking the right mouse button.


Allow good reflections in the filters. Use nogood to disable these reflections. See the flags page.


Syntax: gridsize n
Default: gridsize 5
With the plotgrid command, the average value of a reflection variable can be plotted. The area over which the average is calculated is set by gridsize. gridsize 1 corresponds to the area occupied by one pixel in the 2d window (note: this is NOT the pixelsize of the original image). By increasing gridsize, the number of areas decreases while their sizes increase. The number of areas will also change if the number of pixels in the 2d window changes (for example after window fraction). top


Start a browser with information about any.


Syntax: histcount variable [scale]
Create a histogram of a variable along the horizontal axis.


Syntax: histcountmax n
Default: histcountmax -1.
Controls the scaling of the vertical axis in a histcount plot. If n is negative, the plot will be scaled between zero and the highest histogram value. If n is positive, the scale will extend from 0 to n.
Related command: histoautoscalever


Syntax: histo variable1 [variable2 [multiply] ]
Create a histogram of two variables. variable1 along the vertical and int(variable2*multiply) along the horizontal axis. multiply defaults to 1.0


Syntax: histoautoscalehor state
Default: histoautoscalehor off.
If off, the horizontal scaling of histo and histcount plots is set to the extreme values of the horizontal variable. You may use plotlimit to specify less extreme values.
If on the horizontal plot boundaries are set to the actual lowest and highest values (of reflections passing the reflection filters).


Syntax: histoautoscalever state
Default: histoautoscalvere on.
If on, the vertical scaling of histo and histcount plots is set to the actual highest and lowest values.
If off, the vertical range is set to the extreme values of the vertical variable. You may set different limits with plotlimit.
Related command: histcountmax


Syntax: histobar state
Default: histobar on.
If set, the histogram bars of the histcount and histo commands wil be drawn in colours colour histobar1 and colour histobar2. The width of the bars is controlled by histobarfraction.


Syntax: histobarfraction f
Default: histobarfraction 0.95.
The widths of the histogram bars is set to f (0.0 to 1.0).


Syntax: histobinfactor f
Default: histobinfactor 1.0.
Divide the number of bins by f.
Related commands: histo and histcount


Syntax: histoempty f
Default: histoempty 0.0.
The histo command will assign the value of every bin to the histo variable of corresponding reflections. If a bin is empty, the value of f will be used.


Syntax: histofile filename
If set, all histogram values of histcount and/or histo commands will be written to filename.
The filename can be closed with nohistofile.
Related command: histoprint,


Syntax: histogauss n
Default: histogauss 0.
Fits a gauss curve through a histogram.
y = baseline + scale*exp(-0.5*(x-mean)/sigma)²) If set to nonzero, the curve of the histcount and histo commands wil be drawn in colour colour histoline1 (the observed lines between the maxima of the histogram) and colour histoline2 (the fitted curve).
Related commands: histoline, histolinezero.


Syntax: histoline state
Default: histoline off.
Fit a line through the histogram
y = a + b*x
If set, the line of the histcount and histo commands wil be drawn in colour colour histoline1 (the observed lines between the maxima of the histogram) and colour histoline2 (the calculated line). Whether the lines pass through the origin depends on histolinezero
Related commands: histogauss, histolinezero.


Syntax: histolinezero state
Default: histoline off.

Related commands: histogauss, histoline.


Syntax: histonorm state
Default: histonorm on
The hist command calculates histograms by summing the values of the requested variable per bin. With histonorm on, these sums are divided by the number of contributing reflections and the histogram will thus show the average value per bin. With histonorm off, these sums are not divided, and the histogram will show the summed value per bin.


Syntax: histoprint state
Default: histoprint off.
If set, histograms, created by then histcount and histo commands, will be printed to the screen.
Related command: histofile,


Syntax: histosmooth n
Default: histosmooth -1.
If set to a positive value, the histogram, created by histo, will be smoothed by a moving mean with size 2n+1 (from -n to +n)


Syntax: hkl h k l
You enter the reflection indices h k and l. The program shows all reflections equivalent to this one.
Any> hkl 1 2 3
hkl 1 2 3 ==> hkl -1 -2 -3 multiplicity=8
hkl= -1 -2 -3 hb=407 im=1 Theta=10.038 Reso=2.039 MaxInt=197.755 Mean=186.509
(mean=186.509 sigma=1.415 ioversig=131.853 <ioversig>=44.237) Rsym=0.023 Rmeas=0.024 Rpim=0.008 Chi2=1.84 n=10
  nr   boxfil set refl  h  k   l intensity  sigma ioversig delsig
   4 s01f001:   1    4  1 -2   3    171.75   3.59    47.86  -4.11 -EDGEROT
  42 s01f001:   1   42 -1 -2  -3    184.98   4.35    42.56  -0.35 +
 232 s01f001:   1  232 -1  2   3    187.02   4.26    43.90   0.12 +
 417 s01f001:   1  417  1 -2  -3    182.90   4.20    43.56  -0.86 +
 564 s01f001:   1  564 -1  2  -3    190.27   3.96    48.01   0.95 +
 665 s01f001:   1  665 -1 -2   3    176.32   4.04    43.60  -2.52 +
 843 s01f001:   1  843  1  2  -3    184.17   4.23    43.57  -0.55 +
1244 s01f002:   2  241 -1 -2  -3    182.78   4.27    42.83  -0.87 +
1333 s02f001:   3   25  1  2   3    189.10   4.23    44.66   0.61 +
1510 s02f001:   3  202 -1  2  -3    197.75   4.41    44.87   2.55 +
1549 s02f001:   3  241 -1 -2  -3    189.44   4.23    44.82   0.69 +

  10 average:                       186.47   4.22    44.24  -0.02


In all (present) graphics subwindows the reflections will be highlighted with colour fg and size specified by dotsize.
For incommensurate datasets you may use the following commands:
Related command: limithkl.


Closes the reflection file. (created with hklf4, hklf4merge, hklf5, hklf5merge, hklf6merge, sadabs or twinabs).
If hkltrailer=on, an XML-like trailer is appended to the reflection file if the file was created with hklf4, hklf4merge, hklf5 or hklf5merge.


Writes hklf4 formatted reflections to the reflection file. See also the Reflection output section on the main page.
Related command: hklf4merge.


Syntax: hklf4batch variable
Default: hklf4batch expnr
Sets the reflection file batch number. You may choose any available variable, but the resulting batchnumber is limited to values between 1 and 9999.


Writes hklf4 formatted reflections to the reflection file. Equivalent reflections are merged. See the section Mean and Sigma on the main page for more information on the calculations of average intensity and corresponding sigma. See also the Reflection output section on the main page.
Related command: hklf4.


Syntax: hklf4sf f
Default: hklf4sf -1
Sets the intensity scale factor to acccomodate the shelx format. If f is negative (the default), a scalefactor for writing the reflection file will be calculated to accomodate the shelx format. For every hklf4, jana or sadabs command, a new scale factor will be used. If this is not desirable you may set the scalefactor with hklf4sf. If you select a too large value for f you may run into formaterrors while writing the reflection file.


Writes hklf5 formatted reflections to the reflection file. See also hklf5merge.
See the TwinPage for an example of handling twin datasets. See also the Reflection output section on the main page.


Syntax: hklf5batch n n ...
Sets the batch number for the hklf5, hklf5merge and twinabs output files. Specify a batch number for each of the available matrices.


Writes hklf5 formatted reflections to the reflection file. Equivalent reflections are merged. See the section Mean and Sigma on the main page for more information on the calculations of average intensity and corresponding sigma. See also the Reflection output section on the main page.


Syntax: hklf5sf f
Sets the intensity scale factor to acccomodate the shelx F8.0 format. The default value of f is set during the first evocation of one one the hklf5, hklf5merge or twinabs commands. Use this command to fix the scale factor.
Related commands: hklf5, hklf5merge and twinabs.


Writes hklf6 formatted reflections to the reflection file. Equivalent reflections are merged. See the section Mean and Sigma on the main page for more information on the calculations of average intensity and corresponding sigma. See also the Reflection output section on the main page.


Syntax: hklfilename filename
Default: hklfilename shelx
Sets the filename for various reflection output files. The filetype depends on the command with which the reflections are written.
command type
hklf4 hkl
hklf4merge hkl
hklf5 hklf5
hklf5merge hklf5
hklf6merge hk6
mtz mtz
sadabs sad
sadabs with qvector ram
twinabs sam
The commands hklf4, hklf4merge, hklf5, hklf5merge and hklf6merge do not close the reflection file. Subsequent invocations will append reflections to the file unless the file is closed with hklclose.


Syntax: hklm h k l m n p
You enter the reflection indices h k l and (depending on the number of q-vectors) m n and p. The output is similar to hkl


Syntax: hkltrailer state
Default: hkltrailer on
If on, a XML-like trailer will be written at the end of a reflections file created by hklf4 or hklf5.


Syntax: htmlfilter state
Default: htmlfilter off
If on, (almost) all screen output will be filtered. The following changes are made: This allows inclusion of the output into html documents.


Syntax: hybrid f15 f14
Default: hybrid 5 10
Combines eval14 and eval15 data. The value of variable ioversig and the arguments f15 and f14 control the merging. The new intensity and sigma are calculated as follows: The new intensity is f * I15 + (1 - f) * I14

The new sigma is √( f² * σ15² + (1 - f)² * σ14² )



Syntax: hybridscale f
Default: hybridscale 1.0
The hybrid commands combines eval15 and eval14 results. The values of eval14i and eval14s will be multiplied by f
If f is negative, the scale factor will be calculated from Σ(Intensity)/Σ(eval14i). top


Syntax: icr variable
Creates a plot with the deviations of reflections with respect to their mean value. Only reflections with at least icrmin equivalents are plotted. The points are plotted as a function of variable.

Icr Examples

The size of the dots depends on dotsizetype and the colour depends on colourtype. If the deviations are too big (see icrscale), the point will be plotted at the edge of the area (these extreme reflections are also printed to the screen if output=full).
Use icrtype ioversig if you want to examine the differences of Intensity/Sigma instead of Intensity. Use icrscale to change the vertical plotrange. The coordinates of the icr plot can be written to a file with the xyicr command.
Once the icr subwindow is active, reflections selected with hkl will be highlighted.


Syntax: icrmin n
Default: icrmin 2
Sets the minimum number of equivalents for the icr command.


Syntax: icrscale f
Default: icrscale 2.0
Sets the vertical scale for the icr command. The default value of 2 will set the display reflections from 1/2 to 2 times the average intensity.


Syntax: icrtype intensity/ioversig
Default: icrtype intensity
Applicable in the various icr plots. On intensity, the deviations of all reflections from their mean intensity is plotted. On ioversig, the value of Intensity/Sigma is plotted relative to the mean of Intensity/Sigma.


Syntax: imagescale all/nr f
Change the scale factor of one (nr) or all images to f.
Related commands: imagescaleread, imagescalefine, write imagescale.


Syntax: imagescalecalc n
Calculate image scale factors. (Ii/Imean corresponds to the icr-value of a reflection).
The imagescalefactors are accessible via reflection variable imscale


Syntax: imagescaleread file
Read image scale factors from file.
Related commands: imagescale, imagescalerefine, write imagescale.


Syntax: imagescalerefine f first last
Refine image scale factors starting with an initial offset of f. Only image between first and last are considered.
Related commands: imagescale, imagescaleread, write imagescale.


Syntax: imagescaletop n
Change the image scale factors.
Related commands: imagescaleread, imagescalefine, write imagescale. top


Syntax: jana
Creates a file jana.hkl. This reflection file can be used by the jana program (by Vaclav Petricek and Michal Dusek,


Alias for ps. top


Syntax: kfactor kf
Default: kfactor 1.0
Recalculate the sigma's of all reflections. See the Mean and Sigma section on the main page.
kf is available in expressions as kfactor.
Related commands: automsa, msa, msapower, sigmafactor. top


Syntax: label n
Default: label 5
Sets the number of requested horizontal labels in the plot, histo and histcount plots to n. A value of zero disables both horizontal and vertical labels.


Change the point group symmetry. The point group symmetry is extracted from the input file, but you may change it.
Syntax: laue code
laue group overview
Related commands: bravais, pg.


Syntax: limit variable f1 f2 include
Sets limits on one of the reflection variables. If include=yes, the value of variable should lie between f1 and f2.
If include=no, the value of variable should lie outside f1 and f2.
Unset the limits by invoking limit with (too) extreme values, or use the unlimit command.

Note: you can use limit set and limit expnr, but the commands set and experiment give more flexibility.
Related commands: forbidsets, limitcount, limithkl, plotlimit, varlimit.


Show the reflection count for all limit conditions. This command will set the constant nallowed, which can be used with expression.
Related command: flagfilter.


Syntax: limithkl h k l
Limits reflection indices to h k l and their equivalents. From the reflection indices h k l calculate the pointers hb and im of the mother reflection and set a limit on these pointers.
Related commands: hkl, limitrecip, unlimithkl.


Syntax: limitrecip h k l
Each of the arguments can be Examples: Related command: unlimitrecip.


Syntax: limitrmat n allow/forbid/list
If more than one matrix is set (by the input file), you may use this command to control the influence of interfering matrices. n is the matrix number of the interfering matrix (you may specify limitrmat all). The limitrmat command is only available of multiple cell matrices are available.


Syntax: list exp/expactive/expression/images/intensity/possible/region/scans/set/var


Syntax: listrefl refl/mother/equiv/bad/reject/renninger/lost/mis/overlap/overequiv/double/2over
Various commands to show reflections. See the section Mean and Sigma on the main page for more information on calculating average intensities and corresponding sigma's.
For most of the options, a table of reflections is printed. With field variables can be added or removed in this table. The number of decimals for floating point variables can be changed with precision. top


Syntax: meantype runtime/imean/icalc
Default: meantype runtime
In the various calculations of Rsym and χ² (see Rsym), the average intensity Imean and the number of contributing equivalent reflections nmean are used.


Syntax: minmax variable
Prints the actual minimum and maximum value of variable. These values are also available to expressions as lowvariable and highvariable.

minmax example

Select the reflections with a maximum number of equivalents. Firstly determine the maximum (and minimum), and secondly set a limit.
minmax equiv2
limit equiv2 highequiv2 highequiv2 yes


Syntax: modprint n
Default: modprint 10000
If the number of reflections exceeds 10*n, a progress meter will be displayed for various file-generating commands ( hklf4, hklf4merge, hklf5, hklf5merge, hklf6merge, mtz, pk, sadabs, twinabs ). Every n'th reflection will display a character on the screen.


Syntax: more state
Default: more on
Some commands display only one page of output. The user has to enter a enter to get the next screen. By setting more to off all output is given without interrupt ( and you can limit the amount of output with nnomore).


Syntax: msa factor
Default: msa 0.02
Recalculate the sigma's of all reflections. See the Mean and Sigma section on the main page.
sadabs and twinabs determine msa themselve. Both programs assume the sigma's are as they are, thus with no msa correction. There is a but: reflections with an I/σ exceeding 1000.0 are (erroneously) flagged as too strong by Sadabs. To avoid unnecessary elimination of these reflections, an msa of 0.001 is advised. The sadabs command will increase msa to 0.001 if necessary.
factor is available in expressions as msafactor.
Related commands: automsa, kfactor, msapower, sigmafactor.


Syntax: msapower f
Default: msapower 2
Recalculate the sigma's of all reflections. See the Mean and Sigma section on the main page.
f is available in expressions as msapower.
Related commands: automsa, kfactor, msa, sigmafactor.


Syntax: mtz boxprofile/merge/separate/unmerged
Creates a ccp4 mtz file (the filename may be set using hklfilename). Note: mtz files are not suitable for incommensurate data, nor for overlapping reflections.


Syntax: mtzctruncate state
Default: mtzctruncate on
Controls whether mtz will run ctruncate and/or truncate. top


Syntax: ncolourvar n
Default: ncolourvar 11
Sets the number of colours used in the colourtype var command. The maximum value is 11.
Related commands: colourscheme, colourtype var, colourvar, varlimit.


Syntax: nintensity n
Sets the number of intensity intervals used by the command rint.


Syntax: nnomore n
Default: nnomore 500
Sets the maximum number of output lines for list commands if more is off.


Syntax: noextract
Closes the file created with extract.


Show only selected reflections in the listings. Use full to show all reflections.


Disables good reflections in the filters. Use good to enable these reflections. See the flags page.


Syntax: nohistofile
Closes the file, created by histofile.


Syntax: noplotlimit variable(s)
Reset the limits (set by a previous plotlimit command) to the initial values.


Disable the presentationscale.


Syntax: novarlimit variable(s)
Reset the limits (set by a previous varlimit command) to the initial values.


Syntax: nshell n
Default: nshell 10
Sets the number of shells for the rshell command. The shell boundaries are calculated to let each shell have approximately the same number of reflections. See autoshell. top


Syntax: omitsum state
Default (eval14 data): omitsum on
Default (eval15 data): omitsum off
This command affects the writing of OVERLAPSUM reflections using the hklf5 , hklf5merge and twinabs commands.
Use listrefl double to show these reflections.
Note: omitsum has no effect if overlapping reflections are not allowed (forbid overlapsum).


Syntax: output none/normal/full/debug
Default: output normal
Controls the amount of output.


Syntax: overwrite variable expressionnr
Overwrites one of the variables. Use this with extreme caution. The contents of variable will be overwritten by the value of expression expressionnr. Related command: copy top


Syntax: pg code
Change the point group symmetry. The point group symmetry is extracted from the input file, but you may change it.
This will change the mother database and consequently the variables delsig, equiv, half1, half2, imean, imin, iplus. smean, smin, splus.
pointgroup overview
Related commands: bravais, laue.


Syntax: pk
Creates a pk file. This file can be used by peakref to do a refinement of detector positions, cell dimensions and orientation.

The format of the reflections in the pk file depends on
In peakref, the rotation residue depends on data format:

Only reflections with nshift>0 are written to the pkfile.
Nonpositive values of nshift have the following meaning: If you want to write non-shifted reflections also, you may want to use
copy nshift expr7
expression 8 1
copy expr8 nshift
copy expr7 nshift

Related commands: pkbatch, pkexpnr, pkfile, pkimean, pkimpact, pkset.


Syntax: pkbatch expnr/set
Default: pkbatch expnr
Sets the pk file experiment name (similar to hklf4batch).


Syntax: pkexpnr
Creates separate pk files for all allowed experiments. With experiment or set the allowed sets can be defined.
The pkfiles can be used by peakref to do a refinement of detector positions, cell dimensions and orientation. Only reflections with shifts are written to the pk file. The format of the reflections in the pk file depends on shiftrestfrac and pkrestfrac. The pkfiles will be named
Related commands: pk, pkset.


Syntax: pkfile name
Sets the name of the pk file which can be created with the pk, pkexp, pkimpact and pkset commands.


Syntax: pkimean state
Default: pkimean off
If on, the value of imean will also be written by pk to the pkfile. This information can be useful in peakref to minimize delicr=abs(Ii-Imean)/Imean.


Syntax: pk
Creates a pk file. This file can be used by peakref to refine for example detector position, cell dimensions and orientation.
Related commands: pk, pkbatch, pkexpnr, pkfile, pkimean, pkset.


Syntax: pkkenau
Create a pkfile (similar to pk), but for every group of equivalent reflections, only the strongest one will be written.


Syntax: pkrestfrac f
Default: pkrestfrac 0.0
Determines the format of reflections while writing a pkfile with pk, pkexpnr and pkset.
Reflections with shiftrestfrac is only available with EVAL15 data.


Syntax: pkset
Creates separate pk files for all allowed sets (i.e.boxfiles). With experiment or set the allowed sets can be defined.
These files can be used by peakref to do a refinement of detector positions, cell dimensions and orientation. Only reflections with shifts are written to the pk file. The format of the reflections in the pk file depends on shiftrestfrac and pkrestfrac. The files will be named
You may want to use pkbatch set to create a single pkfile, where each set will be treated by peakref as a separate experiment.
Related commands: pk, pkexpnr.


Syntax: plot variable1 [variable2]
Create a scatterplot of two variables. variable1 along the vertical and variable2 along the horizontal axis. If you omit variable2 it remains the same (the initial value is frame).
Normal reflection filters are applied. You can set the plot boundaries with plotlimit. The plot area is surrounded by a box in colour ticks, the values along the axes are drawn in colour label and the legenda is drawn in colour text. The colour of the dots is set by colourtype, and the size is set by dotsizetype. The coordinates of the plot can be written to a file with the xyplot command.
Once the plotrefl subwindow is active, reflections selected with hkl will be highlighted.


Syntax: plot2d
Plots the horizontal and vertical shifts on the detector as a function of the impact position. Normal reflection filters are applied. Shifts are multiplied with the value of plot2dmagnify. The (magnified) shift is drawn according to colourtype. The final impact is drawn as a dot in colour fg with size dotsizetype. The dimensions of the detector can be set by detectorsize.


Syntax: plot2dfixscale state
Default: plot2dfixscale on


Syntax: plot2dmagnify n
Default: plot2dmagnify 10
The magnification of the shifts in the plot2d command.


Syntax: plotc
Plots the c-vectors in a position with all goniostat angles zero. You will see stereographic projections of two hemispheres. The crystal is in the center of the spheres. Use wulffvec to define the view direction.
Related command: plotd, plotray.


Syntax: plotd
Plots the c-vectors in diffacting position. You will see stereographic projections of two hemispheres. The crystal is in the center of the spheres. Use wulffvec to define the view direction.
Related commands: plotc, plotray.


Syntax: plotdelsig f
colourtype and limit delsig will be restored to their original values.


Syntax: plotgrid
Plots a 2-dimensional histogram. The average value of the variable, selected with colourtype var, will be plotted. The value is averaged over an area on the detector. The size of this area is controlled by gridsize. Reflection filters are used. The colour of the histogram is controlled by colourtype. The dimensions of the detector can be set by detectorsize.


Syntax: plotlimit variable f1 f2
Sets plot limits on one of the reflection variables. Plot limits are used only to change the appearance of the plots (see plot, histcount and histo combined with histoautoscalehor off or histoautoscalever off). (Use limit if you want to filter out reflections).
noplotlimit restores the initial values.
Related commands: limit, noplotlimit, plotlimitactual, varlimit.


Syntax: plotlimitactual variable
Set plot limits on one of the reflection variables to the actual minimum and maximum value.
Related command: plotlimit


Syntax: plotray
Plots the InRays and OutRays. You will see stereographic projections of two hemispheres. The crystal is in the center of the spheres. The InRays are drawn in colour inray, the outrays follow the strong/weak colour scheme.
Use wulffvec to define the view direction.
Related command2: plotc, plotd.


Syntax: plotrefl
Plots the 2-dimensional impacts of reflections. Reflection filters are used. The colour of the reflections is controlled by colourtype. The dotsize can be set with dotsize. The dimensions of the detector can be set by detectorsize.


Syntax: plotshell
Runs the rshell command, and draws a histogram of one of the output columns (selectable by shcolumn).


Syntax: precision variable n
Sets the number of decimals places of a (floating point) reflection variable to n.
The default value is 2 with the following exceptions: The actual values are displayed in output full mode with list var.


Syntax: presentationscale f
Intensities are presented on a arbitrary scale (the median of the sigma's will be scaled to 2.0). You may change this scalefactor with the presentationscale command. Specify a negative value if you want to reset to the default. If you want to disable the scalefactor use the nopresentationscale command.
The presentationscale is only used for printing intensities and sigma's to the screen ( intensity, sigma, sigmaorig, renninger, eval14i, eval14s, imean, smean, imin, smin, iplus, splus, icalc, iobs, half1, half2 )
Other scale factors control the scaling in output files. See also the Scaling section on the main page.


Syntax: primarybeam f
Sets the intensity of the primary beam. It is used to calculate the renningerscore to guess the intensity change. The default value is the intensity of the strongest reflection. f is scaled using presentationscale (similar to intensities).
Note: increasing the value of f lowers the number of possible renninger reflections, unless you lower the value of renningerthreshold too.
Related commands: renninger, renningerthreshold, testrenninger


Syntax: ps window filename.
A hardcopy of one of the windows will be written to filename using the ImageMagick command import.
window description
1 the whole window
2 the part filled by plot
3 the part filled by plotrefl and plotdelsig
4 the upper hemisphere filled by plotc, plotd and plotray
5 the lower hemisphere filled by plotc, plotd and plotray
The format of the hardcopy file is determined by filename.
 ps 1
 ps 2 hard.jpg
 ps 2 hard.gif


Syntax: psitype n
Default: psitype 1
Set the algorithm for the calculation of reflection variable psi. top


Prints some numbers describing the quality of the data. This output is also appended the various hkl files.

Quality Example

<QUALITY R="0.024" RMEAS="0.027" CHI2="1.899" MEANINTENSITY="6603.374" MEANSIGMA="1.415" />


Syntax: qvc
Sets qvector filter. You specify the order for all available qvectors. The resulting qvp is set in the qvp filter. You may also use qvp. (qvc is one of the reflection filter options).


Syntax: qvp n
If qvectors are used in the dataset, you can select specific reflections with this command. Use qvp all to disable the filter. (qvp is one of the reflection filter options).
Related command: qvc. top


Syntax: r
Redraw all pictures.


Syntax: read filename
Read reflections from filename. Existing reflections will be discarded (use readapend to add reflections). The default filetype is .y. Compressed files .Z .gz .bz2 are allowed.
Use fillgap to control the insertion of images with no reflections.
After reading filename, the files filename.anc and/or will be executed if they exist.
Related commands: readappend, readfcalc readfcf, readhkl, readhklis, readhklv, readhk6, readicalc readraw, readsad, xyzzy.


Syntax: readappend filename
Read reflections from filename. The reflections are added to the existing set of reflections (Use read to read new file after removing existing reflections first). The default filetype is .y. Compressed files .Z .gz .bz2 are allowed.
If a file filename.anc exists, it will be executed.
After reading filename, the files filename.anc and/or will be executed if they exist.


Syntax: readfcalc filename
Add Fcalc and Fobs from filename to the existing reflection database. This procedure is the same as readicalc, but all Fcalc and Fobs values will be squared to Iobs and Icalc.


Syntax: readfcf filename
Read reflections from fcf file filename.
Start with entering an rmat file and the wavelength. (You may avoid this by first reading an yfile; the rmat and wavelength are then assumed to be correct).
Reflections will be filtered using fcffilter using the value of _refln_observed_status.
fcf field any variable
_refln_index_h h
_refln_index_k k
_refln_index_l l
_refln_F_squared_meas intensity
_refln_F_squared_sigma sigma
_refln_F_squared_calc icalc
_refln_observed_status status

The available variables after this command are h k l intensity sigma icalc and the derived variables ioversig nr refl reso shell sigmaorig theta


Syntax: readhk6 filename
Read reflections from (shelx hk6 type) filename. Every line should at least contain: h k l m n p intensity sigma with format 6i4,2f8.2.
Start with entering an rmat file and the wavelength. (You may avoid this by first reading an yfile; the rmat and wavelength are then assumed to be correct).
The available variables after this command are delsig equiv equiv2 h imean intensity ioversig k l m (n,p) nr refl reso rsym set shell sigma sigmaorig smean theta


Syntax: readhkl filename
Read reflections from (shelx hklf4 or hklf5 type) filename. Every line should at least contain: h k l intensity sigma batch with format 3i4,2f8.2,i4.
Start with entering an rmat file and the wavelength. (You may avoid this by first reading an yfile; the rmat and wavelength are then assumed to be correct).
The available variables after this command are delsig equiv equiv2 expnr h icr imean intensity ioversig k l nr refl reso rmeas rpim rsym set shell sigma sigmaorig smean theta


Syntax: readhklis filename
Read reflections from filename.
Every line should contain: h k l intensity sigma with format 3i5,2f10.2.

Start with entering an rmat file and the wavelength. (You may avoid this by first reading an yfile; the rmat and wavelength are then assumed to be correct).
The available variables after this command are delsig equiv equiv2 expnr h icr imean intensity ioversig k l nr refl reso rmeas rpim rsym set shell sigma sigmaorig smean theta


Syntax: readhklv filename [batchoffset]
Read intensities and sigma's from a reflections file, processed by Sadabs and created with the Sadabs V-option. Such a file contains the frame number of the original reflections.
Every line should contain: h k l intensity sigma batch frame with format 3i4,2f8.2,i4,f8.1. The optional batchoffset will be added to batch.
readhklv replaces intensity and sigmaorig.


Syntax: readicalc filename
Add Icalc and Iobs from filename to the reflection database. The expected format depends on the filetype. The data are stored in the mother-database variables pMicalc and pMiobs and available for all reflections as iobs and icalc.
Related commands: meantype, readfcalc.


Syntax: readraw filename
Read reflections from (saint raw file) filename. The following variables will be available: delsig equiv equiv2 expnr frame h hor intensity imean ioversig k l nr refl reso rmat rsym set shell sigma sigmaorig sister smean swing theta ver.


Syntax: readsad filename
Read reflections from (sadabs input file) filename. The following variables will be available: delsig equiv equiv2 expnr frame h hor intensity imean ioversig k l nr refl reso rmat rsym set shell sigma sigmaorig sister smean swing theta ver.


Syntax: readsca filename
Read reflections from (scalepack) filename. The file has to be written by scalepack with the option no merge original index. The first 13 lines will be ignored.
Start with entering an rmat file and the wavelength. (You may avoid this by first reading an yfile; the rmat and wavelength are then assumed to be correct).
The following variables will be available after this command: delsig equiv equiv2 h imean intensity ioversig k l nr refl reso rsym shell sigma sigmaorig smean theta


Syntax: redirect screen/filename
You specify the name of an outputfile; all subsequent output will be written to this file (appended if the file already exists) . Return to normal status with redirect screen.


Syntax: region n box x1 y1 x2 y2 state
Syntax: region n circle x y f state
Syntax: region n reso rmin rmax state
Syntax: region n delete
Define a region on the detector. The BADPOS flag is set for reflections inside this region (state=yes) or outside this region (state=no).
n is a region number (1-10). Use list region to print all regions. (If output=debug the flagged reflections will be printed)


Syntax: reject f
Set REJECT flag for reflections if | Ii−Imean | > fi.
The number of equivalent reflections must be at least 3.
Imean is calculated for the group of equivalent reflections (passing the reflection filters). Then for every reflection, Δ/σ is evaluated. If the largest Δ/σ exceeds f, that reflection is rejected. This process is repeated as long as reflections are being rejected and the number of remaining reflections is larger than 2.
Note, the evalations of Imean and Δ/σ is done with temporary variables. The values of the reflection variables imean and delsig are not affected by the rejection process. You may want to invoke the delsig command after using reject.
See the section Mean and Sigma on the main page for more information on Imean and sigma.
f is available in expressions as rejectfactor.
Related commands: rejectmanual, rejectoverlap, tooweak and unreject.


Syntax: rejectmanual f
Same as reject but you will be prompted to set the REJECT flag.
Related commands: reject, rejectoverlap and unreject.


Syntax: rejectoverlap
Reject all reflections with more than one overlap.
Related commands: reject, rejectmanual and unreject.


Syntax: renameexperiments s
Renames all experiments to sXXX with XXX the experimentnumber.
You can use mergey to combine several eval15 y-files, even from various datasets. There is a chance that different sets actuallly have the same name, f.e s01f001, but were merged together from different directories. These differences are handled by any.
In any you normally use only the experiment number (expnr) or set number (set), so the fact that two sets have identical names is no problem. But if these names are used during import (for example rmatexp, rmatexpfile) or export (for example pk or write imagescale) the sets are possibly identified by other programs by their name, not their number. renameexperiments can be used to create unique names.


Syntax: renninger state
Default: renninger off
If state=on the variable renninger will be activated. The variable contains the renninger score.
Use testrenninger to investigate a specific reflection. Use listrefl renninger to print all renninger reflections. If you want to exclude reflections whose intensities can be influenced by the renninger effect, use Related commands: primarybeam and testrenninger.


Syntax: renningernormalize state
Default: renningernormalize on
If on the intensities of reflections will be divided by the length of the reflection vector (sin(θ)/λ) while calculating the renninger score. See the explanation on the renninger score.


Syntax: renningersimult state
Default: renningersimult 0.001
Sets the criterium for the simultane occurance of renninger reflections. See the explanation on the renninger score.


Syntax: renningerthreshold f
Default: renningerthreshold 0.1
Sets a minimum threshold (fraction of primarybeam) for renninger reflections. See the explanation on the renninger score.


Set reflection filters. See the flags page. If a specific flag is not in the allow list, it will be moved from the forbid list to the allow list. Unselectable flags are not added to the require list.


Show rmerge for different number of equivalent reflections.
Rmerge for different number of equivalents
Require: NONE
Nequi nUni nRsym  Rsym Rmeas  Rpim Chi2
   11    2    22 0.026 0.027 0.008 1.49
   10    5    50 0.022 0.023 0.007 1.63
    9    8    72 0.026 0.027 0.009 2.01
    8   14   112 0.022 0.024 0.008 2.20
    7   17   119 0.022 0.024 0.009 2.20
    6   29   174 0.024 0.026 0.011 1.50
    5   44   220 0.032 0.036 0.016 2.89
    4   89   356 0.026 0.030 0.015 1.79
    3  104   312 0.021 0.026 0.015 1.73
    2   96   192 0.015 0.021 0.015 1.91
Total  408  1629 0.024 0.027 0.012 1.97
    1   25    25
Total  433  1654

More information in the section Rsym on the main page.


Syntax: resultsig n
Default: resultsig 3
Sets the formula used for calculation of the sigma of the mean.
n formula
1 FormulaSigInt
2 FormulaSigExt
3 max(FormulaSigInt,FormulaSigExt)
4 min(FormulaSigInt,FormulaSigExt)
More information in the section Mean and Sigma on the main page.


Show rmerge for the different experiments.
Rmerge for different experiments
Require: NONE
Exp      set1 set2 Uni1 Uni2+ nRsym nMean     R Rmeas  Rpim Chi2    <I> <Sig> <I/s>
  1 s01f    1    2   58   365  1202  1260 0.024 0.029 0.015 2.01 237.72  5.72 26.59
  2 s02f    3    3   96    96   222   318 0.016 0.022 0.014 1.78 220.55  5.35 24.69
  3 s03f    4    4   38    19    38    76 0.015 0.021 0.015 1.35 237.34  5.74 28.48

More information in the section Rsym on the main page.


Show rmerge for different intensity intervals. The number of intervals is set by nintensity. This command uses imean as data source. Negative values are ignored.
400 <intensities>  from 0.041 to 4991.264
Require: NONE
<Int1>  <Int2>     R Rmeas  Rpim Chi2 nUni nRsym     <I> nMean
  0.0     0.8  2.058 2.464 1.310 2.68   36   140    0.30   143
  0.8     5.4  0.388 0.460 0.240 3.49   35   124    2.70   129
  5.4    20.2  0.104 0.126 0.069 2.95   40   151   12.59   152
 20.2    44.7  0.047 0.055 0.029 1.75   39   152   32.77   152
 44.7    81.3  0.026 0.030 0.015 1.09   39   155   64.27   156
 81.3   123.0  0.025 0.029 0.014 1.37   40   161   99.92   162
123.0   199.4  0.019 0.022 0.011 1.08   39   151  162.20   151
199.4   330.0  0.019 0.022 0.010 1.34   40   180  256.44   181
330.0   576.1  0.017 0.020 0.010 1.36   34   136  443.92   142
576.1  4991.3  0.024 0.027 0.012 2.53   39   184 1190.90   185
j= 10 a= 2.865 slope= -0.19 abdev= 0.544

More information in the section Rsym on the main page.


Show rmerge for all different laue groups. You may examine the results and decide to change the symmetry with pg.
pg        R Rmeas  Rpim     Chi2 Uni1 Uni2+ nRsym
-1    0.020 0.027 0.017     1.88  812   369   842 -1    Triclinic
2/m   0.023 0.028 0.016     2.12  215   517  1439 2/m   Monoclinic
mmm   0.024 0.027 0.012     1.97   25   408  1629 mmm   Orthorhombic
4/m   0.515 0.570 0.237  8903.52   52   358  1602 4/m   Tetragonal low
4/mmm 0.518 0.555 0.191  8353.94   17   258  1637 4/mmm Tetragonal high
-3    0.713 0.814 0.382 17879.88  257   390  1397 -3    Trigonal low
-3m1  0.746 0.829 0.345 16231.69   83   348  1571 -3m1  Trigonal high
-31m  0.752 0.826 0.322 15946.24  104   312  1550 -31m  Trigonal high
6/m   0.684 0.732 0.252 14071.47   52   319  1602 6/m   Hexagonal low
6/mmm 0.745 0.790 0.251 14346.60   34   237  1620 6/mmm Hexagonal high
R-3   0.694 0.795 0.373 20950.19  368   350  1286 R-3   Rhombohedral low
R-3m  0.755 0.840 0.344 15704.20  115   341  1539 R-3m  Rhombohedral high
m3    0.634 0.679 0.234 15166.54   58   344  1596 m3    Cubic low
m3m   0.756 0.786 0.202 13243.59    9   160  1645 m3m   Cubic high

More information in the section Rsym on the main page.
Related command: rpg.


Syntax: rmat filename
Read rmat from filename. This rmat will override the rmat from the yfile. Some variables will change:


Syntax: rmatexp name (9 rmatrix parameters)
Set the orientation matrix for a specific experiment. name is the experiment name (not the experiment number). The matrix is filled with the 9 arguments, row by row, so the order is (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3). The global transformation matrix and laue/pointgroup settings are used.
This experiment-dependent rmat is used in Related commands: list rmatexp, rmatexpfile, useintegratedcell, write rmatexp.


Syntax: rmatexpfile name rmatfile
Set the orientation matrix for a specific experiment. name is the experiment name (not the experiment number). The matrix is read from rmatfile. The global transformation matrix and laue/pointgroup settings are used.
This experiment-dependent rmat is used in Related commands: list rmatexp, rmatexp, useintegratedcell, write rmatexp.


Show rmerge for all different point groups. You may examine the results and decide to change the symmetry with pg. More information in the section Rsym on the main page.
Related command: rlaue.


Show rmerge for all different qvector combinations. More information in the section Rsym on the main page.


Show rmerge for the different sets.
Rmerge for different sets
Require: NONE
Set         Uni1 Uni2+ nRsym nMean     R Rmeas  Rpim Chi2    <I> <Sig> <I/s>
  1 s01f001   84   292   886   970 0.025 0.030 0.016 2.07 236.82  5.70 26.49
  2 s01f002  111    79   179   290 0.016 0.021 0.014 2.15 240.72  5.79 26.93
  3 s02f001   96    96   222   318 0.016 0.022 0.014 1.78 220.55  5.35 24.69
  4 s03f001   38    19    38    76 0.015 0.021 0.015 1.35 237.34  5.74 28.48

More information in the section Rsym on the main page.


Show completeness and rmerge for the different resolution shells. The number of shells is controlled by nshell and autoeshell.
Completeness and Rmerge for Shells
Require: NONE
theta from 0.0 to 27.485
Sh Theta  Reso Meas Equi  Obs Mis Lost Total  Perc   Cum Uni1 Uni2+ Nrsym Redun  Rsym Rmeas  Rpim Chi2
 1 12.37 1.659  247   19  266   0    0   266 100.0 100.0    0    55   317  5.76 0.027 0.029 0.012 2.56
 2 15.66 1.317  210   68  278   0    0   278 100.0 100.0    1    46   247  5.37 0.024 0.027 0.012 2.02
 3 18.00 1.150  167   91  258   0    0   258 100.0 100.0    3    41   186  4.54 0.021 0.023 0.011 2.15
 4 19.88 1.045  175  119  294   0    0   294 100.0 100.0    1    44   183  4.16 0.020 0.023 0.011 1.66
 5 21.49 0.970  122  114  236   0    0   236 100.0 100.0    2    36   120  3.33 0.025 0.029 0.015 1.96
 6 22.91 0.913  150  148  298   0    2   300  99.3  99.9    2    44   148  3.36 0.017 0.021 0.011 1.03
 7 24.19 0.867  119  125  244   0    0   244 100.0  99.9    0    35   119  3.40 0.026 0.031 0.017 1.39
 8 25.37 0.829  128  184  312   0    0   312 100.0  99.9    8    40   120  3.00 0.021 0.026 0.015 2.43
 9 26.46 0.798   87  129  216   0    0   216 100.0  99.9    2    30    85  2.83 0.028 0.034 0.020 1.52
10 27.48 0.770  110  174  284   0    0   284 100.0  99.9    6    37   104  2.81 0.030 0.038 0.022 2.11
   27.48 0.770 1515 1171 2686   0    2  2688  99.9  99.9   25   408  1629  3.99 0.024 0.027 0.012 1.97
Resolution 10.247-0.77 (0.798-0.77)
Rsym 0.024 (0.03) Rmeas 0.027 (0.038) Rpim 0.012 (0.022) Completeness 99.926 (100.0)

To evaluate the completeness, the whole sphere (in space group P1) of possible reflections is investigated.

A small interpretation from the last line in the table:
  1. 2 reflections lost (because of filter settings).
  2. 25 reflections measured one time.
  3. 408 unique reflections have been measured 1629 times. The average redundancy for these reflections is 4 (1629/408)
If dict=on, some key/value pairs will be printed.
dict on
Completeness and Rmerge for Shells
Require: NONE
theta from 0.0 to 27.485
Sh Theta  Reso Meas Equi  Obs Mis Lost Total  Perc   Cum Uni1 Uni2+ Nrsym Redun  Rsym Rmeas  Rpim Chi2
 1 12.37 1.659  247   19  266   0    0   266 100.0 100.0    0    55   317  5.76 0.027 0.029 0.012 2.56
 2 15.66 1.317  210   68  278   0    0   278 100.0 100.0    1    46   247  5.37 0.024 0.027 0.012 2.02
 3 18.00 1.150  167   91  258   0    0   258 100.0 100.0    3    41   186  4.54 0.021 0.023 0.011 2.15
 4 19.88 1.045  175  119  294   0    0   294 100.0 100.0    1    44   183  4.16 0.020 0.023 0.011 1.66
 5 21.49 0.970  122  114  236   0    0   236 100.0 100.0    2    36   120  3.33 0.025 0.029 0.015 1.96
 6 22.91 0.913  150  148  298   0    2   300  99.3  99.9    2    44   148  3.36 0.017 0.021 0.011 1.03
 7 24.19 0.867  119  125  244   0    0   244 100.0  99.9    0    35   119  3.40 0.026 0.031 0.017 1.39
 8 25.37 0.829  128  184  312   0    0   312 100.0  99.9    8    40   120  3.00 0.021 0.026 0.015 2.43
 9 26.46 0.798   87  129  216   0    0   216 100.0  99.9    2    30    85  2.83 0.028 0.034 0.020 1.52
10 27.48 0.770  110  174  284   0    0   284 100.0  99.9    6    37   104  2.81 0.030 0.038 0.022 2.11
   27.48 0.770 1515 1171 2686   0    2  2688  99.9  99.9   25   408  1629  3.99 0.024 0.027 0.012 1.97
Resolution 10.247-0.77 (0.798-0.77)
Rsym 0.024 (0.03) Rmeas 0.027 (0.038) Rpim 0.012 (0.022) Completeness 99.926 (100.0)
!!any-resolution 10.247-0.77
!!any-resolutionlastshell 0.798-0.77
!!any-rsym 0.024
!!any-rsymlastshell 0.03
!!any-rmeas 0.027
!!any-rmeaslastshell 0.038
!!any-rpim 0.012
!!any-rpimlastshell 0.022
!!any-completeness 99.926
!!any-completenesslastshell 100.0
!!any-reflections 1654
!!any-unique 433
!!any-uniquelastshell 43
!!any-redundancy 3.993
!!any-redundancylastshell 2.811

Related commands: plotshell, shcolumn, thminzero.


Syntax: rvar variable
Show rmerge for variable shells (See list of variables). The number of shells is set by nshell. More information in the section Rsym on the main page. top


Writes sadabs input file. The format depends on the availability of q-vectors. Without qvectors: Sadabs 2.0.3 format, with qvectors: Saint ram format See also the Reflection output section on the main page.
Related commands: readhklv


Syntax: save filename
Writes the program status to filename. The file will have filetype .anc. You can later reload the saved settings with the @filename
Related command: write


Enable/Disable sets. Experiments are complete scans. Experiments are divided into sets.
Syntax: set all/none/next/prev/curr (+/-)n ....
Use a plus sign to allow sets and a minus sign to forbid them. You may enter more selections in one line of input. Use nop or ; to signal the end of options if you want to put more commands on a single line.
option description
all enable all sets
none disable all sets
invert toggle all sets
curr evaluates to the last selected set
next evaluates to the next set
prev evaluates to the previous set
last evaluates to the last set
n sets/unsets set n

Set Examples

(set is one of the reflection filter options). Use list set to print the names and status of all sets.
You could also use limit set, but the set command is moch more flexible.
Related commands: experiment, forbidsets, setminrefl.


Syntax: setminrefl n
Disable sets with a number of reflections less than n


Syntax: shcolumn colname
Default: shcolumn Perc
colname is one of Theta/Reso/Meas/Equi/Obs/Mis/Lost/Total/Perc/Cum/Uni1/Uni2+/Nrsym/Rsym/Rmeas/Rpim/Chi2.
Selects the column of the output of the rshell command. A histogram of the values in this column can be drawn with plotshell.


Shows information of the various variables in the program. Use save to write this information to a file. Use status to display information on the data.
colour main darkgoldenrod fg white bg black label yellow ticks grey30 text yellow strong red weak skyblue negative blue inray green
    histobar1 grey40 histobar2 white histoline1 darkgreen histoline2 green var1 #0000AA var2 #0000FF var3 #0077FF var4 #00FFFF
    var5 #00FF99 var6 #00FF00 var7 #99FF00 var8 #FFFF00 var9 #FF7700 var10 #FF0000 var11 #AA0000
colourbw off colourinvert off colourscheme rainbow colourtype weak
abort off autoshell off bgqual 1.0 correct normal coscell 1 cosines on dotsize 1 dotsizemax 10 dotsizetype fixed dump off euler off
fillgap on formulasigext 1 formulasigint 2 frameoffset 0.0 full good gridsize 10 histoautoscalehor off histoautoscalever on histobar on
histobarfraction 0.95 histoprint off hklf4batch expnr hklfilename shelx icrmin 2 icrscale 2.0 icrtype intensity kfactor 1.0 label 5
meantype runtime modprint 10000 more on msa 0.02 msapower 0.02 ncolourvar 11 nintensity 10 nnomore 500 nshell 10 omitsum on output normal
pkrestfrac 0.0 plot2dmagnify 10.0 primarybeam 5097.8667 renninger off renningerthreshold 0.1 renningernormalize on
renningersimult 0.001 resultsig 3 shcolumn Perc sigma 2.5 sigmafactor 1.0 speedcorrect on text on thminzero on trace off
weightint 3 weightsig 3
window border 0 fraction 0.7 padding 1 pos 168 391 size 1175 391
read example1.y.Z forbid EDGEVER+EDGEHOR+EDGEROT+BADBG+MAXSHIFT allow GOOD+WEAK+NEGATIVE presentationscale 0.0322754


Syntax: sigma f
Sets WEAK flag on reflections with I/sig < f.
f is available in expressions as weakfactor.
Related command: tooweak.


Syntax: sigmafactor sf
Default: sigmafactor 1.0
Recalculate the sigma's of all reflections. See the Mean and Sigma section on the main page.
sf is available in expressions as sigmafactor.
Related commands: automsa, kfactor, msa, msapower.


Syntax: speedcorrect state
Default: speedcorrect on
See also the Scaling section on the main page.
Related command: tooweak


Syntax: spgr n
Sets the spacegroupnumber to n. If n is not specified, the program proposes some numbers, based on the current Bravais lattice type and pointgroup.
Related command: mtz


Shows information on the data and the filters
Use show to display information on various program variables.
RMAT 1 ir
               RMAT                                     DMAT
   0.1002587   0.0943176   0.0654995        2.2806106  -3.5076888   2.2895818
  -0.1542028  -0.0265447   0.0642691        3.4023077  -0.9575436  -4.8559546
   0.1006531  -0.1346151   0.0332188        6.8771739   6.7479835   3.4878356
Determinant:  0.3406898E-02                             293.5221
Cell: 4.76941 6.00607 10.24675 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 V= 293.52
Sigma 0.0006 0.0008 0.0014 0.011 0.009 0.012 Volume 0.06
Bravais=P pg=mmm
Lambda=0.71073 pointgroup=mmm
reflections=1729 unique=434 weak=282 negative=11 badbg=16
Unique: H from -6 to 0 K from -7 to 0 L from -13 to 0
Full Sphere: H from -6 to 6 K from -7 to 7 L from -13 to 13
Max equivalents 11 datalimit theta 1.9875 27.4845 datalimit reso 0.77 10.2467 datalimit chi 0.0002 73.1994
datalimit psi -176.6129 179.6856
datalimit intensity -6.7563 5097.8667 datalimit duration 1.0 4.95
3 Experiments 4 Sets 231 Images
presentationscale 0.0322754
Always Forbidden: BADUNIF
Require: NONE


Syntax: step variable command(s)
Starts a loop over variable. Each cycle will set new limits on this variable. The first lower limit is the minimum value of variable. The first upper limit is the lower limit plus stepsize. Then the command(s) will be executed. Before each cycle you are asked how to proceed. Possible answers are: The (sub)strings stepname and stepnumber in command(s) will be substituted:
Related command: stepfull.


Syntax: stepfull variable inc start stop command(s)
Starts a loop over variable. Each cycle will set new limits on this variable. The first lower limit is the start. The first upper limit is the lower limit plus stepsize. Then the command(s) will be executed. Before each cycle you are asked to continue. Possible answers are: The (sub)strings stepname and stepnumber in command(s) will be substituted:
Related command: step. top


Syntax: testrenninger n
n is a reflection number. Investigate renninger reflections for reflection n. Use listrefl renninger to print all renninger reflections.
Related command: renninger.


Syntax: text state
Default: text on
Controls the drawing of textlabels in various plots.


Syntax: thminzero state
Default: thminzero on
rshell counts missing and lost reflections in order to evaluate the completeness of the dataset. Reflections are missing if they are not available in the input file. Reflections get lost if flags and filters rule them out. Also, listrefl mis prints a list of unavailable reflections.
The choice of the ultimate lower resolution limit is arbitrary: the lowest encountered value from the input file, or zero.
If a lower theta limit has been set (limit theta or limit reso), thminzero is not used.


Syntax: title text
Default: title ""
Draw text in the top of the graphics window


Syntax: tooweak speed/exp/exptest/ioversig/ioversigtest
This command tries to identify reflections which worsen the average I/σ of a group of equivalent reflections. The idea is that some reflections do not significantly contribute to the final I/σ.


Prints the global rmerge.
Rsym=0.024 Rmeas=0.027 Rpim=0.012 Chi2=1.968 nRsym=1629 Unique1=25 Unique2+=408
<I>=234.399 <s>=5.651 <I/s>=26.314 <I>/<s>=41.481 nMean=1654

More information in the section Rsym on the main page.


Syntax: twinabs
Writes twinabs formatted reflections to the reflection file. See the TwinabsPage for an example of handling twin datasets. See also the Reflection output section on the main page.


Syntax: twinlaw state
Default: twinlaw off
If twinlaw=on and more than one matrix is available, the hkl transformation matrix will be written when a shelx outputfile is created. top


Syntax: unlimit variable
Unset the limits (set by limit) on one of the reflection variables.


Syntax: unlimithkl
Unset the limits (set by limithkl). This is an alias for unlimit hb im.


Syntax: unlimitrecip
Unset the limits (set by limitrecip). This is an alias for unlimit h k l.


Removes the reject flags from all reflections.
Related commands reject, rejectmanual and rejectoverlap.


Make some constants available to the built-in calculator (used by expression or \evaluate) The constant names and values will also be printed.
Related commands: \addeval and \listeval


Syntax: useicalc state
Default: useicalc off
If set to on, the various rmerge calculations on a group of equivalent reflections will use variable icalc instead of determining the mean intensity.
Related command: readicalc.


Syntax: useintegratedcell state
Default: useintegratedcell on
During integration with eval15, every experiment uses its own orientationmatrix. These matrices are kept in the y-files. If any reads a y-file, only the the first orientationmatrix is used. The remaining ones are ignored. With useintegratedcell on, all orientation matrices are read. They are not used by any, but the commands list rmatexp and write rmatexp use them. top


Syntax: varexp name f
Sets the value of href="anydatastructure.html#varexp">varexp for a specific experiment, identified with the experimentname (not the experiment number).
Related command: varexpalias


Syntax: varexpalias name
Default varexpalias varexp
Change the name of reflection variable varexp.
Related command: varexp.


Syntax: varlimit variable f1 f2
Sets the varlimits on one of the reflection variables. Varlimits are used only for the colourscheme of the colourtype var command (Use limit if you want to filter out reflections). You may use novarlimit to restore the initial values.
Related commands: limit, novarlimit, plotlimit. top


Syntax: wait f
Wait f seconds. Useful in repeated constructs like \repeat and step.


Syntax: weightint n
Default: weightint 3
Sets the intensity weights for the calculations of mean and sigma.
n formula
1 unit weights
2 statistical weights
3 shelx weights
More information in the section Mean and Sigma on the main page.


Syntax: weightsig n
Default: weightsig 3
Sets the weight for sigma merging.
n formula
1 unit weights
2 statistical weights
3 statistical weights
More information in the section Mean and Sigma on the main page.


Syntax: window border/fraction/info/log/padding/pos/size/title


Syntax: write bfactor/detalign/goniostat/imagescale/impact/rmatexp/rmatX/scanplot name
Related command: save


Syntax: wulffexpand state
Default: wulffexpand off
Controls which reflections will be plotted with the plotc and plotd commands.


Syntax: wulffhor none
Syntax: wulffhor hkl/uvw/xyz f1 f2 f3
Default: wulffhor none