E.A. Klop, H. Krabbendam and J. Kroon
The Estimation of Triplet Invariants from Multi-Wavelenght Data. Acta Cryst.A45 (1989) 203
B.P. van Eijck and J. Kroon
Molecular-Dynamics simulations of beta-D-ribose and beta-D-deoxyribose Solutions. J. Mol. Struct.195 (1989) 133
P. van der Sluis and J. Kroon
Solvents and X-Ray Crystallography. J. Crystal Growth97 (1989) 645
P. van der Sluis, A.M.F. Hezemans and J. Kroon
Crystallization of Low-Molecular-Weight Organic Compounds for X-Ray Crystallography. J. Appl. Cryst.22 (1989) 340
E.A. Klop, H. Krabbendam and J. Kroon
The Two-Wavlength Technique in Crystal Structure Determination. Acta Cryst.A45 (1989) 609
P.F.W. Stouten, L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg and J. Kroon
Conformational Aspects of alpha-Hydroxy Carboxylic Acids, the Heralds of Stereochemistry. J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem) 20 (1989) 169
P. van der Sluis and J. Kroon
Structure of (-)-Malic Acid. Acta Cryst.C45 (1989) 1406
J.A. Kanters, A. Schouten, J. Kroon, M. Mathlouthi, J.H. van der Maas and B. Lutz
Diheterolevuloson IV: Di-beta-D-fructopyranoside 1,2':2,1'-dianhydride. Acta Cryst.C45 (1989) 1934
H. Kooijman, L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg, J. Kroon, J.N. Breg and J.L. de Boer
Structure of alpha-D-N-Acetyl-1-0-Methylneuraminic Acid Methyl Ester. Acta Cryst.C46 (1990) 407
R.W.W. Hooft, P. van der Sluis, J.A. Kanters and J. Kroon
Structure of Racemic 4-Isopropenyl-1-cyclohexene-1-carbaldehyde Oxime (Perillartine). Acta Cryst.C46 (1990) 1133
E.A. Klop, H. Krabbendam and J. Kroon
The Use of Structural Information in Phase Determination. Acta Cryst.A46 (1990) 517
E.A. Klop, H. Krabbendam, J. Kroon
A Multi-Solution Approach with Invariants Estimated from Two-Wavelength Data. Acta Cryst.A46 (1990) 521
J.A. Kanters, J. Buitenhuis, J. Kroon, M. Mathlouthi, J.H. van der Maas and B. Lutz
Crystal Structure of Diheterolevulosan II: alpha-D-Fructofuranose -beta-D-Fructopyranose 1,2':2,1'
Dianhydride and Molecular Mechanics Calculations on Diheterolevulosan II and IV with Chair and
Boat Conformations of the Central 1,4-Dioxane Ring. J. Crystallogr. Spectrosc. Res.20, no. 1 (1990) 1
L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg and J. Kroon
Solvent Effect on the Conformation of the Hydroxymethyl Group Established by Molecular
Dynamics Simulations of Methyl-D Glucoside in Water. Biopolymers29 (1990) 1243
J. Kroon, R.L. Scherrenberg, H. Kooijman and J.A. Kanters
The hydrogen-atom environment of the ether oxygen atom in crystal structures of
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B.P. van Eijck, L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg and J. Kroon
Hydrogen-bond geometry around sugar molecules: comparison of crystal statistics
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P. van der Sluis and J. Kroon
The development and prediction of needle habits. J. Cryst. Growth104 (1990) 310.
P.F.W. Stouten and J. Kroon
Computation confirms contraction: a molecular dynamics study of
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H. Kooijman, J.A. Kanters and J. Kroon
Molecular mechanics calculations on muscarinic agonists. J. Mol. Struct.238 (1990) 253.
P. van der Sluis and J. Kroon
Conformation of the Xyl-beta-(1->12)-man glycosidic linkage. Structure
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L.M.J. Kroon Batenburg, J. Kroon and M.G. Northolt
Theoretical studies on beta(1->4) glucose oligomers as models for native and regenerated cellulose fibres. Das Papier44 (1990) 640.
P. Verwer, H. Krabbendam and J. Kroon
The concept of sparse electron density as a tool in structure-factor phase determination. Acta Cryst.,A47 (1991) 143.
P.F.W. Stouten, B.P. van Eijck and J. Kroon
Hydrogen bonds in concreto and computro: the sequel. J. Mol. Struct.,243 (1991) 61.
P.van der Sluis, A.F.M. Hezemans and J. Kroon
Computer knowledge base for crystallization. J. Crystal Growth,108 (1991) 719.
J.A. Kanters, A. Schouten, J. Kroon and E. Grech
Structure of 8-dimethylamino-1-di-methylammonionaphthalene hydrogen squarate. Acta Cryst.,C 47 (1991) 807.
F.H.van der Steen, G.P.M. van Mier, A.L. Spek, J. Kroon and G. van Koten
Synthesis and molecular structures of novel alpha-amino organoaluminium ester enolates.
Key intermediates in the selective formation of trans-3-amino-2azetidinones. J. Am. Chem. Soc.,113(15) (1991) 5742.
H. Kooijman, V.J. van Geerestein, P. van der Sluis, J.A. Kanters, J. Kroon, C.W. Funke and J. Kelder
Molecular structure of vecuronium bromide, a neuromuscular blocking agent. Crystal structure,
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J.A. Kanters, B. van Dijk and J. Kroon
Crystal and molecular structure of methyl alpha-D-galactopyranoside 4-(sodium sulphate) dihydrate. Carbohydrate Research,212 (1991) 1.
R.W.W. Hooft, J.A. Kanters and J. Kroon
Implementation and use of the method of prudent ascent in conformational analysis using molecular mechanics. Journal of Computational Chemistry,12 (1991) 943.
R.W.W. Hooft, J.A. Kanters and J. Kroon
Structural studies on artificial sweeteners: N-(4-(1-propyloxy)-phenyl)-urea. Journal of Molecular Structure,263 (1991) 267.
J.A. Kanters, J. Kroon, R. Hooft, A. Schouten, J.A.M. van Schijndel and J. Brandsen
Temperature-Dependent Order-Disorder Phenomena in Crystal Structures Containing Dimers of
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J.A. Kanters, E.H. ter Horst, J. Kroon and E. Grech
Complexes of the 'Proton Sponge' 1,8-Bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene (DMAN).
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H. Kooijman, B.P. van Eijck and J. Kroon
Molecular dynamics simulations of crystal structures containing charged molecules. Journal of Molecular Structures268 (1992) 283.
J.A. Kanters, A. Schouten, J. Kroon and E. Grech
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M.L. Verdonk, J.A. Kanters and J. Kroon
Structure of Eltoprazine. Acta Cryst.C48 (1992) 2271.
B.R. Leeflang, J.F.G. Vliegenthart, L.M.J. Kroon Batenburg, B.P. van Eijck and J. Kroon
A ¹H-NMR and MD study of intramolecular hydrogen
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R.W.W. Hooft, B.P. van Eijck and J. Kroon.
Use of molecular dynamics methods in conformational analysis. Glycol. A model study. J. Chem. Phys.97 (1992) 3639.
R.W.W. Hooft, B.P. van Eijck and J. Kroon
An adaptive umbrella sampling procedure in conformational analysis using molecular dynamics and its application to glycol. J. Chem. Phys.97 (1992) 6690-6694
L.M.J. Kroon Batenburg, B.R. Leeflang, J. Kroon and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
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J. Kroon
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M. Mathlouthi, C. Maciejewski, S. Serghat, R.W.W. Hooft, J.A. Kanters and J. Kroon
Structural studies on sweet taste inhibitors; methyl-4, 6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxygalactopyranoside. J. Mol. Struct.,291 (1993) 173.
H. Kooijman, J.A. Kanters, J. Kroon and J. Kelder
Structure and conformation of the muscarinic agonists 3-(3-amino-1,2,4-oxadiazol-5-yl)
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M.L. Verdonk, G.J. Boks, H. Kooijman. J.A. Kanters and J. Kroon
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P. Verwer, R.B.G. Ravelli, H. Krabbendam and J. Kroon
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L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg, J. Kroon, B.R. Leeflang and J.F.G. Vliegenthart
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M.L.C.E. Kouwijzer, B.P. van Eijck, S.J. Kroes and J. Kroon
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B.P. van Eijck, R.W.W. Hooft and J. Kroon
Molecular dynamics study of conformational and anomeric equilibria in aqueous D-glucose. J. Phys. Chem.,97 (1993) 12093.
R.W.W. Hooft, J.A. Kanters and J. Kroon
Molecular mechanics and dynamics. Calculations on sucrose and some derived artificial sweeteners. In: Sweet taste chemoreception,, Ch. 2, pp. 11-19. Eds: M. Mathlouthi, J.A. Kanters and G.G. Birch, Elsevier Science Publ. Ltd., London, 1993
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J.-K.F. Buijink, J.H. Teuben, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek
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B.J. Deelman, W.M. Stevels, J.H. Teuben, M.T. Lakin, A.L. Spek
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Hydrogen bonding in phytohormone-auxin (IAA) and its derivatives. Journal of Molecular Structure322 (1994) 43-69
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P.P.M. de Lange, E. Alberts, M. van Wijnkoop, H.-W. Frühauf, K. Vrieze, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek
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H.L. van Maanen, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
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Cyclopalladation of 2-[(dimethylamino)methyl]-substituted naphthalenes:
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N. Feiken, H.-W. Frühauf, K. Vrieze, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
1,3-dipolar cycloaddition to the Fe-N=C fragment XVI. Reactivity of Fe(alkyl-NC)3(iPr-DAB)
complexes towards aromatic isothiocyanates as dipolarophiles. Insertion of isothiocyanate into the Fe-N bond Journal of Organometallic Chemistry511 (1996) 281-291
N. Feiken, P. Schreuder, R. Siebenlist, H.-W. Frühauf, K. Vrieze, H. Kooijman,
N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, J. Fraanje, K. Goubitz
1,3-dipolar cycloaddition to the Fe-N=C fragment. 17. Diastereoselectivity with
C2- and non-C2-symmetric chirally N-substituted
alpha-diimine ligands, R*-N=C(H)-C(R')=N-R* and C5H4N-2-C(R')=N-R*,
with dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate (DMAD) and methyl propiolate (MP).
Decomplexation of the pyrrolinone ligand of Fe(CO)3(pyrrolinone) complexes Organometallics15 (1996) 2148-2169
M.C.R. Franssen, H. Jongejan, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, N.L.F.L. Camacho Mondril,
P.M.A.C. Boavida dos Santos, A. de Groot
Resolution of a tetrahydrofuran ester by Candida rugosa lipase (CRL)
and an examination of CRL's stereochemical preference in organic media Tetrahedron: Asymmetry7, no. 2 (1996) 497-510
J.H. Groen, C.J. Elsevier, K. Vrieze, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek
Stepwise successive insertion of carbon monoxide and allenes into palladium-carbon
bonds of complexes containing the rigid bidentate nitrogen ligand bis(p-anisylimino)acenaphthene Organometallics15 (1996) 3445-3455
V.P. Hanot, T.D. Robert, J. Kolnaar, J.G. Haasnoot, J. Reedijk, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek
Crystal structure, magnetic properties and spectroscopic studies of bis[1,3-bis(pyrazol-3-yl)triazenido]dicopper(II)
trihydrate: a dinuclear complex with an asymmetric double pyrazolate bridge J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. (1996) 4275-4281
M.P. Hogerheide, J. Boersma, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Synthesis of a bis(cyclopentadienyl)lanthanum aryl complex with a pseudofacially
bound bis(ortho)-chelating aryldiamine ligand. X-ray structure of
(η5-C5H5)2La(C6H3{CH2NMe2}2-2,6) Organometallics15 (1996) 1505-1507
M.P. Hogerheide, S.N. Ringelberg, D.M. Grove, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, J. Boersma, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
A proposal for positive cooperativity in anion-cation binding in yttrium
and lutetium complexes based on o-amino-substituted phenolate ligands.
On the way to coordination polymers by self-assembly. Molecular structures
of [ClLu(OAr)3Na] (X-ray) and [ClY(OAr')3Y(OAr')3Na]
(X-ray and 89Y-NMR) Inorganic Chemistry35 (1996) 1185-1194
M.P. Hogerheide, S.N. Ringelberg, M.D. Janssen, J. Boersma, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Influence of intramolecular coordination on the aggregation of sodium phenolate
complexes. X-ray structures of [NaOC6H4(CH2NMe2)-2]6
and [Na(OC6H2(CH2NMe2)2-2,6-Me-4)(HOC6H2(CH2NMe2)2-2,6-Me-4)]2 Inorganic Chemistry35 (1996) 1195-1200
F.J. Hoogesteger, L.W. Jenneskens, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Self-complementary hydrogen bonding of 1,1'-bicyclohexylidene-4,4'-dione dioxime. Formation of a non-covalent polymer Tetrahedron52 (1996) 1773-1784
F.J. Hoogesteger, J.M. Kroon, L.W. Jenneskens, E.J.R. Sudhölter, T.J.M.de Bruin,
J.W. Zwikker, E. ten Grotenhuis, C.H.M. Marée, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Langmuir-Blodgett mono- and multilayers of rodlike oligo(cyclohexylidene) derivatives bearing an oxime headgroup Langmuir12 (1996) 4760-4767
S.L. James, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Synthesis of a tri(organoplatinum) complex via the double directed lithiation
of a mono(organoplatinum) precursor Chem. Commun. (1996) 253-255
S.L. James, G. Verspui, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Organometallic polymers: an infinite organoplatinum chain in the solid state formed by (C=CH···ClPt) hydrogen bonds Chem. Commun. (1996) 1309-1310
M.D. Janssen, M.A. Corsten, A.L. Spek, D.M. Grove, G. van Koten
Well-defined 2:1 and 2:2 arylcopper-copper bromide aggregates and selective biaryl formation Organometallics15 (1996) 2810-2820
M.D. Janssen, J.G. Donkervoort, S.B. van Berlekom, A.L. Spek, D.M. Grove, G. van Koten
Copper(I) arenethiolates with intramolecular coordination and the formation
of mixed organo(arenethiolato)copper(I) aggregates. X-ray structures of trimeric
[Cu(SC6H4NMe2)]3, nonameric
[Cu(S-1-C10H6NMe2-8)]9, and hexanuclear
[Cu3(S-1-C10H6NMe2-8)2(C=CtBu)]2 Inorganic Chemistry35 (1996) 4752-4763
M.D. Janssen, D.M. Grove, G. van Koten, A.L. Spek
Palladium arenethiolates with intramolecularly coordinating nitrogen Lewis bases Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas115 (1996) 286-292
M.D. Janssen, M. Herres, L. Zsolnai, A.L. Spek, D.M. Grove, H. Lang, G. van Koten
Monomeric bis(η²-alkyne)copper(I) and -silver(I) halides, pseudohalides, and arenethiolates Inorganic Chemistry35 (1996) 2476-2483
M.D. Janssen, K. Köhler, M. Herres, A. Dedieu, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, D.M. Grove, H. Lang and G. van Koten
Monomeric bis(η²-alkyne) complexes of copper(I) and silver(I)
with η¹-bonded alkyl, vinyl, and aryl ligands J. Am. Chem. Soc.118 (1996) 4817-4829
M.D. Janssen, E. Rijnberg, C.A.de Wolf, M.P. Hogerheide, D. Kruis, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, D.M. Grove, G. van Koten
Structural aspects of lithium arenethiolate complexes with intramolecular coordinating amine donors Inorganic Chemistry35 (1996) 6735-6741
M.D. Janssen, R. van der Rijst, A.L. Spek, D.M. Grove, G. van Koten
Synthesis and characterization of bis(arenethiolato)magnesium complexes
with intramolecular coordination. X-ray structure of
[Mg{S(C6H4-2-CH2NME2)}2]2 Inorganic Chemistry35 (1996) 3436-3439
M.D. Janssen, A.L. Spek, D.M. Grove, G. van Koten
A mixed (arenethiolato)copper(I)/copper bromide aggregate: X-ray structure of octanuclear
[Cu8{SC6H3(CH2NMe2)2-2,6}3Br5] Inorganic Chemistry35 (1996) 4078-4081
B. Jedlicka, R.E. Rülke, W. Weissensteiner, R. Fernández-Galán, F.A. Jalón, B.R. Manzano,
J. Rodríguez-de la Fuente, N. Veldman, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek
Synthesis and molecular structures of palladium and platinum complexes
of PTFA: models of Grignard cross-coupling catalysts Journal of Organometallic Chemistry516 (1996) 97-110
B.H.W.S. de Jong, H.T.J. Supèr, A.L. Spek, N. Veldman, W. van Wezel, V. van der Mee
Structure of KLiSi2O5 and the hygroscopicity of glassy mixed alkali disillicates Acta CrystallographicaB52 (1996) 770-776
G.M. Kapteijn, D.M. Grove, H. Kooijman, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Chemistry of bis(aryloxo)palladium(II) complexes with N-donor ligands:
structural features of the palladium-to-oxygen bond and formation of O-H···O bonds Inorganic Chemistry35 (1996) 526-533
G.M. Kapteijn, D.M. Grove, W.J.J. Smeets, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Palladium(II) arenethiolates with chelating diamines: formation of N-H···S
hydrogen bonds with protonated N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine Inorganic Chemistry35 (1996) 534-536
G.M. Kapteijn, M.P.R. Spee, D.M. Grove, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Chemistry of P,N-ligated methylpalladium(II) alkoxide complexes: syntheses,
structural features in the solid state and in solution, and hydrogen-bond formation Organometallics15 (1996) 1405-1413
E.M.D. Keegstra, B.-H. Huisman, E.M. Paardekooper, F.J. Hoogesteger, J.W. Zwikker,
L.W. Jenneskens, H. Kooijman, A. Schouten, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
2,3,5,6-Tetraalkoxy-1,4-benzoquinones and structurally related tetraalkoxy
benzene derivatives: synthesis, properties and solid state packing motifs J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans2 (1996) 229-240
E.M.D. Keegstra, V. van der Mieden, J.W. Zwikker, L.W. Jenneskens, A. Schouten, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Self-organization of 2,5-di-n-alkoxy-1,4-benzoquinones in the solid
state: molecular recognition involving intermolecular dipole-dipole, weak
C-H···O=C hydrogen bond and van der Waals interactions Chem. Mater.8 (1996) 1092-1105
S.-H. Kim, U. Schulze-Gahmen, J. Brandsen, W. Filgueira de Azevedo Jr.
Structural basis for chemical inhibition of CDK2 In: Progress in Cell Cycle Research Vol. 2 (1996) (Eds: L. Meijer,
S. Guidet, L. Vogel) Plenum Press, New York, USA, 137-145
J.H. Koek, S.W. Russell, L. van der Wolf, R. Hage, J.B. Warnaar, A.L. Spek, J. Kerschner, L. DelPizzo
Improved syntheses, structures, spectral and electrochemical properties of
and [MnIV2(μ-O)3L2]2+ complexes.
Two homologous series derived from eight N-substituted 1,4,7-triazacyclononanes J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. (1996) 353-362
H. Kooijman, J. Kelder, J.A. Kanters, A.J.M. Duisenberg, J. Kroon
The conformation of the A-ring fragment of neuromuscular blocking agents
structurally related to pancuronium. X-ray structure determinations, molecular
mechanics calculations and molecular dynamics simulations J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans2 (1996) 2133-2140
H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, E.M.D. Keegstra, J.W. Zwikker, L.W. Jenneskens
Attractive edge-face arene-arene interactions in combination with close
packing of alkoxy chains for 1,4-didecyloxybenzene Acta CrystallographicaC52 (1996) 85-87
G.J.A.A. Koolhaas, P.M. van Berkel, S.C. van der Slot, G. Mendoza-Diaz, W.L. Driessen,
J. Reedijk, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Copper(II) coordination compounds with bis(imidazol-2-yl)methylamine and
bis(imidazol-2-yl)methylaminomethane in relation to bis(imidazol-2-yl)methylamine-modified
poly(glycidyl methacrylate) polymers and other bis(imidazol-2-yl)-containing ligands Inorganic Chemistry35 (1996) 3525-3532
G.J.A.A. Koolhaas, W.L. Driessen, J. Reedijk, J.L. van der Plas, R.A.G. de Graaff,
D. Gatteschi, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek
Synthesis, characterization, and single-crystal EPR studies of three dinuclear
copper(II) complexes and one mixed-valence tetranuclear copper(i)-copper(II)
cluster with an asymmetric imidazole-containing tripodal ligand with copper(II)-copper(II)
distances between 3.35 and 3.63 Å Inorganic Chemistry35 (1996) 1509-1517
I.D. Kostas, G.-J.M. Gruter, O.S. Akkerman, F. Bickelhaupt, H. Kooijman, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek
Functionalization of 1,3-phenylene-16-crown-5 via direct lithiation Organometallics15 (1996) 4450-4458
L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg, B. Bouma, J. Kroon
Stability of cellulose structures studied by MD simulations. Could mercerized cellulose II be parallel? Macromolecules29 (1996) 5695-5699
P.J. Kunkeler, P.J. van Koningsbruggen, J.P. Cornelissen, A.N. van der Horst,
A.M. van der Kraan, A.L. Spek, J.G. Haasnoot, J. Reedijk
Novel hybrid spin systems of 7,7',8,8'-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) radical anions and
4-amino-3,5-bis(pyridin-2-yl)-1,2,4-triazole (abpt). Crystal structure of
[Fe(abpt)2(TCNQ)2] at 298 and 100 K, Mössbauer spectroscopy,
magnetic properties, and infrared spectroscopy of the series
[MII(abpt)2(TCNQ)2] (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) Journal of the American Chemical Society118 (1996) 2190-2197
M.T. Lakin, N. Mouhous-Riou, C. Lorin, P. Rollin, J. Kroon, S. Pérez
Structural analysis of
6-S-(benzoxazol-2-yl)-6-deoxy 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-6-thio-alpha-D-galactopyranose
by means of X-ray diffraction, high resolution NMR spectroscopy, and molecular modelling. Carbohydrate Research290 (1996) 125-136
B.T.G. Lutz , E. van der Windt, J.A. Kanters, D. Klämbt, B. Kojic-Prodic, M. Ramek
FT-IR spectroscopic study of the phytohormone auxin (indol-3-ylacetic acid, IAA)
and its n-alkylated and monohalogenated derivatives J. Mol. Struct.382 (1996) 177-185
P. Marchot, R.B.G. Ravelli, M.L. Raves, Y. Bourne, D.C. Vellom, J. Kanter, S. Camp, J.L. Sussman, P. Taylor
Soluble monomeric acetylcholinesterase from mouse: expression, purification,
and crystallization in complex with fasciculin Protein Science5 (1996) 672-679
C.F. Martens, A.P.H.J. Schenning, M.C. Feiters, G. Beurskens, J.M.M. Smits,
P.T. Beurskens, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, R.J.M. Nolte
Copper(II) bipyridine and crown ether-bipyridine complexes: X-ray structures,
characterization, and properties as histamine receptors Supramolecular Chemistry8 (1996) 31-44
C.F. van Nostrum, F.B.G. Benneker, H. Brussaard, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek,
J. Schoonman, M.C. Feiters, R.J.M. Nolte
Dithiacrown ether substituted porphyrazines: synthesis, single-crystal structure,
and control of aggregation in solution by complexation of transition-metal ions Inorganic Chemistry35 (1996) 959-969
F.J. Parlevliet, A. Olivier, W.G.J. de Lange, P.C.J. Kamer, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen
A calix[6]arene derived diphosphite, synthesis and complexation behaviour;
X-ray structure of a palladium(II) chloride complex Chem. Commun. (1996) 583-584
R.B.G. Ravelli, A.M.F. Hezemans, H. Krabbendam, J. Kroon
Towards automatic indexing of the Laue diffraction patterns Journal of Applied Crystallography291197 (1996) 270-278
H. Roelen, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, J. von Frijtag Drabbe Künzel, R.A.A. Mathôt, A.P. IJzerman
N6,C8-disubstituted adenosine derivatives as partial agonists for adenosine A1 receptors J. Med. Chem.39 (1996) 1463-1471
A. van Rooy, P.C.J. Kamer, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, K. Goubitz, J. Fraanje, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Bulky diphosphite-modified rhodium catalysts: hydroformylation and characterization Organometallics15 (1996) 835-847
R.E. Rülke, V.E. Kaasjager, P. Wehman, C.J. Elsevier, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen,
K. Vrieze, J. Fraanje, K. Goubitz, A.L. Spek
Stable palladium(0), palladium(II), and platinum(II) complexes containing a new,
multifunctional and hemilabile phosphino-imuno-pyridyl ligand: synthesis, characterization, and reactivity Organometallics15 (1996) 3022-3031
M. Schmülling, D.M. Grove, G. van Koten, R. van Eldik, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Comparative rates of ligand substitution reactions of Pt-C-bonded complexes
in aqueous solution and the X-ray crystal structure of
[Pt{C6H3(CH2NMe2)2-2,6}(OH2)][OSO2CF3] Organometallics15 (1996) 1384-1391
M. Schreuder Goedheijt, T. Nijbacker, O.S. Akkerman, F. Bickelhaupt, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Synthesis and structure of ortho-phenylenezinc Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.35 (1996) 1550-1551
K.M. Sliedregt, A. Schouten, J. Kroon, R.M.J. Liskamp
Reaction of N-trityl amino acids with BOP: efficient synthesis of t-butyl
esters as well as N-trityl serine- and threonine-beta-lactones Tetrahedron Letters37 (1996) 4237-4240
W.I. Smid, A.M. Schoevaars, W. Kruizinga, N. Veldman, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, B.L. Feringa
Synthesis and dynamic behaviour of new metallo-based sterically overcrowded alkenes Chem. Commun. (1996) 2265-2266
A.L. Spek, A.J.M. Duisenberg, C.J.M. Coremans, J.H. van der Waals
Structure of the luminescent Ca4K2(CrO4)5·2H2O crystal J. Lumin.69 (1996) 319-323
A.L. Spek, M.D. Janssen, B.A. Markies, G. van Koten
A second polymorph of 2,2'-bipyridyl-(methyl)(phenyl)palladium(II) Acta Cryst.C52 (1996) 868-871
A.L. Spek, J.W. Pattiasina, J.H. Teuben
Crystal structure of
C40H56Zr2 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie211 (1996) 643-644
P. Steenwinkel, S.L. James, D.M. Grove, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
New ruthenium(II) complexes of functionalized monoanionic aryldiamine N,C,N'-terdentate
ligands: syntheses of
X-ray structure of a dimeric organolithium compound,
[Li{2,6-(Me2NCH2)2-4-Ph-C6H2}]2 Chemistry: a European Journal2 (1996) 1440-1445
T. Steiner, J.A. Kanters, J. Kroon
Acceptor directionally of sterically unhindered C-H···O=C
hydrogen bonds donated by acidic C-H groups Chem. Commun. (1996) 1277-1278
T. Steiner, M. Tamm, A. Grzegorzewski, N. Schulte, N. Veldman, A.M.M. Schreurs,
J.A. Kanters, J. Kroon, J. van der Maas, B. Lutz
Weak hydrogen bonding. Part 5. Experimental evidence for the long-range nature of
C≡C-H···pi interactions: crystallographic and spectroscopic
studies of three terminal alkynes. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans2 (1996) 2441-2446
J.L. Sussman, M. Harel, M.L. Raves, K. Giles, R.B.G. Ravelli, L. Peng, M. Goeldner,
G.J. Kleywegt, D.M. Quinn, H.K. Nair, I. Silman
Studies on the 3D Structure of Torpedo Acetylcholinesterase In: 1996 U.S. Army Medical Defense Bioscience Review. (1996) U.S. Army Medical
Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Baltimore, MD
J.-P. Sutter, S.L. James, P. Steenwinkel, T. Karlen, D.M. Grove, N. Veldman, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Versatile N,C,N coordination behavior of a monoanionic aryldiamine ligand in
ruthenium(II) complexes: syntheses and crystal structures of
(L = norbornadiene, X = Cl, SO3CF3; L = PPh3, X = I) and
[RuII{C6H3(CH2NMe2)2-2,6}(2,2':6',2''-terpyridine)]Cl Organometallics15 (1996) 941-948
R.W. Tjerkstra, M.L. Verdonk, J. Kroon
Crystal and molecular structure of 2,4,6-tri-O-benzoyl-3-O-benzyl-β-L-idopyranosyl fluoride. Carbohydrate Research285 (1996) 151-157
Y.S.J. Veldhuizen, N. Veldman, M.T. Lakin, A.L. Spek, P.M. Paulus, C. Faulmann, J.G. Haasnoot,
W.J.A. Maaskant, J. Reedijk
Synthesis and crystal structure of [1,1,2,2-tetramethylguanidinium][Ni(dmit)2]2
and [hexamethylguanidinium][Ni(dmit)2]2 (dmit = 1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate).
Intermolecular orbital overlap integral calculations and electrical conductivities Inorganica Chimica Acta245 (1996) 27-34
N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, G. Tabbi, W.L. Driessen, J. Reedijk
A dinuclear nickel(II) compound:
dinitrate dimethanol solvate Acta Cryst.C52 (1996) 2698-2701
P. Verwer, H. Krabbendam, J. Kroon
Derivation of the joint probability distribution of structure-factor components
without assuming independent atoms: relation to the sparse density principle Acta CrystallographicaA52 (1996) 712-716
C.A. van Walree, M.R. Roest, W. Schuddeboom, L.W. Jenneskens, J.W. Verhoeven, J.M. Warman, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek
Comparison between SiMe2 and CMe2 spacers as sigma-bridges for photoinduced charge transfer Journal of the American Chemical Society118 (1996) 8395-8407
I.C.M. Wehman-Ooyevaar, I.F. Luitwieler, K. Vatter, D.M. Grove, W.J.J. Smeets, E. Horn, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Intramolecular C-H activation and oxidative addition reactions of iridium
complexes containing arylamines with bulky substituents on nitrogen; X-ray structures of
[IrI(C6H4CH2NEt2-2-C,N) (cod)]
and [IrIII(C6H4CH2NEt(CHMe)-2-C,N,C')I(cod)]
(cod=cycloocta-1,5-diene) Inorganica Chimica Acta252 (1996) 55-69
P.T. Witte, R. Klein, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, M. Polásek, V. Varga, K. Mach
Electron transfer in the reactions of titanocene-bis(trimethylsilyl)acetylene
complexes with 2,2'-bipyridine and 4,5-diazafluorene. The crystal structure of
(4,5-diazafluorenyl)bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)titanium(III) Journal of Organometallic Chemistry519 (1996) 195-204
J.M. de Wolf, R. Blaauw, A. Meetsma, J.H. Teuben, R. Gyepes, V. Varga, K. Mach, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Bis(tetramethylcyclopentadienyl)titanium chemistry. Molecular structures of
and [(C5HMe4)2Ti]2N2 Organometallics15 (1996) 4977-4983
Professional Publications
J. Kroon
Strong opinions about weak interactions International Union of Crystallography Newsletter4(1) (1996) 19-20
A.L. Spek
Kijken naar moleculen met röntgenstraling Lab Instruments (1996) 124-128
M.P. Aarnts, A. Oskam, D.J. Stufkens, J. Fraanje, K. Goubitz, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Syntheses, structures and spectroscopic properties of a novel series of
metal-metal bonded complexes Ru(E)(E')(CO)2(iPr-DAB):(E=Br,
E'=Mn(CO)5; E=SnPh3, E'=Mn(CO)5, Re(CO)5,
Co(CO)4; E=Me, E'=Re(CO)5; E=E'=Mn(CO)5,
Re(CO)5; iPr-DAB=N,Ni-diisopropyl-1,4-diaza-1,3-butadiene) Journal of Organometallic Chemistry531 (1997) 191-205
H.C.L. Abbenhuis, M.L.W. Vorstenbosch, R.A.van Santen, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek
A 12-membered inorganic heterocycle: synthesis and structural characterization
of a bimetallic chromium(VI) siloxane complex Inorganic Chemistry36 (1997) 6431-6433
F.P.W. Agterberg, H.A.J. Provó Kluit, W.L. Driessen, H. Oevering, W. Buijs, M.T. Lakin, A.L. Spek, J. Reedijk
Dinuclear paddle-wheel copper(II) carboxylates in the catalytic oxidation
of carboxylic acids.
Unusual polymeric chains found in the single-crystal X-ray structures of
[tetrakis(μ-1-phenylcyclopropane-1-carboxylato-O,O')bis(ethanol-O)dicopper(II)] and
catena-poly[[bis(μ-diphenylacetato-O:O')dicopper](μ3-diphenylacetato-1-O:2-O':1'-O')-(μ3-diphenylacetato-1-O:2-O':2'-O')] Inorg. Chem36 (1997) 4321-4328
G.A. van Albada, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Synthesis, spectroscopic properties and X-ray crystal structures of two dinuclear alkoxo-bridged
copper(II) compounds with the ligand bis(1-methyl-2-benzimidazolyl)propane. A unique
alkoxo-bridged Cu(II) dinuclear compound with an additional bidentate bridging triflate anion Inorganica Chimica Acta260 (1997) 151-161
M.W. Avis, M.E. van der Boom, C.J. Elsevier, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek
Reactions of bis(iminophosphoranes) with palladium(II) dichloride: metal-induced
tautomerization orthopalladation and unexpected platinum-assisted [2+2]
cycloaddition of an aryl-nitrile with a phosphinimine moiety Journal of Organometallic Chemistry527 (1997) 263-276
M.W. Avis, M. Goosen, C.J. Elsevier, N. Veldman, H. Kooijman and A.L. Spek
Versatile coordination behavior of (N-aryliminophosphoranyl)(thiophosphoranyl)methane
and its anion to platinum(II) Inorganica Chimica Acta264 (1997) 43-60
E.K. van den Beuken, A. Meetsma, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and B.L. Feringa
New palladium, platinum and nickel complexes based on rigid phosphorus and nitrogen containing ligands Inorganica Chimica Acta264 (1997) 171-183
H. Boerrigter, R.W.J. Lugtenberg, R.J.M. Egberink, W. Verboom, D.N. Reinhoudt and A.L. Spek
Resorcinarene cavitands as building blocks for cation receptors Gazzetta Chimica Italiana127 (1997) 709-716
G.J. Boks, J.P. Tollenaere, J. Kroon
Possible ligand-receptor interactions for NK1 antagonists as observed in their crystal structures Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry5 (1997) 535-547
J. Brandsen, S. Werten, P.C. van der Vliet, M. Meisterernst, J. Kroon and P. Gros
C-terminal domain of transcription cofactor PC4 reveals dimeric ssDNA binding site Nature Structural Biology4 (1997) 900-903
B. de Bruin, M.J. Boerakker, J.J.J.M. Donners, B.E.C. Christiaans, P.P.J. Schlebos, R.de Gelder, J.M.M. Smits, A.L. Spek and A.W. Gal
Oxidation of RhI(olefin) fragments to 2-rhoda(III)oxetanes Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.36 (1997) 2064-2067
M.A. Dam, T. Nijbacker, B.C. de Pater, F.J.J. de Kanter, O.S. Akkerman, F. Bickelhaupt, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek
Synthesis, structure, and properties of an intramolecularly coordinated
diindacycle: 9,10-dihydro-9,10-bis[2,6-bis((dimethylamino)methyl)-phenyl]-9,10-diindaanthracene Organometallics16 (1997) 511-512
P. Dani, T. Karlen, R.A. Gossage, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Replacement of a cyclometalated terdentate diamino ligand by a phosphorus analogue.
Isolation and crystallographic characterization of an intermediate in aryl C-H bond activation
in models of dendrimer-bound organometallic catalysts Journal of the American Chemical Society119 (1997) 11317-11318
J.G.P. Delis, P.G. Aubel, K. Vrieze, P.W.N.M.van Leeuwen, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Insertion of unsaturated hydrocarbons into the palladium-carbon bond of
complexes (N¯N)Pd(C(=N-2,6-Me2Ph)Me)X (N¯N = bpy, phen; X = Cl, Br, I,
BF4: a structural and mechanistic study Organometallics16 (1997) 4150-4160
J.G.P. Delis, P.G. Aubel, K. Vrieze, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, F.J.R. van Neer
Isocyanide insertion into the palladium-carbon bond of complexes containing
bidentate nitrogen ligands: a structural and mechanistic study Organometallics16 (1997) 2948-2957
J.G.P. Delis, J.H. Groen, K. Vrieze, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Insertions of allenes into palladium-carbon bonds of complexes containing
bidentate nitrogen ligands. Structural and mechanistic studies Organometallics16 (1997) 551-562
J.G. Donkervoort, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, B.J. Deelman, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, G.van Koten
Novel aryltitanium(IV) complexes containing η³-NCN-pseudofacial- and
(abbriviated as NCN) ligands. The crystal structures of
[TiCl(η³-mer-NCN)(O-i-Pr)(OTf)] containing an η¹-O-bonded
triflate anion, and the seven-coordinated
[Ti(η³-mer-NCN)(O-i-Pr)(OTf)2] containing
η¹-O- and η²-O,O'-bonded trifkate anions Organometallics16 (1997) 4174-4184
J.G. Donkervoort, C.M.P. Kronenburg, B.J. Deelman, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and G.van Koten
Aryltitanium(IV) complexes with the η³-C,N,N'-pseudofacially coordinating ligand
The X-ray crystal structure of [TiCl2(CNN)(O-i-Pr)] Journal of Organometallic Chemistry547 (1997) 349-355
B.P.van Eijck, J. Kroon
Coulomb energy of polar crystals J. Phys. Chem. B.B 101 (1997) 1096-1100
B.P.van Eijck, J. Kroon
Fast clustering of equivalent structures in crystal structure prediction Journal of Computational Chemistry18 (1997) 1036-1042
B.P.van Eijck, L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg, J. Kroon
Chapter 4. Energy minimization and molecular dynamics calculations for molecular crystals. In: Theoretical aspects and computer modeling. (: A. Gavezzotti) John Wiley & Sons Ltd,, (1997) 99-146
J.M.H.van den Elsen, J.N. Herron, P. Hoogerhout, J.T. Poolman, E. Boel, T. Logtenberg,
J. Wilting, D.J.A. Crommelin, J. Kroon, P. Gros
Bactericidal antibody recognition of a PorA epitope of Neisseria meningitidis:
crystal structure of a Fab fragment in complex with a fluorescein-conjugated peptide PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Genetics29 (1997) 113-125
D.S. van Es, A. Egberts, S. Nkrumah, H.de Nijs, W.H. de Wolf, F. Bickelhaupt, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
8,11-Dichloro-N-tosyl-3-aza[5]metacyclophane: a highly strained aromatic system J. Am. Chem. Soc.119 (1997) 615-616
A. Gavezzotti, G. Filippini, J. Kroon, B.P. van Eijck, P. Klewinghaus
The crystal polymorphism of tetrolic acid (CH3C≡CCOOH):
a molecular dynamics study of precursors in solution, and a crystal structure generation Chemistry: a European Journal3 (1997) 893-899
H.F. Haarman, F.R. Bregman, J.-M. Ernsting, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, K. Vrieze
Reactions of [RhCl(diene)]2 with bi- and terdentate nitrogen ligands.
X-ray structures of five-coordinate complexes Organometallics16 (1997) 54-67
H.F. Haarman, J.M. Ernsting, M. Kranenburg, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, K. Vrieze
Oxidative addition of carbon-chloride bonds to rhodium(I) complexes containing terdentate
nitrogen ligands. X-ray analyses of rhodium(I) chloride and rhodium(III) chloromethyl complexes Organometallics16 (1997) 887-900
V.P. Hanot, T.D. Robert, J.J.A. Kolnaar, J.G. Haasnoot, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of a μ-halogeno-bridged copper(II)
chain with neutral planar [Cu(batt)Cl] units (Hbatt=1,3-bis[3-(5-amino-1,2,4-triazolyl)]triazene) Inorganica Chimica Acta256 (1997) 327-329
R.K. Henderson, E. Bouwman, A.L. Spek, J. Reedijk
A unique mononuclear nickel disulfonato complex obtained by oxidation of a mononuclear nickel dithiolate complex Inorg. Chem36 (1997) 4616-4617
J.L. Hoare, K. Lorenz, N.J. Hovestad, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, A.J. Canty, H. Frey, G.van Koten
Organopalladium-functionalized dendrimers: insertion of palladium(0) into peripheral carbon-iodine
bonds of carbosilane dendrimers derived from polyols. Crystal structure of
Si{(CH2)3O2CC6H4I-4}4 Organometallics16 (1997) 4167-4173
H.J. Hoorn, P. de Joode, D.J. Dijkstra, W.L. Driessen, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Metal-binding affinity of a series of bis-benzimidazoles immobilised on silica J. Mater. Chem.7 (1997) 1747-1754
E.G. Huizinga, R.M.van der Plas, J. Kroon, J.J. Sixma, P. Gros
Crystal structure of the A3 domain of human von Willebrand factor: implications for collagen binding Structure5 (1997) 1147-1156
G.M. Kapteijn, P.J. Baesjou, P. Alsters, D.M. Grove, W.J.J. Smeets, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Hydrogen bonding and conformational analysis of chelate-stabilized alkoxopalladium(II)-complexes
derived from amino alcohol ligands Chem. Ber./Recueil130 (1997) 35-44
G.M. Kapteijn, M.D. Meijer, D.M. Grove, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Diamino-ligated platinum(II) and platinum(IV) phenoxide complexes: syntheses and crystal structures Inorganica Chimica Acta264 (1997) 211-217
E. Keller, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and B.L. Feringa
Catalytic enantioselective Michael addition reactions of alpha-nitroesters to alpha,beta-unsaturated ketones Tetrahedron: Asymmetry8 (1997) 3403-3413
P. Klewinghaus, B.P.van Eijck, M.L.C.E. Kouwijzer, J. Kroon
Molecular dynamics study of conformational equilibria in aqueous D-glucose and D-galactose Theochem395-396 (1997) 289-295
J.J.A. Kolnaar, G. van Dijk, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, V.G. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich, J.G. Haasnoot, J. Reedijk
Synthesis, structure, magnetic behavior, and Mössbauer spectroscopy
of two new iron(II) spin-transition compounds with the ligand 4-isopropyl-1,2,4-triazole.
X-ray structure of
[Fe3(4-isopropyl-1,2,4-triazole)6(H2O)6](tosylate)6.2H2O Inorganic Chemistry36 (1997) 2433-2440
P.J. van Koningsbruggen, J.G. Haasnoot, H. Kooijman, J. Reedijk, A.L. Spek
A mixed-valence tetranuclear copper cluster with localized valencies Inorganic Chemistry36 (1997) 2487-2489
H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, R. van Belzen and C.J. Elsevier
{1,2-bis[N-(4-methylphenyl)imino-N]-acenaphthene}(η²-maleic anhydride)-palladium(0) Acta CrystallographicaC53 (1997) 1593-1596
H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, D. Rehorst, W.L. Driessen and J. Reedijk
Bis(2-aminomethylpyridine-N,N')bis-(nitrato-O)copper(II) Acta CrystallographicaC53 (1997) 1596-1598
M. Kranenburg, J.G.P. Delis, P.C.J. Kamer, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, K. Vrieze,
N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, K. Goubitz, J. Fraanje
Palladium(0)-tetracyanoethylene complexes of diphosphines and a dipyridine
with large bite angles, and their crystal structures J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans.(1997) 1839-1849
L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg, J. Kroon
The crystal and molecular structures of cellulose I and II Glycoconjugate Journal14 (1997) 677-690.
L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg, P.H. Kruiskamp, J.F.G. Vliegenthart, J. Kroon
Estimation of the persistence length of polymers by MD simulations on small
fragments in solution. Application to cellulose The Journal of Physical Chemistry B101 (1997) 8454-8459.
W. Kuipers, C.G. Kruse, I. van Wijngaarden, P.J. Standaar, M.ThM. Tulp, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, A.P. IJzerman
5-HT1A-versus D2-receptor selectivity of flesinoxan
and analogous N4-substituted N¹-arylpiperazines Journal of Medicinal Chemistry40 (1997) 300-312
R.F.M. Lange, F.H. Beijer, R.P. Sijbesma, R.W.W. Hooft, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, J. Kroon, E.W. Meijer
Crystal engineering of melamine-imide complexes; tuning the stoichiometry
by steric hindrance of the imide carbonyl groups Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.36 (1997) 969-971
M.H. Langoor, L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg and J.H.van der Maas
Conformational analysis of alkoxyalcohols - A recombined IR and molecular mechanics study Journal of the Chemical Society Faraday Transactions93 (1997) 4107-4113
W.P. Mul, C.J. Elsevier, M.A. Vuurman, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, J.L. de Boer
Synthesis and characterisation of ruthenium carbonyl complexes with cyclometallated
ligands derived from senecialdimine Journal of Organometallic Chemistry532 (1997) 89-100
P.J. Nieuwenhuizen, S. Timall, J.G. Haasnoot, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Zinc(II)-catalyzed disproportionation in rubber: the mechanism of sulfur vulcanization revisited Chemistry a European Journal3 (1997) 1846-1851
J.W.M. Nissink, M.L. Verdonk, J. Kroon, T. Mietzner, G. Klebe
Superposition of molecules: electron density fitting by application of Fourier transforms Journal of Computational Chemistry18 (1997) 638-645
A.R.A. Palmans, J.A.J. Vekemans, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and E.W. Meijer
Hydrogen-bonded porous solid derived from trimesic amide Chem. Commun. (1997) 2247-2248
R.B.G. Ravelli, R.M. Sweet, J.M. Skinner, A.J.M. Duisenberg and J. Kroon
STRATEGY: a program to optimize the starting spindle angle and scan range for X-ray data collection Journal of Applied Crystallography30 (1997) 551-554
M.H.P. Rietveld, H. Hagen, L. van de Water, D.M. Grove, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Tantalacyclobutane complexes containing the potentially C,N,N'-coordinating ligand
(CNN) and their reactivity with carbon monoxide and tert-butyl isocyanide. X-ray molecular
structures of [Ta{CH2CH(Me)CH2-1,3}(CNN)(O-t-Bu)2],
[Ta{C(O)((CH2)3-1,3)}(CNN)(O-t-Bu)2], and
[Ta{C(=N-t-Bu)CH2CH(Ph)CH2-1,4}(CNN)(O-t-Bu)2] Organometallics16 (1997) 168-177
M.H.P. Rietveld, E.G. Klumpers, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, D.M. Grove, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, G.van Koten
Alkylidene-centered rearrangement of a tantalum alkylidene alkoxide species with the
N,C,N-bis-ortho-chelated 1,2,6-trisubstituted aryldiamine ligand
[C6H3(CH2NMe2)2-2,6]- to a
product with a C,N-mono-ortho-chelated 1,2,4-trisubstitited aryldiamine ligand.
X-ray molecular structure of
[TaCl(=CH-t-Bu){C6H3(CH2NMe2)2-2,4}(O-t-Bu)] Organometallics16 (1997) 4260-4267
M.H.P. Rietveld, P. Lohner, M.G. Nijkamp, D.M. Grove, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, M. Pfeffer, G. van Koten
A novel synthetic route to tantalum-zinc neophylidyne complexes stabilized by ortho-chelating
arylamine ligands; the x-ray structure of
[TaCl2(μ-C6H4CH2NMe2-2)(μ-CCMe2Ph)ZnCl(THF)] Chemistry: a European Journal3 (1997) 817-822
M.H.P. Rietveld, L. Nagelholt, D.M. Grove, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, M.U. Rauch, W.A. Herrmann, G. van Koten
Synthesis of methyltrioxorhenium(VII) arylamine complexes and mono- and bis(ortho)-chelated
arylaminorhenium(VII) trioxides Journal of Organometallic Chemistry530 (1997) 159-167
M.H.P. Rietveld, W. Teunissen, H. Hagen, L. van de Water, D.M. Grove, P.A. van der Schaaf, A. Mühlebach, H. Kooijman, W.J.J. Smeets, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Synthesis and reactivity of tantalum alkylidene complexes containing the C,N,N'-chelating aryldiamine
ligand [C6H4(CH2N(Me)CH2CH2NMe2)-2]-
(CNN). X-ray structures of [TaCl2(=CH-t-Bu)(CNN)],
[Ta{(CH2)3-1,3}(CNN)(O-t-Bu)2], and
[Ta(CNN)(O-t-Bu)2(H2C=CH2)] Organometallics16 (1997) 1674-1684
E. Rijnberg, J. Boersma, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, M.T. Lakin, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
The role of neutral and radical anionic organozinc complexes in the alkylation reactions of
1,4-diaza-1,3-butadienes with diorganozinc compounds Organometallics16 (1997) 3158-3164
E. Rijnberg, N.J. Hovestad, A.W. Kleij, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, J. Boersma, M.D. Janssen, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Application of S,N-chelating chiral zinc bis(aminoarenethiolates) as new precursor catalysts in the
enantioselective addition of dialkylzincs to aldehydes Organometallics16 (1997) 2847-2857
E. Rijnberg, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, J. Boersma, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, G.van Koten
Synthesis and structural characterization of the homoleptic magnesium bis zincate complex Mg(thf)
6[Zn(CH2Ph)3]2 Journal of Organometallic Chemistry541 (1997) 181-185
E. Rijnberg, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, J. Boersma, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
1:1 and 2:1 lithium zincates with intramolecular coordination. Structures of
Li(thf)Zn(C6H4CH2NMe2-2)3 and
Li2Zn(C6H4CH2NMe2-2)4 Organometallics16 (1997) 2239-2245
A.M. Schoevaars, W. Kruizinga, R.W.J. Zijlstra, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, B.L. Feringa
Toward a switchable molecular rotor. Unexpected dynamic behavior of functionalized overcrowded alkenes Journal of Organic Chemistry62 (1997) 4943-4948
M. Schreuder Goedheijt, T. Nijbacker, O.S. Akkerman, F. Bickelhaupt, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of 2-(methoxymethyl)phenyldicyclopentadienyltitanium(III) Journal of Organometallic Chemistry527 (1997) 1-5
P.J. Sinnema, L.van der Veen, A.L. Spek, N. Veldman, J.H. Teuben
Titanium dichloro, bis(carbyl), aryne, and alkylidene complexes stabilized by linked
cyclopentadienyl-amido auxiliary ligands Organometallics16 (1997) 4245-4247
J.J. Sixma, G.H. van Zanten, E.G. Huizinga, R.M. van der Plas, M. Verkley, Y.-P. Wu, P. Gros and P.G. de Groot
Platelet adhesion to collagen: an update Thrombosis and Haemostasis78 (1997) 434-438
M. van der Sluis, V. Beverwijk, A. Termaten, E. Gavrilova, F. Bickelhaupt, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
Synthesis of 2-(2-pyridyl)phosphaalkenes [Mes*P=C(R)Py] (R = H, SiMe3) and their complexes
n¹,n¹-[Mes*P=C(R)Py]XPdCl (X = Cl, Me, Ac) Organometallics16 (1997) 1144-1152
M. van der Sluis, A. Klootwijk, J.B.M. Wit, F. Bickelhaupt, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, P.W. Jolly
Palladium(0) mediated coupling of bromophosphaalkenes with Grignard reagents Journal of Organometallic Chemistry529 (1997) 107-119
W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, R.K. Henderson, E. Bouwman and J. Reedijk
[N,N'-bis(2-thiobenzylidene)-1,2-phenyl-enediaminato]nickel(II) Acta CrystallographicaC53 (1997) 1564-1566
W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, J.L. Hoare, A.J. Canty, N. Hovestad, G. van Koten
(2,2'-Bipyridyl-N,N')dibromopalladium(II) Acta CrystallographicaC53 (1997) 1045-1047
A.L. Spek
Crystal structure of
C18H16O3S Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures212 (1997) 257-258
P. Steenwinkel, S.L. James, D.M. Grove, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten
Double cyclometalation via carbon-silicon bond cleavage by palladium(II) acetate. X-ray
structure of a cationic 1,4-dipalladated benzene ring and selective synthesis of heterobimetallic
1,4-phenylene-bridged platinum(II)-palladium(II) complexes Organometallics16 (1997) 513-515
P. Steenwinkel, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, B.J. Deelman, D.M. Grove, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman,
W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Hypercoordinate aryltrialkylsilanes and -stannanes and their use in the synthesis of
homodinuclear organimetallic complexes with a 1,4-phenylene bridge Organometallics16 (1997) 5486-5498
T. Steiner, B. Lutz, J. van der Maas, N. Veldman, A.M.M. Schreurs, J. Kroon, J.A. Kanters
Spectroscopic evidence for cooperativity effects involving C-H···O hydrogen bonds:
crystalline mestranol. Chem. Commun., (1997) 191-192
T. Steiner, A.M.M. Schreurs, J.A. Kanters, J. Kroon, J. van der Maas and B. Lutz
The strong aromatic hydrogen bonding in crystalline propargylammonium tetraphenylborate J. Mol. Struct.436-437 (1997) 181-187
O. Struck, W. Verboom, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, D.N. Reinhoudt
Calix[4]arene dimers; self-assembly via hydrogen bonding at the upper rim J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans2 (1997) 223-227
G. Tabbi, W.L. Driessen, J. Reedijk, R.P. Bonomo, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek
High superoxide dismutase activity of a novel, intramolecularly imidazolate-bridged asymmetric
dicopper(II) species. Design, synthesis, structure, and magnetism of copper(II) complexes with a
mixed pyrazole-imidazole donor set Inorganic Chemistry36 (1997) 1168-1175
E.G. Talman, W. Brüning, J. Reedijk, A.L. Spek, N. Veldman
Crystal and molecular structures of asymmetric cis- and trans-platinum(II/IV) compounds and
their reactions with DNA fragments Inorganic Chemistry36 (1997) 854-861
I. Tóth, C.J. Elsevier, J.G. de Vries, J. Bakos, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek
Synthesis of Pt compounds containing chiral
(2S.4S)-pentane-2,4-diyl-bis(5H-dibenzo[b]phosphindole) as ligand and
their use in asymmetric hydroformylation of styrene derivatives Journal of Organometallic Chemistry540 (1997) 15-25
O. Tüscher, C. Lorra, B. Bouma, K.W.A. Wirtz and W.B. Huttner
Cooperativity of phosphatidylinositol transfer protein and phospholipase D in secretory
vesicle formation from the TGN - phosphoinositides as a common denominator? Federation of European Biochemical Societies Letters419 (1997) 271-275
Y.S.J. Veldhuizen, W.J.J. Smeets, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, C. Faulmann, P. Auban-Senzier, D. Jerome,
P.M. Paulus, J.G. Haasnoot, J. Reedijk
Synthesis and characterization of [acridinium][Ni(dmit)2]3 and
[phenazinium][Ni(dmit)2]3 (dmit = 2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolate) Inorganic Chemistry36 (1997) 4930-4937
M.E. de Vries, R.M. La Crois, G. Roelfes, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, R. Hage, B.L. Feringa
A novel pentadentate ligand 2,6-bis[methoxybis(2-pyridyl)methyl]pyridine L for mononuclear
iron(II) and manganese(II) compounds; synthesis and crystal structures of
[FeL(MeCN)][ClO4]2 and [MnL(H2O)][ClO4]2 Chem. Commun. (1997) 1549-1550
C.A.van Walree, A.W. Maarsman, A.W. Marsman, M.C. Flipse, L.W. Jenneskens, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek
Electronic and second-order nonlinear optical properties of conformationally locked benzylideneanilines
and biphenyls. The effect of conformation on the first hyperpolarizability J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans2 (1997) 809-819
P. Wijkens, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and G.van Koten
Self-assembling of bis-ortho chelated diaminobenzyl- (NC'N) and butyl-lithium units to
give 2:2 mixed alkyllithium aggregates (NC'N)Li2Bu2Li2(NC'N)
with a ladder structure Chem. Commun. (1997) 2143-2144
C. Zondervan, E.K. van den Beuken, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, B.L. Feringa
Efficient synthesis and molecular structure of 2-hydroxyisophthaldehyde Tetrahedron Letters38 (1997) 3111-3114
Professional Publications
J.M.H. van den Elsen
Utrechtse kristalstructuur verschaft inzicht in bescherming tegen nekkramp Nieuwsbrief Onderzoeksschool Infectie en Immuniteitjanuari (1997) 6-7
H.C.L. Abbenhuis, A.D. Burrows, H. Kooijman, M. Lutz, M.T. Palmer, R.A. van
Santen and A.L. Spek
Synthesis and structural characterisation of platinum
silasesquioxane complexes Chem. Commun. (1998) 2627-2628
R.A.T.M. Abbenhuis, I. del Rio, M.M. Bergshoef, J. Boersma, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
16- and 18-Electron ruthenium(II) complexes of the neutral, potentially tridentate triamine ligand
2,6-[bis(dimethylamino)methyl]pyridine (NN'N) Inorg. Chem37 (1998) 1749-1758
F.P.W. Agterberg, H.A.J. Provô Kluit, W.L. Driessen, J. Reedijk, H. Oevering, W. Buijs, N. Veldman,
M.T. Lakin and A.L. Spek
Three dinuclear copper(II) carboxylates with the paddle-wheel cage structure as intermediates in
copper(II) catalyzed oxidations of carboxylic acids. X-ray crystal structures of
[tetrakis(diphenyl acetato-µ-O,O')bis(acetonitrile-N)dicopper(II)] tetrakis(acetonitrile),
[tetrakis(diphenylacetato-µ-O,O')bis(acetone-O)dicopper(II)] and
[tetrakis(1-phenyl-1-carboxylato-µ-O,O'-cyclopentane)-bis(ethanol-O)dicopper(II)]bis(ethanol) Inorg. Chim. Acta267 (1998) 183-192
G.A. van Albada, J.J.A. Kolnaar, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Synthesis, X-ray crystal structures and magnetism of [NiCl2{(bis(2-benzimidazolyl)propane}]2.(C2H5OH)2 - A second example of a ferromagnetically coupled five-coordinated high-spin dichloro-bridged nickel(II) dimer Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (1998) 1337-1341
G.A. van Albada, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
The crystal structure and IR spectra of μ-(bipyrimidine-N1,N1',N5,N5')-bis[(azido-
N1)(methanol)(bipyrimidine-N1,N1')copper(II)] bis(triflate) bis(methanol) Journal of Chemical Crystallography28 (1998) 427-432
M. Albrecht, R.A. Gossage, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Sulfur dioxide gas detection by reversible (η¹-SO2-Pt bond formation
as a novel application for periphery functionalised metallo-dendrimers Chem. Commun. (1998) 1003-1004
R. van Belzen, R.A. Klein, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and C.J. Elsevier
Stoichiometric and catalytic conversion of alkynes to conjugated (Z,Z)-dienes
and cyclopentadienes via palladacyclopentadienes and 1,3-dienylpalladium(II) halide and
triorganopalladium(IV) halide compounds containing chelating nitrogen ligands Organometallics17 (1998) 1812-1825
F.H. Beijer, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, R.P. Sijbesma and E.W. Meijer
Self-complementarity achieved through quadruple hydrogen bonding Angewandte Chemie International Edition37 (1998) 75-78
F.H. Beijer, R.P. Sijbesma, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and E.W. Meijer
Strong Dimerization of ureidopyrimidones via quadruple hydrogen bonding J. Am. Chem. Soc.120 (1998) 6761-6769
E.K.van den Beuken, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and B.L. Feringa
Oligomerisation of ethene by new palladium iminophosphine catalysts Chem. Commun. (1998) 223-224
E.K. van den Beuken, N. Veldman, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and B.L. Feringa
Dinuclear palladium, nickel, and rhodium complexes based on
1,3-bis[(2-(diphenylphosphino)benzylidene)-amino]propan-2-ol Organometallics17 (1998) 636-644
R. Blaauw, J.L. van der Baan, S. Balt, M.W.G. de Bolster, G.W. Klumpp, H. Kooijman and A.L. Spek
Synthesis, structure and Co-C bond homolysis of an intramolecularly bridged
(tetrahydrofurfuryl)cobalt(salen) complex: a simple model of enzyme-bound coenzyme B12 Chem. Commun. (1998) 1295-1296
K.J.C. van Bommel, W. Verboom, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and D.N. Reinhoudt
Rhenium(V)-salen complexes: configurational control and ligand exchange Inorg. Chem.37 (1998) 4197-4203
A.W. Bosman, M.J. Bruining, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, R.A.J. Janssen and E.W. Meijer
Concerning the localization of end groups in dendrimers J. Am. Chem. Soc.120 (1998) 8547-8548
E. Bouwman, R.K. Henderson, A.K. Powell, J. Reedijk, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, N. Veldman and S. Wocadlo
Anion dependent deprotection of a thioether group in Schiff base NS2
ligands results in new mononuclear and dinuclear thiolato nickel complexes J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. (1998) 3495-3499
A.T. Brünger, P.D. Adams, G.M. Clore, W.L. DeLano, P. Gros, R.W. Grosse-Kunstleve,
J.-S. Jiang, J. Kuszewski, M. Nilges, N.S. Pannu, R.J. Read, L.M. Rice, T. Simonson and G.L. Warren Crystallography & NMR system: a new software
suite for macromolecular structure determination Acta Cryst.D54 (1998) 905-921
C.J. Campbell, W.L. Driessen, J. Reedijk, W. Smeets and A.L. Spek
Glycine coupled to a bis(imidazole): a tetradentate ligand rendering dinuclear copper(II)
compounds through ligand sharing J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. (1998) 2703-2706
M.A. Dam, W.J. Hoogervorst, F.J.J. de Kanter, F. Bickelhaupt, A.L. Spek
Synthesis of alkynyl-substituted 9,10-dimetallatriptycenes of group 14 and their
application in the preparation of a novel class of organometallic oligomers Organometallics17 (1998) 1762-1768
M.A. Dam, F.J.J. de Kanter, F. Bickelhaupt, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, J. Fornies-Camer and C. Cardin
9,10-Dimetallatriptycenes of group 14: a structural study Journal of Organometallic Chemistry550 (1998) 347-353
J.G.P. Delis, M. Rep, M. Kranenburg, K. Vrieze, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, N. Veldman and A.L. Spek Trans-4,5-bis(2-pyridyl)norbornane: a bidentate nitrogen ligand with a potentially large bite angle Journal of Organometallic Chemistry564 (1998) 29-35
J.G. Donkervoort, J.L. Vicario, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Synthesis of arylplatinum(II) complexes with chiral monoanionic aryldiamine ligands.
The X-ray crystal structure of
(-)-[(1R,1'R)-2,6-bis{1-(dimethylamino)propyl}-phenyl]chloroplatinum(II) Journal of Organometallic Chemistry551 (1998) 1-7
J.G. Donkervoort, J.L. Vicario, E. Rijnberg, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Formation of mixed aryl-, alkyl-lithium aggregates in the heteroatom assisted
lithiation of α,α'-dialkyl substituted 1,3-bis[(dimethylamino)methyl]benzene Journal of Organometallic Chemistry550 (1998) 463-467
A.C. Dros, R.W.J. Zijlstra, P.T. van Duijnen, A.L. Spek, H. Kooijman and R.M. Kellogg
Unusual conformational aspects of some novel chiral nonracemic pyridinyl-2-phosphonates Tetrahedron54 (1998) 7787-7812
B.P. van Eijck
Crystal Structure Calculations In: Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 1, Ed. P. Von Ragué,
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chicester (1998) 636-641
B.P. van Eijck, A.L. Spek, W.T.M. Mooij and J. Kroon
Hypothetical crystal structures of benzene at 0 and 30 kbar Acta Cryst.B54 (1998) 291-299
M.J. van Eis, C.M.D. Komen, F.J.J. de Kanter, W.H. de Wolf, K. Lammertsma, F. Bickelhaupt, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
1,4-addition eines terminalen phosphiniden-komplexes an [5]metacyclophan Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.37 (1998) 1547-1550
G. Ferguson, A. Notti, S. Pappalardo, M.F. Parisi and A.L. Spek
Influence of the size of upper and lower rim substituents on the fluxional and
complexation behaviour of calix[5]arenes Tetrahedron Letters39 (1998) 1965-1968
J.H. Groen, M.J.M. Vlaar, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, K. Vrieze, H. Kooijman and A.L. Spek
Insertion reactions into palladium-carbon bonds of complexes containing new rigid bidentate nitrogen ligands Journal of Organometallic Chemistry551 (1998) 67-79
J.H. Groen, A. de Zwart, M.J.M. Vlaar, J.M. Ernsting, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, K. Vrieze,
H. Kooijman, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, P.H.M. Budzelaar, Q. Xiang and R.P. Thummel
Insertion reactions into palladium-carbon bonds of complexes containing terdentate
nitrogen ligands; experimental and ab initio MO studies Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (1998) 1129-1143
E. ten Grotenhuis, A.W. Marsman, F.J. Hoogesteger, J.C. van Miltenburg, J.P. van der Eerden,
L.W. Jenneskens, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek
Solid state structures in spin-coated assemblies of oligo(cyclohexylidene) oxime
derivatives and (partly) satured analogues: an atomic force microscopy study Journal of Crystal Growth191 (1998) 834-845
H.F. Haarman, J.-W.F. Kaagman, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and K. Vrieze
Rhodium aryloxide complexes containing terdentate nitrogen ligands, C-O bond formation,
hydrogen bonding with phenol and oxidative addition reactions. Molecular
structure of an Rh(III)-acetyl complex Inorg. Chim. Acta270 (1998) 34-45
V.P. Hanot, T.D. Robert, J.G. Haasnoot, H. Kooijman and A.L. Spek
Crystal structure and resonance Raman spectroscopic study of {1,3-bis[3-(5-amino-1,2,4-
triazolyl)]triazenido-N'4,N2,N''4}chloro palladium(II)-methanol (1/1) Journal of Chemical Crystallography28 (1998) 343-351
I. Higler, H. Boerrigter, W. Verboom, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and D.N. Reinhoudt
A modular approach to potential synthetic receptors with large surfaces based on crown[n]cavitands Eur. J. Org. Chem. (1998) 1597-1607
M. Hoogenraad, K. Ramkisoensing, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, E. Bouwman, J.G.
Haasnoot and J. Reedijk
Synthesis and characterization of the new complex tris
[(2-oxazolinyl)phenolato] manganese(III) and its use as a catalyst in oxidation
reactions Inorg. Chim. Acta279 (1998) 217-220
B.H.W.S. de Jong, H.T.J. Supèr, A.L. Spek, N. Veldman, G. Nachtegaal and J.C.
Mixed alkali systems: structure and 29Si MASNMR of Li2Si2O5 and
K2Si2O5 Acta Cryst.B54 (1998) 568-577
V.E. Kaasjager, R.K. Henderson, E. Bouwman, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
A structural model for [Fe]-only hydrogenases Angew. Chem.37 (1998) 1668-1670
D. Keglevic, B. Kojic-Prodic, Z. Banic Tomišic and A.L. Spek
Synthesis and characterisation of muramic acid
derivatives related to repeating units of bacterial spore cortex Carbohydrate Research313 (1998) 1-14
H. Kleijn, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, R.A. Gossage, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and G.van Koten Ortho-bis(amino)arylnickel(II) halide complexes containing perfluoralkyl
chains as model catalyst precursors for use in fluorous biphase systems Tetrahedron54 (1998) 1145-1152
H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, K.J.C. van Bommel, W. Verboom and D.N. Reinhoudt
A triclinic modification of triphenylphosphine Acta Cryst.C54 (1998) 1695-1698
C.M.P. Kronenburg, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
A model structure for the resting state of cyanocuprate reagents
R2Cu(CN)LI2. The X-ray crystal structure of
[Ar2Cu(CN)Li2(THF)4]∞ J. Am. Chem. Soc.120 (1998) pp. 9688-9689
S. Kumar, K. Subramanian, R. Srinivasan, K. Rajagopalan, A.M.M. Schreurs,
J. Kroon, G. Koellner and T. Steiner
N-H···C≡C-H hydrogen bonds as
part of cooperative networks: crystal structure of N-(p-methylphenyl)-N-prop-2-ynylurea J. Mol. Struct.448 (1998) 51-55
M.-C. Lagunas, R.A. Gossage, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and G.van Koten
Coordination behaviour of the new multidentate ligand 3,5-bis(dimethyl-aminomethyl)pyridine
with palladium(II) and platinum(II) metal centres Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (1998) 163-168
M.-C. Lagunas, R.A. Gossage, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Synthesis and characterization of the bis-cyclometalating ligand
3,3',5,5'-tetrakis[(dimethylamino)methyl]biphenyl and its use in the preparation of
bimetallic M(II), M(IV) (M=Pt,Pd), and mixed-valence Pt(II)-Pt(IV) complexes
via a dilithio-derivative. Crystal Structure of the Pd dimer
[ClPd{2,6-(Me2NCH2)2C6H2]]2 Organometallics17 (1998) 731-741
A.G.J. Ligtenbarg, E.K.van den Beuken, A. Meetsma, N. Veldman, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and B.L. Feringa
New mono- and di-nuclear complexes of PdII, PtII and NiII of PNNP ligands with a 2,2'-biaryl bridging unit J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. (1998) 263-270
B. Lutz, J.A. Kanters, J. van der Maas, J. Kroon and T. Steiner
Spectroscopic and structural evidence for the hydrogen bond nature of
C=C-H···C=C contacts in ethynyl steroids J. Mol. Struct.440 (1998) 81-87
M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
3-(N-benzyl-N-methylcarbamoyl)-1,2,4-tri-methylquinolinium iodide Acta CrystallographicaC54 (1998) 1291-1292
M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
0.12-diethyl ether solvate Acta CrystallographycaC54 (1998) 1293-1295
M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
Complex of (-)-morphine with β-phenyl-hydracrylic acid Acta Cryst.C54 (1998) 1477-1479
M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, P.R. Markies, O.S. Akkerman and F. Bickelhaupt
1-Bromomercurio-2-(2,5,8,11,14-pentaoxapentadecyl)benzene Acta Cryst.C54 (1998) 1091-1093
I.J.A. Mertens, R. Wegh, L.W. Jenneskens, E.J. Vlietstra, A. van der Kerk-van Hoof,
J.W. Zwikker, T.J. Cleij, W.J.J. Smeets, N. Veldman and A.L. Spek
Formation of huge cyclic oligomers in the condensation polymerization of
bis(9-hydroxy-1,4,7-trioxanonyl) substituted naphthalene and benzenes with both aromatic
and aliphatic bis-acid chlorides J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans2 (1998) 725-736
O. Middel, W. Verboom, R. Hulst, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and D.N. Reinhoudt
Bridging of resorcin[4]arenes in the chair conformation to cavitands having two
pairs of axial and equatorial substituents J. Org. Chem.63 (1998) 8259-8265
P. Molenveld, J.F.J. Engbersen, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and D.N. Reinhoudt
Efficient catalytic phosphate diester cleavage by the synergetic action of two
Cu(II) centers in a dinuclear cis-diaqua Cu(II) calix[4]arene enzyme model J. Am. Chem. Soc.120 (1998) 6726-6737
W.T.M. Mooij, B.P. van Eijck, S.L. Price, P. Verwer and J. Kroon
Crystal structure predictions for acetic acid J. Comp. Chem.19 (1998) 459-474
J. Ochocki, B. Zurowska, J. Mrozinski, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Synthesis, spectroscopy, and magnetic properties of transition-metal complexes
with the diethyl 2-quinolylmethylphosphonate (2-qmpe) ligand-crystal structures of
[Ni(2-qmpe)4(H2O)2](ClO4)2 and
showing unexpected O-binding of the qmpe ligands Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (1998) 169-175
S. Pérez, A. Imberty, S.B. Engelsen, J. Gruza, K. Mazeau, J. Jimenez-Barbero, A. Poveda,
J.-F. Espinosa, B.P. van Eijck, G. Johnson, A.D. French, M.L.C.E. Kouwijzer, P.D.J. Grootenhuis,
A. Bernardi, L. Raimondi, H. Senderowitz, V. Durier, G. Vergoten, and K. Rasmussen
A comparison and chemometric analysis of several molecular mechanics force fields and
parameter sets applied to carbohydrates Carbohydrate Research314 (1998) 141-155
Ravelli, R.B.G., M.L. Raves, Z. Ren, D. Bourgeois, M. Roth, J. Kroon, I. Silman, J.L. Sussman
Static Laue diffraction studies on acetylcholinesterase Acta CrystallographicaD54 (1998) 1359-1366
E. Rijnberg, B. Richter, K.-H. Thiele, J. Boersma, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and G.van Koten
A homologous series of homoleptic zinc bis(1,4-di-tert-butyl-1,4-diaza-1,3-butadiene)
complexes: Kx[Zn(t-BuNCHCHN-t-Bu)2],
Zn(t-BuNCHCHN-t-Bu)2, and
[Zn(t-BuNCHCHN-t-Bu)2](OTf)x (x= 1, 2) Inorganic Chemistry37 (1998) 56-63
A. Schouten, J.A. Kanters, J. Kroon, S. Comini, P. Looten and M. Mathlouthi
Conformational polymorphism of -sorbitol (-glucitol): the crystal and
molecular structures of -glucitol 2/3-hydrate and
epsilon-glucitol Carbohydr. Res.312 (1998) 131-137
A.L. Spek, H. Boerrigter, W. Verboom and D.N. Reinhoudt
5,17-Dinitro-11,23-diphthalimido-25,26,27,28-tetrapropoxycalix[4]arene Acta Cryst.C54 (1998) 1023-1025
P. Steenwinkel, D.M. Grove, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Ionic 4,4'-biphenylene-bridged bis-ruthenium complexes
[Ru2(4,4'-{C6H2(CH2NMe2)2-2,6}2)(terpy)2]n+ (n = 2 and 4) and their reversible redox interconversion: a molecular switch Organometallics17 (1998) 5647-5655
P. Steenwinkel, S.L. James, R.A. Gossage, D.M. Grove, H. Kooijman, W.J.J.
Smeets, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Sequential C-H and C-Ru bond formation and cleavage during the thermally
induced rearrangement of aryl ruthenium(II) complexes with
as a bidentate η²-C,N coordinated ligand.
The crystal structures of the isomeric pairs [RuCl{η6-C10H14}{η²-C,N-C6H3(CH2}NMe2)2-2,n}] (n = 4 or 6) and [Ru(η5-C5H5{η²-C,N-C6H3(CH2NMe2)2-2,n}(PPh3)](n = 4 or 6) Organometallics17 (1998) 4680-4693
P. Steenwinkel, S. Kolmschot, R.A. Gossage, P. Dani, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Synthesis of a new multidentate phosphane ligand
C6H2(CH2PPh2)4-1,2,4,5 -
X-ray structure of a dinuclear ruthenium(II)-bridged complex:
[{RuCl2(PPh3)}2{C6H2(CH2PPh2)4-1,2,4,5-P,P',P'',P'''}] Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (1998) 477-483
P. Steenwinkel, H. Kooijman, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, D.M. Grove and G. van Koten
Intramolecularly stabilized 1,4-phenylene-bridged homo- and heterodinuclear
palladium and platinum organometallic complexes containing N,C,N-coordination motifs;
coordination and formation of an organometallic arenium ion
complex with two Pt-C σ-bonds Organometallics17 (1998) 5411-5426
T. Steiner, B. Lutz, J. van der Maas, A.M.M. Schreurs, J. Kroon and M. Tamm
Very long C-H···O contacts can be weak hydrogen bonds:
experimental evidence from crystalline
[Cr(CO)3{η6-[7-exo-(C≡CH)C7H7]}] Chem. Commun. (1998) 171-172
T. Steiner, A.M.M. Schreurs, J.A. Kanters and J. Kroon
Water molecules hydrogen bonding to aromatic acceptors of amino acids:
the structure of Tyr-Tyr-Phe dihydrate and a crystallographic database study on peptides Acta Cryst.D54 (1998) 25-31
T. Steiner, N. Veldman, A.M.M. Schreurs, J.A. Kanters and J. Kroon
Hydrogen bonding in crystalline mestranol methanolate J. Mol. Struct.447 (1998) 43-48
Y.S.J. Veldhuizen, (the late) N. Veldman, A.L. Spek, P. Cassoux, R. Carlier,
M.J.J. Mulder, J.G. Haasnoot and J. Reedijk
Synthesis, crystal structure and electrochemical properties of
[Nbu4][Ni(mdt)2]: a potential precursor for new materials (mdt = 1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolate) J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans (1998) 2989-2993
S. Werten, G. Stelzer, A. Goppelt, F.M. Langen, P. Gros, H.T.M. Timmers, P.C. van der Vliet and M. Meisterernst
Interaction of PC4 with melted DNA inhibits transcription EMBO Journal17 (1998) 5103-5111
Professional Publications
A. Looijenga-Vos and J. Kroon
J.M. Bijvoet's discovery: a landmark in the structure elucidation of natural products Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch.100 (3-4) (1998) 45-56
G.A. van Albada, S.A. Komaei, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Coordination compounds with 4-aminopyridine. An unusual in situ formation of a bridging
formato compound. The structure of
catena-poly[bis(4-amino-pyridine)(formato-O)copper(II)-µ-formato(O,O')] Inorganica Chimica Acta287 (1999) 226-231
G.A. van Albada, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Crystal structure and
spectroscopic properties of a polymeric (µ-1,3-azido) copper(II) compound,
catena-[Cu(bipyrimidine)(µ-1,3-N3)(N3)]n J. Coord. Chem.47 (1999) 69-75
G.A. van Albada, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Crystal structure and spectroscopic properties of dinitrato-bis(2-methylbenzimidazole)copper(II) methanol J. Coord. Chem.48 (1999) 375-381
G.A. van Albada, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Synthesis, characterization, spectroscopy, magnetism and X-ray structures of red and
green Cu(II) chloride adducts with bis(2-benzimidazolyl)propane Inorganica Chimica Acta288 (1999) 220-225
G.A. van Albada, W.J.J. Smeets, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Fluctuations between square-planar and tetrahedral coordination geometry with
bis(2-benzimidazolyl)alkane ligands. Synthesis, spectroscopic properties and X-ray
crystal structure of four representative examples Inorganica Chimica Acta290 (1999) 105-112
M. Albrecht, R.A. Gossage, A.L. Spek and G.van Koten
Metal-mediated C-C bond making and breaking: first direct evidence for a reversible migration of a benzyl group along a metal-carbon bond Journal of the American Chemical Society121 (1999) 11898-11899
R.H. Bode, J.E. Bol, W.L. Driessen, F.B. Hulsbergen, J. Reedijk and A.L. Spek
Formation of dinuclear copper(II) complexes from a macrocycle with built-in pyrazole groups Inorganic Chemistry38 (1999) 1239-1243
R.H. Bode, W.L. Driessen, F.B. Hulsbergen, J. Reedijk and A.L. Spek
A dimeric
tertanuclear copper (II) compound assembled through pentacoordinating carbonate
anions Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (1999) 505-507
B. Bouma, P.G. de Groot, J.M.H. van den Elsen, R.B.G. Ravelli, A. Schouten, M.J.A. Simmelink, R.H.W.M. Derksen, J. Kroon and P. Gros
Adhesion mechanism of human β2-glycoprotein I to phospholipids based on its crystal structure EMBO Journal18 (1999) 5166-5174
B. Bouma, H. Kooijman, J. Kroon, E. Grech and B. Brzezinski
1,8-Bis(dimethylaminomethyl)naphthalene bis(squaric acid) dihydrate Acta CrystallographicaC55 (1999) 1824-1826
E. Bouwman, R.K. Henderson, J. Reedijk, N. Veldman and A.L. Spek
Synthesis of the ligand N,N'-bis(2-tert-butylthiobenzenylidene)-diethylenetriamine;
its reactivity with nickel(II) salts Inorganica Chimica Acta287 (1999) 105-108
E. Bouwman, R.K. Henderson, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Spontaneous assembly of a novel tetranuclear Ni-Fe complex by complete reshuffling of
ligands and oxidation states Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (1999) 217-219
J.A.M. Brandts, J. Boersma, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Molybdenum(VI) bisimidoaryl phenoxide and alkoxide complexes: molecular structures of [Mo(NAr)2(OCMe2-2-py)(CH2SiMe3)] and [{Mo(NAr)2Me(Ome)}2] Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (1999) 1727-1733
J.A.M. Brandts, R.A. Gossage, J. Boersma, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Molybdenum(VI) bis(imidoaryl) complexes containing the bis(aminomethyl)aryl "pincer" ligand
[C6H3(CH2NMe2)2-2,6]- (NCN):
structures of [MoCl(η²-C,N-NCN)(NAr)2],
and [MoCl2{η²-C,N-NC(NH)}(NAr)2] Organometallics18 (1999) 2642-2648
J.A.M. Brandts, M.D. Janssen, M.P. Hogerheide, J. Boersma, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Bisphenolate iron(II) complexes with intramolecularly coordinating nitrogen Lewis bases Inorg. Chim. Acta291 326-332
J.A.M. Brandts, M. van Leur, R.A. Gossage, J. Boersma, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Organomolybdenum(VI) and lithium organomolybdate(VI) and -(V) complexes with C,N-chelating aminoaryl ligands Organometallics18 (1999) 2633-2641
J. Breuer, H.-W. Frühauf, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek
Comparing structures and reactivity in analogous Fe and Ru complexes.
(iPr-DAB)Fe(CO)2I2 and (iPr-DAB)FeI2:
a perfectly reversible CO-carrier system. (R-DAB = N,N'-R2-1,4-diaza-1,3-butadiene) Inorganica Chimica Acta291 (1999) 438-447
B. de Bruin, J.A. Brands, J.J.J.M. Donners, M.P.J. Donners, R. de Gelder, J.M.M. Smits, A.W. Gal and A.L. Spek
Selective oxidation of [RhI(cod)]+ by H2O2 and O2 Chemistry a European Journal5 (1999) 2921-2936
B. de Bruin, R.J.N.A.M. Kicken, N.F.A. Suos, M.P.J. Donners, C.J. den Reijer,
A.J. Sandee, R. de Gelder, J.M.M. Smits, A.W. Gal and A.L. Spek
Diversity in complexation of [RhI(cod)]+ and
[IrI(cod)]+ by pyridine-amine-pyrrole ligands Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (1999) 1581-1592
W. Buchowicz, J.C. Mol, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
A novel ruthenium carbene dimer that is active in the metathesis of internal alkenes;
the crystal structure of
Ru2(=CHPh)2(CF3CO2)2(µ-CF3CO2)2(PCy3)2(µ-H2O) Journal of Organometallic Chemistry588 (1999) 205-210
A.D. Cuiper, M. Brzostowska, J.K. Gawronski, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, H. Hiemstra, R.M. Kellogg and B.L. Feringa
Determination of the absolute configuration of 3-pyrrolin-2-ones J. Org. Chem.64 (1999) 2567-2570
M.A. Dam, T. Nijbacker, F.J.J. de Kanter, O.S. Akkerman, F. Bickelhaupt and A.L. Spek
1,2-Dimetalated benzene derivatives (1,2-C6H4MCH3)n
of groep 13 (M = Al, Ga, In) Organometallics18 (1999) 1706-1709
C. Dekker, B. de Kruijff, G. de Korte-Kool, J. Kroon and P. Gros
Crystals of acetylated SecB diffract to 2.3-A resolution Journal of Structural Biology128 (1999) 237-242
H.P. Dijkstra, P. Steenwinkel, D.M. Grove, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Design of novel hexametallic cartwheel molecules from persubstituted benzene compounds Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.38 (1999) 2186-2188
B.P. van Eijck and J. Kroon
UPACK program package for crystal structure prediction: force fields and crystal structure
generation for small carbohydrate molecules Journal of Computational Chemistry20 (1999) 799-812
J.M.H. van den Elsen, L. Vandeputte-Rutten, J. Kroon and P. Gros
Bactericidal antibody recognition of meningococcal PorA by induced fit -
Comparison of liganded and unliganded Fab structures The Journal of Biological Chemistry274 (1999) 1495-1501
J. van Esch, F. Schoonbeek, M. de Loos, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, R.M. Kellogg and
B.L. Feringa
Cyclic bis-urea compounds as gelators for organic solvents Chem. Eur. J.5 (1999) 937-950
S. Ferrer, P.J. van Koningsbruggen, J.G. Haasnoot, J. Reedijk, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek,
L. Lezama, A.M. Arif and J.S. Miller
Dimetallic complexes derived from a novel dinucleating chelating symmetric triazole ligand;
crystal structure, magnetic properties and ESR study of
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B.J.B. Folmer, R.P. Sijbesma, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and E.W. Meijer
Cooperative dynamics in duplexes of stacked hydrogen-bonded moieties Journal of the American Chemical Society121 (1999) 9001-
M.C.R. Franssen, H. Jongejan, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, R.P.L. Bell, J.B.P.A. Wijnberg and A. de Groot
Lipase-mediated resolution of octahydro-3,3,8a-trimethyl-1-naphthalenol, a key intermediate
in the total synthesis of lactaranes and marasmanes Tetrahedron: Asymmetry10 (1999) 2729-2738
R.A. Gossage, E. Muñoz-Martínez, H. Frey, A. Burgath, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
A novel phenol for use in convergent and divergent dendrimer synthesis: access to core
functionalisable trifurcate carbosilane densdrimers - The X-ray crystal structure of
[1,3,5-tris{4-(triallylsilyl)phenylester}benzene] Chem. Eur. J.5 (1999) 2191-2197
R.A. Gossage, A.D. Ryabov, A.L. Spek, D.J. Stufkens, J.A.M. van Beek, R. van Eldik and G. van Koten
Models for the initial stages of oxidative addition. Synthesis, characterization, and mechanistic
investigation of η¹-I2
organometallic "pincer" complexes of platinum. X-ray crystal structures of
[PtI(C6H3{CH2NMe2}2-2,6)(η¹-I2)] and
exo-meso-[Pt(η¹-I3)(η¹-I2)(C6H3{CH2N(t-Bu)Me}2-2,6)] J. Am. Chem. Soc.121 (1999) 2488-2497
J.H. Groen, B.J. de Jong, J.-M. Ernsting, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, K. Vrieze, W.J.J.
Smeets and A.L. Spek
Synthesis, characterization and reactivity of ionic
palladium(II) complexes containing bidendate nitrogen ligands in a unidentate
coordination mode Journal of Organometallic Chemistry573 (1999) 3-13
D. de Groot, E.B.E. Eggeling, J.C. de Wilde, H. Kooijman, R.J. van Haaren, A.W. van der Made,
A.L. Spek, D. Vogt, J.N.H. Reek, P.C.J. Kamer and P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen
Palladium complexes of phosphine functionalised carbosilane dendrimers as catalysts in a
continuous flow membrane reactor Chem. Commun. (1999) 1623-1624
H. Hagen, A. Barbon, E.E. van Faassen, B.T.G. Lutz, J. Boersma, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Synthesis and characterization of O,N-chelated vanadium(IV) oxo phenolate complexes: electronic
effect of meta and para substituents on the vanadium center Inorganic Chemistry38 (1999) 4079-4086
V.P. Hanot, T.D. Robert, J.G. Haasnoot, H. Kooijman and A.L. Spek
Crystal structure and spectroscopic study of
bis{1,3-bis[3-(5-amino-1,2,4-triazolyl)]triazenido-N'4,N2,N''4}nickel(II) tetrahydrate Journal of Chemical Crystallography29 (1999) 299-308
N.J. Hovestad, J.L. Hoare, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, A.J. Canty, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Periphery-palladated carbosilane dendrimers: synthesis and reactivity of organopalladium(II)
and -(IV) dendritic complexes. Crystal structure of
[PdMe(C6H4(OCH2Ph)-4)(bpy)] (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine) Organometallics18 (1999) 2970-2980
A.W. Kleij, H. Kleijn, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Dendritic carbosilanes containing silicon-bonded
1-[C6H2(CH2NMe2)2-3,5-Li-4] or
1-[C6H3(CH2NMe2-4-Li-3] mono and
bis(amino)aryllithium end groups: structure of
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A.W. Kleij, H. Kleijn, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Carbosilane molecules with mono- and bis9amino)arylmetal end groups: structures of
{NiI[C6H2(CH2NMe2)2-2,6-SiMe3-4] and tetranuclear
{[CH2Si(Me)2C6H3(CH2NMe2)-4-(PdCl)-3]2}2 Organometallics18 (1999) 277-285
J.J.A. Kolnaar, M.I. de Heer, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, G. Schmitt, V. Ksenofontov,
P. Gütlich, J.G. Haasnoot and J. Reedijk
Synthesis, structure and properties of a mixed mononuclear/dinuclear iron(II) spin-crossover
compound with the ligand 4-(p-tolyl)-1,2,4-triazole Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (1999) 881-886
S.A. Komaei, G.A. van Albada, J.G. Haasnoot, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Synthesis, spectroscopic, magnetic properties and X-ray crystal structure of
methylpyrimidine)copper(II)]: bridging perchlorate results in significant
deviation from the predicted magnetic exchange Inorg. Chim. Acta286 (1999) 24-29
H. Kooijman, J.W. Kaagman, K. Mach, A.L. Spek, A.M.M. Schreurs, H.F. Haarman, K. Vrieze and C.J. Elsevier
[2,6-Bis(N-tert-butyliminomethyl)pyridine-κ³N](phenolato-κO)rhodium(I) Acta CrystallographicaC55 (1999) 1052-1054
I.D. Kostas, O.S. Akkerman, F. Bickelhaupt, N. Veldman and A.L. Spek
Intraannular functionalization of the 1,3-phenylene-19-crown-6 system via bromine-lithium exchange Journal of Organometallic Chemistry572 (1999) 93-104
A.G.J. Ligtenbarg, A.L. Spek, R. Hage and B.L. Feringa
Vanadium(V) complexes based on a bis(pyridine)-imine ligand (HL); synthesis and crystal structure of a
dioxovanadium(V) complex involving a ligand cyclisation J. Chem. Soc. Dalton
Trans. (1999) 659-661
P. Lipkowski, A. Bielejewska, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, P. Timmerman and D.N. Reinhoudt
Self-assembly of a [2x2] hydrogen bonded grid Chem. Commun. (1999) 1311-1312
M. Lutz, H. Hagen, A.M.M. Schreurs, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
The twinned structure of the µ-iso-propoxido-diisopropoxido(p-tolylimido)-vanadium(V) dimer, twin refinement against CCD area-detector data Acta CrystallographicaC55 (1999) 1636-1639
M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, M. Sarobe and L.W. Jenneskens
Acefluoranthylene Acta CrystallographicaC55 (1999) 659-661
A.W. Marsman, E.D. Leussink, J.W. Zwikker, L.W. Jenneskens, W.J.J. Smeets, N. Veldman and A.L. Spek
Noncovalent Polymer-like Structures of 1,1'-Bicyclohexylidene-4,4'-dione Dioxine and
1,1'-Bicyclohexyl-4,4'-dione Dioxime. Chiral Recognition in the Solid State Chem. Mater.11 (1999) 1484-1491
P. Molenveld, W.M.G. Stikvoort, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, J.F.J. Engbersen and D.N. Reinhoudt
Dinuclear and trinuclear Zn(II) calix[4]arene complexes as models for hydrolytic
metallo-enzymes. Synthesis and catalytic activity in phosphate diester transesterification J. Org. Chem.64 (1999) 3896-3906
W.T.M. Mooij, F.B. van Duijneveldt, J.G.C.M. van Duijneveldt-van de Rijdt and B.P. van Eijck
Transferable ab initio intermolecular potentials. 1. Derivation from methanol dimer and trimer calculations The Journal of Physical Chemistry A103 (1999) 9872-9882
W.T.M. Mooij, B.P. van Eijck and J. Kroon
Transferable ab initio intermolecular potentials. 2. Validation and application to crystal structure prediction The Journal of Physical Chemistry A103 (1999) 9883-9890
U. Nettekoven, P.C.J. Kamer, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, M. Widhalm, A.L. Spek and M. Lutz
Phosphorus-chiral analogues of 1,1'-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene: asymmetric synthesis
and application in highly enantioselective rhodium-catalyzed hydrogenation reactions J. Org. Chem.64 (1999) 3996-4004
C. Niederalt, S. Grimme, S.D. Peyerimhoff, A. Sobanski, F. Vögtle, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek,
M.J. van Eis, W.H. de Wolf and F. Bickelhaupt
Chiroptical properties of 12,15-dichloro[3.0]orthometacyclophane-correlations between
molecular structure and circular dichroism spectra of a biphenylophane Tetrahedron: Asymmetry10 (1999) 2153-2164
F.J. Parlevliet, M.A. Zuideveld, C. Kiener, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, P.C.J. Kamer and P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen
Synthesis of a calix[6]arene-derived diphosphite, its palladium and platinum complexes, and the remarkable activity of (syn-calix[6]arene diphosphite)Pd(CH3(CH3CN)OTf in carbon monoxide and ethene copolymerization Organometallics18 (1999) 3394-3405
R.B.G. Ravelli, M.L. Raves, S.H.W. Scheres, A. Schouten and J. Kroon Ab initio structure determination of low-molecular-weight compounds using
synchrotron radiation Laue diffraction J. Synchrotron Rad.6 (1999) 19-28
I. del Río, R.A. Gossage, M.S. Hannu, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Alkene and alkyne reactivity toward a bisruthenium(II) µ²-dinitrogen
complex containing the "pincer" ligand 2,6-bis[(dimethylamino)methyl]pyridine (NN'N).
The X-ray crystal structures of [Ru(=C=CHPh)-Cl2(NN'N)] and
[Ru(=C=CHPh)(OTf)(NN'N)(PPh3][OTf] (OTf = trifluoromethane sulfonate) Organometallics18 (1999) 1097-1105
I. del Río, R.A. Gossage, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Synthesis and characterization of ruthenium 'pincer' complexes containing sulfur atom donor
ligands. The X-ray crystal structure of [RuCl2(η³-NN'N)(SMe2)]
(NN'N = {2,6-(Me2NCH2)2C5H3N}) Inorganica Chimica Acta287 (1999) 113-116
I. del Río, R.A. Gossage, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Reactivity of a binuclear Ru(II) N2-bridged complex towards phosphines:
facile access to novel mono and binuclear phosphorous derivatives.
X-ray structural characterization of two unusual binuclear complexes containing 'pincer' ligands:
(NN'N = 2,6-bis[(dimethylamino)methyl]pyridine; P2 =
1,3-bis[(diphenylphosphino)methyl]benzene or 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane) Journal of Organometallic Chemistry583 (1999) 69-79
G. Roelfes, M. Lubben, K. Chen, R.Y.N. Ho, A. Meetsma, S. Genseberger, R.M. Hermant,
R. Hage, S.K. Mandal, V.G. Young Jr., Y. Zang, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, L. Que Jr. and B.L. Feringa
Iron chemistry of a pentadentate ligand that generates a metastable FeIII-OOH intermediate Inorganic Chemistry38 (1999) 1929-1936
N. Rot, W.-J.A. de Wijs, F.J.J. de Kanter, M.A. Dam, F. Bickelhaupt, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
Synthesis of 9,10-dimetallatriptycenes containing group 15 elements from ortho-phenylenemagnesium Main Group Metal Chemistry22 (1999) 519-526
A.J. Sandee, L. van der Veen, J.N.H. Reek, P.C.J. Kamer, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen
A robust, environmentally benign catalyst for highly selective hydroformylation Angewandte Chemie International Edition38 (1999) 3231-3235
A. Schouten, J.A. Kanters, J. Kroon, P. Looten, P. Duflot and M. Mathlouthi
Crystal and molecular structure of maltotriitol (4-O-α--glucopyranosyl-4-O-α--glucopyranosyl--glucitol Carbohydrate Research322 (1999) 274-?
A. Schouten, J.A. Kanters, J. Kroon, P. Looten, P. Duflot and M. Mathlouthi
A redetermination of the crystal and molecular structure of maltitol (4-O-α--glucopyranosyl--glucitol) Carbohydrate Research322 (1999) 298-?
M. van der Sluis, V. Beverwijk, A. Termaten, F. Bickelhaupt, H. Kooijman and A.L. Spek
Synthesis of novel phosphaalkene-based bidentate ligands mes*P=CH(3-R-Ar)
(R = pyridyl, carbaldimino) and formation of three-membered palladacycles
mes*(Me)P-CH(3-R-Ar)-PdCl by carbapalladation of the P=C double bond Organometallics18 (1999) 1402-1407
A.E. Sollewijn Gelpke, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and H. Hiemstra
Synthesis of the dibenzofuran-based diphosphine ligand BIFAP and its water-soluble
derivative BIFAPS and their use in ruthenium-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation Chem. Eur. J.5 (1999) 2472-2482
S.A.H. Spieser, J.A.van Kuik, L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg and J. Kroon
Improved carbohydrate force field for GROMOS: ring and hudroxymethyl group conformations and exo-anomeric effect Carbohydrate Research322 (1999) 264-?
T. Steiner, A.M.M. Schreurs and J. Kroon
Tris(prop-2-ynyl)ammonium chloride Acta CrystallographicaC55 (1999) 1156-1158
T. Steiner, A.M.M. Schreurs and J. Kroon
1-Ethynylcyclohexylammonium acetate Acta CrystallographicaC55 (1999) 2131-2132
G. Tabbì, W.L. Driessen, J. Reedijk, N. Veldman and A.L. Spek
The nickel(II) complex of a new multidentate ligand containing both imidazole and pyrazole moieties Inorganica Chimica Acta288 (1999) 239-243
E.M. Veen, P.M. Postma, H.T. Jonkman, A.L. Spek and B.L. Feringa
Solid state organisation of C60 by inclusion crystallisation with triptycenes Chem. Commun. (1999) 1709-1710
P. Vergeer, H. Kooijman, A.M.M. Schreurs, J. Kroon and E. Grech
1,8-Bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene bis[6-fluoro-2-(trifluoromethyl)-4-quinolinol] acetonitrile solvate Acta CrystallographicaC55 (1999) 1822-1824
G.L.J. van Vliet, F.J.J. de Kanter, M. Schakel, G.W. Klumpp, A.L. Spek and M. Lutz
X-ray crystal structures and some solution structures of lithium amides with
intramolecular complexation of lithium by tertiary amide groups Chem. Eur. J.5 (1999) 1091-1094
B. Wang, K.A. Nguyen, G.N. Srinivas, C.L. Watkins, S. Menzer, A.L. Spek and K. Lammertsma
Addition of a phenyl phosphinidene complex to conjugated diynes Organometallics18 (1999) 796-799
J.B.M. Wit, G.T. van Eijkel, F.J.J. de Kanter, M. Schakel, A.W. Ehlers, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and K. Lammertsma
Olefin cycloadditions of the electrophilic phosphinidene complex [iPr2N-P=Fe(CO)4] Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.38 (1999) 2596-2599
M. de Zwart, A. Kourounakis, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, R. Link, J.K. von Frijtag Drabbe Künzel and A.P. IJzerman
5'-N-Substituted carboxamidoadenosines as agonists for adenosine receptors Journal of Medicinal Chemistry42 (1999) 1384-1392
Professional Publications
B.P. van Eijck and P. Verwer
Het voorspellen van kristalstructuren. Verslag van een wetenschappelijke wedstrijd. Chemisch Weekblad95 nr. 17 (1999) 16-17
L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg, A.M.M. Schreurs and J. Kroon
Time-of-flight neutronendiffractie aan cellulose vezels. Neutronennieuwsnr. 7 november 1999
G.A. van Albada, R.C. Guijt, J.G. Haasnoot, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Two examples of novel and unusual double-layered, two-dimensional CuII compounds with bridging 1,3-bis(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)propane Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2000) 121-126
G.A. van Albada, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Crystal structures, spectroscopy and magnetism of Cu(II) bromide adducts with bis(2-benzimidazolyl)alkanes: influence of alkyl bridge on the degree of distortion from tetrahedral Inorganica Chimica Acta299 (2000) 35-40
G.A. van Albada, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Crystal structure and spectroscopy of a most unusual Cu(II) coordination compound containing an infinite chain of lattice ligand interwoven with stacked sheets of neutral bis(2-aminopyrimidine-bridged) copper ions: X-ray structure of [Cu(ampym)2(H2O)2(CF3SO3)2](ampym)2(ampym)2 Journal of Chemical Crystallography30 (2000) 11-16
G.A. van Albada, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Crystal structure and spectroscopy of the low-spin iron(II) compound: tris(bipyrimidine)iron(II) bis(triflate), [Fe(bipym)3](CF3SO3)2 Journal of Chemical Crystallography30 (2000) 441-444
G.A. van Albada, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Synthesis, spectroscopy, and X-ray structure of the polymer catena-[bis(azido-N)-copper(II)-µ-bis(2-benzimidazolyl)butane] Journal of Chemical Crystallography30 (2000) 69-72
M. Albrecht, P. Dani, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Transcyclometalation processes with late transition metals: Caryl-H bond activation via noncovalent C-H···interactions Journal of the American Chemical Society122 (2000) 11822-11833
M. Albrecht, R.A. Gossage, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Diagnostic organometallic and metallodendritic materials for SO2 gas detection: reversible binding of sulfur dioxide to arylplatinum(II) complexes Chemistry a European Journal6 (2000) 1431-1445
M. Albrecht, M. Lutz, A.M.M. Schreurs, E.T.H. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Self-assembled organoplatinum(II) supermolecules as crystalline, SO2 gas-triggered switches J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. (2000) 3797-3804
M. Albrecht, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Organoplatinum crystals for gas-triggered switches Nature406 (2000) 970-974
S. Back, R.A. Gossage, M. Lutz, I. del Río, A.L. Spek, H. Lang and G. van Koten
Bis-ortho-chelated diaminoaryl platinum compounds with σ-acetylene substituents. Investigations into their stability and subsequent construction of multimetallic systems. The crystal structure of [(µ²-[(η²-NCN)Pt(η¹-CO)C≡CSiMe3])Co2(CO)6] (NCN=2,6-bis[(dimethylamino)methyl]phenyl) Organometallics19 (2000) 3296-3304
P.J. Baesjou, W.L. Driessen, J. Reedijk and A.L. Spek
Structure of aqua-bis(ethylenediamine)copper(II)bis(2,6-dimethylphenolate) Inorganica Chimica Acta306 (2000) 237-240
R. Blaauw, I.E. Kingma, J.H. Laan, J.L. van der Baan, S. Balt, M.W.G. de Bolster, G.W. Klumpp, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek
Bridged(β-alkoxyalkyl)Co111(salen) complexes by intramolecular alkoxycobaltation of unactivated alkenes:new models for coenzyme B12 J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1 (2000) 1199-1210
D.R. Boer, H. Kooijman, J. van der Louw, M. Groen, J. Kelder and J. Kroon
Calculated heats of formation of sterol diene isomers compared with synthetic
yields of isomerisation reactions of Δ5,7 sterols J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2 (2000) 1701-1704
K.J.C. van Bommel, W. Verboom, R. Hulst, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and D.N. Reinhoudt
Calix[4]arene rhenium(V) complexes as potential radiopharmaceuticals Inorganic Chemistry39 (2000) 4099-4106
S. Boryczka, A.M.M. Schreurs, J. Kroon and T. Steiner
C=C-H···N hydrogen bonding in 3-methylthio-4-propargylthioquinoline Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 263-264
S. Boryczka, A.M.M. Schreurs, J. Kroon and T. Steiner
Bis(4-propargyloxy-3-quinolylthio)-methane Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 1234-1235
M. Contel, D. Nobel, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Reactivity of [2,6-bis((dimethylamino)methyl)phenyl]gold(I), an unusual intermolecularly stabilized
bis(amino)aryl-gold(I) dimer, toward alkyl halides. X-ray crystal structures of
its iodomethane and methylene diiodide adducts Organometallics19 (2000) 3288-3295
W.L. Driessen, B. Maase, J. Reedijk, H. Kooijman, M.T. Lakin and A.L. Spek
A dinuclear copper(II) and mononuclear cobalt(II) compound of the didentate N,O-donor ligand 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-3,5-dimethylpyrazole Inorganica Chimica Acta300-302 (2000) 1099-1103
A.J.M. Duisenberg, R.W.W. Hooft, A.M.M. Schreurs and J. Kroon
Accurate cells from area-detector images Journal of Applied Crystallography33 (2000) 893-898
B.P. van Eijck and J. Kroon
Structure predictions allowing more than one molecule in the asymetric unit Acta CrystallographicaB56 (2000) 535-542
B.P. van Eijck and J. Kroon
Comment on "Crystal structure prediction by global optimization as a tool for evaluating potentials: role of the dipole moment correction term in successful predictions" Journal of Physical Chemistry B104 (2000) 8089-8089
M.J. van Eis, F.J.J. de Kanter, W.H. de Wolf, K. Lammertsma, F. Bickelhaupt, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
1,4-Addition of a phosphinidene complex to cisoid 1,3-dienes Tetrahedron56 (2000) 129-136
M.J. van Eis, G.W. Wijsman, C.A. de Wolf, F. Bickelhaupt, D.W. Rogers, H. Kooijman and A.L. Spek
Hydrogenation of [5]- and [6]metacyclophane: reactivity and thermochemistry Chemistry a European Journal6 (2000) 1537-1546
D.D. Ellis and A.L. Spek
1,3:16,18-Bis(xylyl)-30-crown-8 Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 596-597
D.D. Ellis and A.L. Spek
Chlorobis(triphenylphosphine)nickel(I)tetrahydrofuran solvate and an unsolvated trigonal phase of chlorotris(triphenylphosphine)nickel(I) Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 1067-1070
D.D. Ellis and A.L. Spek
(2R,3R,5R)-2-[(2R,3aS,6aR)-2,3,3a,4,5,6a-hexahydrofuro[2,3-b]furan-2-yl]-5-isopropenyl-2,3-dimethylcyclohexanone and (4aR,5S,7R]-5-isopropenyl-7,8,8-trimethyl-2,3,4,4a,5,6,7,8-octahydronaphthalene-4a-carbonitrile Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 1173-1175
D.D. Ellis, A.L. Spek, P. Imhoff and C.J. Elsevier
toluidino)diphenylphosphonium iodide Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 836-837
Y. Garcia, P.J.van Koningsbruggen, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, J.G. Haasnoot and O. Kahn
Synthesis, crystal structure, spectroscopic and magnetic properties of an unprecedented three-dimensional CuII coordination compound of 1,2-bis(1,2,4-triazol-4-yl)ethane Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2000) 307-314
P.G. de Groot, B. Bouma, B.C. Lutters, M.J.A. Simmelink, R.H.W.M. Derksen and P. Gros
Structure-function studies on β2-glycoprotein I J. Autoimmun.15(2) (2000) 87-89
H. Hagen, C. Bezemer, J. Boersma, H. Kooijman, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van
Vanadium(IV) and -(V) complexes with O,N-chelating aminophenolate and
pyridylalkoxide ligands Inorganic Chemistry39 (2000) 3970-3977
H. Hagen, S. Reinoso, M. Albrecht, J. Boersma, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
O,N-Chelated boron aminophenolate complexes. Crystal structure of BPh2(OC6H4(CH2NMe2)-2) Journal of Organometallic Chemistry608 (2000) 27-33
J.-C. Hierso, D.D. Ellis, A.L. Spek, E. Bouwman and J. Reedijk
Unique chains of alternating octahedral and tetrahedral cobalt(II) sites: crystal structures
of the novel chloro-bridged complexes [Co4(µ-Cl)6Cl2(thf)4(MeOH)2]n and [{Co4(µ-
Cl)6Cl2(thf)4(H2O)2}.2THF]n Chem. Commun. (2000) 1359-1360
J.-C. Hierso, D.D. Ellis, A.L. Spek, E. Bouwman and J. Reedijk
Cobalt-assisted condensation of 2-butanone oxime and acetone: synthesis and X-ray structure of the novel acetaldiimine complex [CoI2{((CH3CH2)(CH3)C=NO)2C(CH3)2}] Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2000) 2459-2462
R. Hulst, J.M. Visser, N.K. de Vries, R.W.J. Zijlstra, H. Kooijman, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek and B.L. Feringa
Formation of diphosphates. A NMR study on mechanism and stereochemistry of diphosphate formation from chiral dioxaphosphorinanes Journal of the American Chemical Society122 (2000) 3135-3150
B.H.W.S. de Jong, H.T.J. Supér, R.M. Frijhoff, A.L. Spek and G. Nachtegaal
Mixed alkali systems: Dietzel's theorem, X-ray structure, hygroscopicity, and
29-Si MAS NMR of NaRbSi2O5 and NaCsSi2O5 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie215 (2000) 397-405
D.E. Keller, H. Kooijman, A.M.M. Schreurs, J. Kroon and E. Grech
(8-Dimethylamino-1-naphthyl)dimethylammonium 3-carboxy-1,4,5,-6,7,7-hexachlorobicyclo[2.2.1]hept5-ene-2-carboxylate hydrate Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 479-480
G.J. Klap, H. van Koningsveld, H. Graafsma and A.M.M. Schreurs
Absolute configuration and domain structure of AIPO4-5 studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction Microporous and Mesoporous Materials38 (2000) 403-412
A.W. Kleij, R.A. Gossage, R.J.M. Klein Gebbink, N. Brinkmann, E.J. Reijerse, U. Kragl, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
A "dendritic effect" in homogenous catalysis with carbonsilane-supported arylnickel(II) catalysts: observation of active-site proximity effects in atom-transfer radical addition Journal of the American Chemical Society122 (2000) 12112-12124
H. Komatsu, B. Bouma, K.W.A. Wirtz, T.F. Taraschi and N. Janes
Activity of phosphatidylinositol transfer protein is sensitive to ethanol and membrane curvature Biochem. J.348 (2000) 667-673
S. Komeda, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, M. Chikuma and J. Reedijk
New antitumor-active azole-bridged dinuclear platinum(II) complexes: synthesis, characterization, crystal structures, and cytotoxic studies Inorganic Chemistry39 (2000) 4230-4236
C.M.D. Komen, C.J. Horan, S. Krill, G.M. Gray, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, A.W. Ehlers and K. Lammertsma
Phospha[3]radialenes. Syntheses, structures, strain energies, and reactions Journal of the American Chemical Society122 (2000) 12507-12516
P.J. van Koningsbruggen, Y. Garcia, O. Kahn, L. Fournès, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, J.G. Haasnoot, J. Moscovici, K. Provost, A. Michalowicz, F. Renz and P. Güttlich
Synthesis crystal structure, EXAFS, and magnetic properties of catena [æ-tris(1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)propane-N1,N1')iron(II)] bis(perchlorate). First crystal structure of an iron(II) spin-crossover chain compound Inorganic Chemistry39 (2000) 1891-1900
H. Kooijman, K.J.C. van Bommel, W. Verboom, D.N. Reinhoudt, J. Kroon and A.L.
Polymorphs and pseudo-polymorphs of µ-oxo-bis[N,N'-
bis(salicylidene)propane-1,3-diamine]oxorhenium(V) Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 749-757
H. Kooijman, F. Nijsen, A.L. Spek and F. van het Schip
Diaquatris(pentane-2,4-dionato-O,O')holmium(III) monohydrate and diaquatris(pentane-2,4-dionato-O,O')holmium(III) 4-hydroxypentan-2-one solvate dihydrate Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 156-158
H. Kooijman and A.L. Spek
diazafluoren-1-yl)methanol Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) e295-e296
H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, H. Kleijn, H.L. van Maanen, J.T.B.H. Jastrzebski and G. van Koten
(3R,4S)-3-Phenyl-1-[(R)-1-phenylethyl]-4][(R)-1-phenylethyliminomethyl]azetidin-2-one Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 481-483
S. Kumar, K. Subramanian, R. Srinivasan, K. Rajagopalan, A.M.M. Schreurs, J. Kroon and T. Steiner N-(p-methoxyphenyl)-N-prop-2-ynyl-urea: a crystal structure with the rare Z'=5, and statistical data on Z' values Journal of Molecular Structure520 (2000) 131-139
J.P.M. Lommerse, W.D.S. Motherwell, H.L. Ammon, J.D. Dunitz, A. Gavezzotti,
D.W.M. Hofmann, F.J.J. Leusen, W.T.M. Mooij, S.L. Price, B. Schweizer, M.U.
Schmidt, B.P. van Eijck, P. Verwer and D.E. Williams
A test of crystal structure prediction of small organic molecules Acta CrystallographicaB56 (2000) 697-714
M. de Loos, A.G.J. Ligtenbarg, J. van Esch, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, R. Hage, R.M. Kellogg and B.L. Feringa
Tripodal tris-urea derivatives as gelators for organic solvents Eur. J. Org. Chem. (2000) 3675-3678
H.-J. van Manen, K. Nakashima, S. Shinkai, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, F.C.J.M. van Veggel and D.N. Reinhoudt
Coordination chemistry of SCS PdII pincer systems Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2000) 2533-2540
A.W. Marsman, R.W.A. Havenith, S. Bethke, L.W. Jenneskens, R. Gleiter, J.H. van
Lenthe, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
Longe-range - interactions in tetrahydro-4H-
thiopyran end-capped oligo(cyclohexylidenes). Photo-electron spectroscopy, ab
initio SCF MO calculations, and natural bond orbital analyses Journal of Organic Chemistry65 (2000) 4584-4592
A.W. Marsman, C.A. van Walree, R.W.A. Havenith, L.W. Jenneskens, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, E.T.G. Lutz and J.H. van der Maas
Infinite, undulating chains of intermolecularly hydrogen bonded (E,E)-2,2-dimethylcyclohexane-1,3-dione dioximes in the solid state. A single crystal X-ray, charge density distribution and spectroscopic study J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans2 (2000) 501-510
W.T.M. Mooij, B.P. van Eijck and J. Kroon Ab initio crystal structure predictions for flexible hydrogen-bonded molecules Journal of the American Chemical Society122 (2000) 3500-3505
U. Nettekoven, M. Widhalm, P.C.J. Kamer, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, K. Mereiter, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
Diastereoselective ortho-metalation of stereogenic ferrocenylphosphine oxides. Asymmetric synthesis of the first enantiopure phosphorus-chiral 2,2'-bis(diarylphosphino)-1,1'-biferrocenyls Organometallics19 (2000) 2299-2309
G. Olive, D.D. Ellis, D. Siri, F. Le Moigne, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, P. Tordo and J.-
P. Reboul
Zwitterionic pyrrolidine-2,2-diylbis(phosphonic acid) at 100,150 and
293 K Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 720-722
L.A. Pardi, A.K. Hassan, F.B. Hulsbergen, J. Reedijk, A.L. Spek and L.-C. Brunel
Direct determination of the single-ion anisotropy in a one-dimensional magnetic system by high-field EPR spectroscopy; synthesis, EPR, and X-ray structure of NixZn1-x(C2O4)(dmiz)2 [x=0.07] Inorganic Chemistry39 (2000) 159-164
F.J. Parlevliet, C. Kiener, J. Fraanje, K. Goubitz, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, P.C.J. Kamer and P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen
Calix[4]arene based monophosphites, identification of three conformations and their use in the rhodium-catalysed hydroformylation of 1-octene J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. (2000) 1113-1122
D.G.I. Petra, P.C.J. Kamer, A.L. Spek, H.E. Schoemaker and P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen
Aminosulf(ox)ides as ligands for iridium(I)-catalyzed asymmetric transfer hydrogenation Journal of Organic Chemistry65 (2000) 3010-3017
K. Pieterse, J.A.J.M. Vekemans, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and Meijer
Ladderlike oligomers; intramolecular hydrogen bonding, push-pull character, and electron affinity Chemistry a European Journal6 (2000) 4597-4603
B. Richter, A.L. Spek, G. van Koten and B.-J. Deelman
Fluorous versions of Wilkinson's catalyst. Activity in fluorous hydrogenation of 1-alkenes and recycling by fluorous biphasic separation Journal of the American Chemical Society122 (2000) 3945-3951
I. del Río, R.A. Gossage, M.S. Hannu, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Synthesis and characterization of two new "pincer" complexes of zinc(II). The X-ray crystal structures of the five coordinate complexes [ZnCl2{η³-NN'N-2,6-(R2NCH2)2C5H3N}] (R=n-Bu or Me) Can. J. Chem.78 (2000) 1620-1626
I. del Río, G. van Koten, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
Haloalkane C-X bond activation by a ruthenium(II) complex: X-ray characterization of a ruthenium(III) intermediate species in the atom transfer radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate Organometallics19 (2000) 361-364
N. Rot, F.J.J. de Kanter, F. Bickelhaupt, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek
Synthesis of 1,3,5-tri and 1,2,4,5-tetrasubstituted tin and mercury derivatives of benzene. Crystal structure of 1,3,5-tris(chloromercurio)benzene Journal of Organometallic Chemistry593-594 (2000) 369-379
N. Rot, T. Nijbacker, R. Kroon, F.J.J. de Kanter, F. Bickelhaupt, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
Introduction of bulky substotuents at the bridgehead position of a 9-silatriptycene: pentacoordinate hydridoorganylsilicates as intermediates Organometallics19 (2000) 1319-1324
R. Siebenlist, M. de Beurs, N. Feiken, H.-W. Frühauf, K. Vrieze, H. Kooijman, N. Veldman, M.T. Lakin and A.L. Spek
1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition to the Fe-X=C fragment 18. Chemoselectivity in the addition of activated alkynes across the Fe-O=C fragment vs the Fe-N=C fragment in chelate (α-imino ester)tricarbonyliron complexes Organometallics19 (2000) 3032-3053
R. Siebenlist, H.-W. Frühauf, K. Vrieze, H. Kooijman, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek
Preparation and properties of carbonyliron complexes of 1-aza-4-oxa-1,3-butadiene (α-imino ester). X-ray crystal structures of Fe(CO)2(σ(N): σ(C)-i-PrN(H)C(H)C(O)OEt)2 and Fe(CO)2(σ(N): σ(C)-i-PrN(H)C(H)C(O))Me) (i-PrN=C(H)C(O)O) Organometallics19 (2000) 3016-3031
R. Siebenlist, H.-W. Frühauf, K. Vrieze, W.J.J. Smeets and A.L. Spek
Preparation and properties of carbonyliron complexes of 1-aza-4-oxa-1,3-
butadiene(α-imino ketone)-X-ray crystal structures of
Fe(CO)3[MeN=C(Ph)C(Ph)=O] and Fe2(CO)4[tBuN=C(H)(Me)C(O)(O)C(Me)C(H)=NtBu] Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2000) 907-919
S.C. van der Slot, P.C.J. Kamer, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, J. Fraanje, K. Goubitz, M.
Lutz and A.L. Spek
Rhodium complexes based on phosphorus diamide ligands:
catalyst structure versus activity and selectivity in the hydroformylation of
alkenes Organometallics19 (2000) 2504-2515
M.P.R. Spee, B. Ader, P. Steenwinkel, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Synthesis of the diphenylacethylene-based, tetra-amine ligand 1,2-bis(3,5-bis[(dimethylamino)methyl]phenyl)acetylene by palladium-catalysed cross-coupling: isolation and crystal structure of the catalyst trans-(3,5-bis[(dimethylamino)methyl]-phenyl)bis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(II) iodide Journal of Organometallic Chemistry598 (2000) 24-27
A.L. Spek, J. Canisius, H. Preut and N. Krause
The allyl complex di-µ-chloro-bis[(1,2,3-η)-4-oxo-5,5-dimethyl-1-(ethoxycarbonyl)hexenyl]palladium(II) Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 1065-1066
S.A.H. Spieser, B.R. Leeflang, L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg and J. Kroon
A force field for phospheric acid: comparison of simulated with experimental data in the
solid and liquid state The Journal of Physical Chemistry A104 (2000) 7333-7338
A.F. Stassen, M. de Vos, P.J. van Koningsbruggen, F. Renz, J. Ensling, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, J.G. Haasnoot, P. Gütlich and J. Reedijk
Synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of a tris[3-(2-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole]iron(II) spin-crossover complex Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2000) 2231-2237
D.R. van Staveren, J.G. Haasnoot, Manotti Lanfredi A.M., S. Menzer, P.J. Nieuwenhuizen, A.L. Spek, F. Ugozzoli and J. Reedijk
Synthesis and X-ray structures of two novel dinuclear methoxo-bridged hexafluoropentanedionato Er(III) complexes with 1,10-phenanthroline and 2,2'-bipyridine Inorganica Chimica Acta307 (2000) 81-87
T. Steiner, A.M.M. Schreurs, M. Lutz and J. Kroon
Strong intramolecular O--H···O hydrogen bonds in quinaldic acid N-oxide and picolinic acid N-oxide Acta CrystallographicaC56 (2000) 577-579
L.A. van der Veen, P.H. Keeven, G.C. Schoemaker, J.N.H. Reek, P.C.J. Kamer, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
Origin of the bite angle effect on rhodium diphosine catalyzed hydroformylation Organometallics19 (2000) 872-883
A.H. Velders, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, J.G. Haasnoot, D. de Vos and J. Reedijk
Strong differences in the in vitro cytotoxicity of three isomeric dichlorobis(2-
phenylazopyridine)ruthenium(II) complexes Inorganic Chemistry39 (2000) 2966-2967
M.J.M. Vlaar, A.W. Ehlers, F.J.J. de Kanter, M. Schakel, A.L. Spek and K. Lammertsma
Synthesis of a complexed 2,2-bisphosphirane Angewandte Chemie International Edition39 (2000) 2943-2945
M.J.M. Vlaar, A.W. Ehlers, F.J.J. de Kanter, M. Schakel, A.L. Spek, M. Lutz, N. Sigal, Y. Apeloig and K. Lammertsma
Ein neuartiger CSiP-ring durch reaktion eines komplexierten phosphinidens und eines silens Angewandte Chemie International Edition112 (2000) 4296-4299
M. Weik, R.B.G. Ravelli, G. Kryger, S. McSweeney, M.L. Raves, M. Harel, P. Gros, I. Silman, J. Kroon and J.L. Sussman
Specific chemical and structural damage to proteins produced by synchotron radiation PNAS97 (2000) 623-628
M. Weng, A. Geyer, A. Friemel, J.C. Jochims and M. Lutz
Cycloaddition reactions of 1,3-diaza-2-azoniaallene salts and glycals J. Prakt. Chem.342 (2000) 486-493
Professional Publications
J. Kroon and P. Gros
"Sneak preview" stralingsschade. Voor het eerst zijn specifieke veranderingen in een eiwit door rontgenstralen cinematografisch in beeld gebracht. Chemisch Weekblad4 26 februari (2000) blz. 5
M. Tenkanen, A. Paananen and L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg
Wood fiber strength at the molecular level. EU project report. Carbohydrates in Europe28 (2000) 34-37
B. Agianian, J.D. Clayton, K. Leonard, P. Tucker, B. Bullard and P. Gros
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of Drosophila glutathione S-transferase-2 Acta CrystallographicaD57 (2001) 725-727
D.R. Boer, H. Kooijman, M. Groen, J. van der Louw, J. Kelder and J. Kroon
Conformational comparison of five follicular fluid meiosis-activating sterol-related active and inactive compounds Acta CrystallographicaC57 (2001) 1177-1181
D.R. Boer, H. Kooijman, J. van der Louw, M. Groen, J. Kelder and J. Kroon
Relation between the molecular electrostatic potential and activity of some FF-MAS related sterol compounds Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry9 (2001) 2653-2659
S. Boryczka, M.S. Rozenberg, A.M.M. Schreurs, J. Kroon, E.B. Starikov and T. Steiner
A short C-H···N hydrogen bond with a very strong IR spectroscopic effect New Journal of Chemistry25 (2001) 1111-1113
B. Bouma, J. Westerman, N. Dekker, P. Gros and K.W.A. Wirtz
Activation of phosphatidylinosotol transfer protein α and β isoforms from inclusion bodies Biochimica Biophysica Acta1546 (2001) 216-225
A.P.M. de Brouwer, B. Bouma, C.M. van Tiel, W. Heerma, J.F.H.M. Brouwers, L.E. Bevers, J. Westerman, B. Roelofsen and K.W.A. Wirtz
The binding of phosphatidylcholine to the phosphatidylcholine transfer protein: affinity and role in folding Chemistry and Physics of Lipids112 (2001) 109-119
A.T. Brünger, P.D. Adams, W.L. DeLano, P. Gros, R.W. Grosse-Kunstleve, J.-S. Jiang, N.S. Pannu, R.J. Read, L.M. Rice and T. Simonson
The structure determination language of the crystallography and NMR system. In: International Tables for X-ray CrystallographyVolume F Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules(M.G. Rossmann and E. Arnolds, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (2001)
C. Dekker, B. Agianian, M. Weik, G. Zaccai, J. Kroon, P. Gros and B. de Kruijff
Biophysical characterization of the influence of salt on tetrameric secB Biophysical Journal81 (2001) 455-462
B.P. van Eijck Ab initio crystal structure predictions for flexible hydrogen-bonded molecules. Part III. Effect of lattice vibrations Journal of Computational Chemistry22 (2001) 816-826
B.P. van Eijck, W.T.M. Mooij and J. Kroon Ab initio crystal structure predictions for flexible hydrogen-bonded molecules. Part II. Accurate energy minimization Journal of Computational Chemistry22 (2001) 805-815
B.P.van Eijck, W.T.M. Mooij and J. Kroon
Crystal structure prediction for six monosaccharides revisited Journal of Physical ChemistryB 105 (2001) 10573-10578
M. Gnanadeepam, S. Selvaraj, A.M.M. Schreurs, J. Kroon, T. Steiner and S. Perumal
Crystal and molecular structures of three 2,2'-thio- and 2,2'-sulfonyl-bis(1,3-diarylprop-2-en-1-ones) Journal of Chemical Crystallography31 (2001) 87-92
E.G. Huizinga, A. Schouten, T.M. Connolly, J. Kroon, J.J. Sixma and P. Gros
The structure of leech anti-platelet protein, an inhibitor of haemostasis Acta CrystallographicaD57 (2001) 1071-1078
B. Kojic-Prodic and J. Kroon
(Bio)Crystallography at the turn of the millennium Croatica Chimica Acta74 (2001) 1-35
R.A. Kramer, L. Vandeputte-Rutten, G.J. de Roon, P. Gros, N. Dekker and M.R. Egmond
Identification of essential acidic residues of outer membrane protease OmpT supports a novel active site FEBS Letters505 (2001) 426-430
L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg, S.A.H. Spieser, J. Kroon, M. Ramzi and G.J. Vroege
New insights in the structure of cellulose: solid state, accessibility and solvent interactions - a model for the cellulose/phosphoric acid system Das PapierT71, IPW 4/2001 (2001) 3-8
J.F.W. Nijsen, M.J. van Steenbergen, H. Kooijman, H. Talsma, L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg, M. van de Weert, P.P. van Rijk, A. de Witte, A.D. van het Schip and W.E. Hennink
Characterization of poly(L-lactic acid) microspheres loaded with holmium acetylacetonate Biomaterials22 (2001) 3073-3081
R.A.P. Romijn, B. Bouma, W. Wuyster, P. Gros, J. Kroon, J.J. Sixma and E.G. Huizinga
Identification of the collagen-binding site of the von Willebrand factor A3-domain The Journal of Biological Chemistry276 (2001) 9985-9991
S.H.W. Scheres and P. Gros
Conditional optimization: a new formalism for protein structure refinement Acta CrystallographicaD57 (2001) 1820-1828
A. Specht, T. Ursby, M. Weik, L. Peng, J. Kroon, D. Bourgeois and M. Goeldner
Cryophotolysis of ortho-nitrobenzyl derivatives of enzyme ligands for the potential kinetic crystallography of macromolecules Chembiochem11 (2001) 845-848
T. Steiner, A.M.M. Schreurs, M. Lutz and J. Kroon
Making very short O-H···Ph hydrogen bonds: the example of tetraphenylborate salts New Journal of Chemistry25 (2001) 174-178
L. Vandeputte-Rutten, R.A. Kramer, J. Kroon, N. Dekker, M.R. Egmond and P. Gros
Crystal structure of the outer membrane protease OmpT from Escherichia coli suggests a novel catalytic site EMBO Journal20 (2001) 5033-5039
M. Weik, G. Kryger, A.M.M. Schreurs, B. Bouma, I. Silman, J.L. Sussman, P. Gros and J. Kroon
Solvent behaviour in flash-cooled protein crystals at cryogenic temperatures Acta CrystallographicaD57 (2001) 566-573
M. Weik, R.B.G. Ravelli, I. Silman, J.L. Sussman, P. Gros and J. Kroon
Specific protein dynamics near the solvent glass transition assayed by radiation-induced structural changes Protein Science10 (2001) 1953-1961
M. Albrecht, S.L. James, N. Veldman, A.L. Spek and G.van Koten
Transmetalation reactions with nitrogen-containing "pincer"-class ligands on platinum(II) centers Canadian Journal of Chemistry79 (2001) 709-718
M. Albrecht, B.M. Kocks, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Chiral platinum and palladium complexes containing functionalized C2-symmetric bisaminoaryl 'Pincer' ligands Journal of Organometallic Chemistry624 (2001) 271-286
M. Albrecht, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Carenium-Calkyl Bond Making and Breaking: Key Process in the Platinum-Mediated Caryl-Calkyl Bond Formation. Analogies to Organic Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution. J. Am. Chem. Soc.123 (2001) 7233-7246
I.M. Angulo, E. Bouwman, S.M. Lok, M. Lutz, W.P. Mul and A.L. Spek
The first low-spin nickel complex with two coordinated water molecules, [Ni(o-MeO-dppp)(H2O)2](PF6)2 - synthesis and structural characterization European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2001) 1465-1473
I.M. Angulo, E. Bouwman, M. Lutz, W.P. Mul and A.L. Spek
Autoionization of homogeneous nickel(II) diphosphane hydrogenation catalysts. An NMR study and crystal structures of [Ni(o-MeO-dppe)I2] and [Ni(o-MeO-dppe)2](PF6)2 Inorganic Chemistry40 (2001) 2073-2082
G. Aromi, P. Carrero Berzal, P. Gamez, O. Roubeau, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, W.L. Driessen and J. Reedijk
A unique asymmetric [MnII3] triple-stranded helicate from a symmetric pentadente ligand Angewandte Chemie International Edition Engl.40 (2001) 3444-3446
S. Back, M. Albrecht, A.L. Spek, G. Rheinwald, H. Lang and G. van Koten
Toward organometallic polymers with high directionality containing bis-ortho-chelating ligands Organometallics20 (2001) 1024-1027
S. Back, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, H. Lang and G. van Koten
Preparation and electrochemical behaviour of dinuclear platinum complexes containing NCN ligands (NCN=[C6H3(Me2NCH2)2-2,6]-. The crystal structure of [C6H3(Me2NCH2)2-1,3-(C≡C)-5]2 Journal of Organometallic Chemistry620 (2001) 227-234
K.J.C. van Bommel, M.R. de Jong, G.A. Metselaar, W. Verboom, J. Huskens, R. Hulst, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and D.N. Reinhoudt
Complexation and (templated) synthesis of rhenium complexes with cyclodextrins and cyclodextrin dimers in water Chemistry a European Journal7 (2001) 3603-3615
L. Brandsma, A.L. Spek, B.A. Trofimov, O.A. Tarasova, N.A. Nedolya, A.V. Afonin and S.V. Zinshenko
Unexpected formation of derivatives of cyclobutene and thiacyclobutane from the reaction between dilithiated benzylacetylene and isothiocyanates Tetrahedron Letters42 (2001) 4687-4689
J. van den Broeke, M. Lutz, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, B.-J. Deelman and G. van Koten
Increasing the lipophilic character of tetraphenylborate anions through silyl substituents Organometallics20 (2001) 2114-2117
W. Buchowicz, F. Ingold, J.C. Mol, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
Novel ruthenium(II)2 carboxylates as catalysts for alkene metathesis Chemistry a European Journal7 (2001) 2842-2847
W.L. Driessen, P.J. Baesjou, J.E. Bol, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
A dinuclear copper(II) macrocyclic pyrazole compound catalyses the oxidative polymerisation of 2,6-dimethylphenol Inorganica Chimica Acta324 (2001) 16-20
H.P. Dijkstra, M.D. Meijer, J. Patel, R. Kreiter, G.P.M. van Klink, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, A.J. Canty and G. van Koten
Design and performance of rigid nanosize multimetallic cartwheel pincer compounds as Lewis-acid catalysts Organometallics20 (2001) 3159-3168
D.D. Ellis and A.L. Spek cis-Bis[N¹,N²-bis(trimethylsilyl)benz-amidinato-κ²N¹,N²]chloro(4-tolyl-imido-κN)vanadium(V) Acta CrystallographicaC57 (2001) 147-148
D.D. Ellis and A.L. Spek
[η²-(E)-But-2-enedinitrile](N.N'-di-phenyl-1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]-heptane-2,3-diimine-N,N'-palladium(0) Acta CrystallographicaC57 (2001) 235-236
D.D. Ellis and A.L. Spek
3-(1-Hydroxyethylidene)-1-phenylpyrrolidine-2,4-dione Acta CrystallographicaC57 (2001) 433-434
D.D. Ellis and A.L. Spek
(3R,4aS,5R)-3-Hydroxy-5-isopropenyl-3,8-dimethyl-4,4a,5,6-tetra-hydro-2(3H)-naphthalenone Acta CrystallographicaC57 (2001) 497-498
D.D. Ellis and A.L. Spek
Dichloro[2-(2-diphenylphosphino)-N-(1-phenylethyl)-benzylamine-Ca,P]platinum Acta CrystallographicaE57 (2001) m106-m108
D.S. van Es, M.J. van Eis, S. N'Krumah, N. Gret, A. Egberts, M. de Rijke, F.J.J. de Kanter, W.H. de Wolf, F. Bickelhaupt and A.L. Spek
3-Aza[5]metacyclophanes: synthesis and reactions Heterocycles54 (2001) 799-824
D.S. van Es, N. Gret, M. de Rijke, M.J. van Eis, F.J.J. de Kanter, W.H. de Wolf, F. Bickelhaupt, S. Menzer and A.L. Spek
Synthesis and anomalous structure-reactivity relationship of 8,11-dichloro[5]metacyclophan-3-one Tetrahedron57 (2001) 3557-3565
J.-C. Hierso, E. Bouwman, D.D. Ellis, M. Pérez Cabero, J. Reedijk and A.L. Spek
Cobalt(II) aldoxime complexes stabilised by halide hydrogen bonding: crystal structures of [Co{HON=C(H)(Me)}4X2] (X=Cl or Br and [Co{HON=C(H)(Pr)}4Cl2] Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions (2001) 197-201
M. Hoogenraad, K. Ramkisoensing, W.L. Driessen, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, E. Bouwman, J.G. Haasnoot and J. Reedijk
Catalytic and electrochemical properties of new manganese(III) compounds of 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl)-oxazoline (Hphox or HClphox). Molecular structures of [Mn(Clphox)2(MeOH)2](ClO4) and [Mn(phox)2(MeOH)2][Mn(phox)2(ClO4)2](H2O)2 Inorganica Chimica Acta320 (2001) 117-126
W.J. Hoogervorst, C.J. Elsevier, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
New cis- and trans-arylplatinum(II) acetylide compounds containing a bis(imino)aryl [NCN] ligand Organometallics20 (2001) 4437-4440
V.E. Kaasjager, J. van den Broeke, R.K. Henderson, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek, W.L. Driessen, E. Bouwman and J. Reedijk
Synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of a dinuclear and a trinuclear nickel complex with mixed N,O,S ligand environments Inorganica Chimica Acta316 (2001) 99-104
W.F.J. Karstens, M. Stol, F.P.J.T. Rutjes, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and H. Hiemstra
Palladium catalyzed cyclization reactions of acetylenic lactams Journal of Organometallic Chemistry624 (2001) 244-258
A.W. Kleij, R. van de Coevering, R.J.M. Klein Gebbink, A.-M. Noordman, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Polycationic (mixed) core-shell dendrimers for binding and delivery of inorganic/organic substrates Chemistry a European Journal7 (2001) 181-192
A.W. Kleij, R.J.M. Klein Gebbink, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Synthesis and characterization of platinum(II)-termnated dendritic carbosilanes: X-ray crystal structure of the model species [PtCl(C6H3{CH2NMe2}-2-SiMe3-5)(PPh3)] Journal of Organometallic Chemistry621 (2001) 190-196
A.W. Kleij, R.J.M. Klein Gebbink, P.A.J. van den Nieuwenhuijzen, H. Kooijman, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Halide-assisted macrocyclic ring formation in cyclometalated carbosilane dendrimers with 1-[C6H3(CH2NMe2)-4-(PdCl)-3] peripheral groups: application as aldol condensation catalysts Organometallics20 (2001) 634-647
P.J. van Koningsbruggen, Y. Garcia, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, J.G. Haasnoot, O. Kahn, J. Linares, E. Codjovi and F. Varret
A new 3-D polymeric spin transition compound: [tris(1,4-bis-(tetrazol-1-yl)butane-N1,N1')iron(II)]bis(perchlorate) Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions (2001) 466-471
A.G.J. Ligtenbarg, P. Oosting, G. Roelfes, R.M. La Crois, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, R. Hage and B.L. Feringa
Efficient catalytic oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols using a non-heme dinuclear iron complex Chemical Communications (2001) 385-386
M. Lutz
Lithium orotate monohydrate Acta CrystallographicaE57 (2001) m103-m105
M. Lutz
Maleic anhydride, redetermination at 130 K Acta CrystallographicaE57 (2001) o1136-o1138
R.E. Marsh and A.L. Spek
Use of software to search for higher symmetry: space group C2 Acta CrystallographicaB57 (2001) 800-805
M.D. Meijer, A.W. Kleij, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
A new homobimetallic arenediyl diplatinum(II) unit as building block for macromolecular synthesis. X-ray crystal structure of [C6H2{CH2NMe2}2-1,5-{PtCl(PPh3)}2-2,4] Journal of Organometallic Chemistry640 (2001) 166-169
M.D. Meijer, E. de Wolf, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, G.P.M. van Klink and G. van Koten C,N-2-[(Dimethylamino)methyl]phenylplatinum complexes functionalized with C60 as macromolecular building blocks Organometallics20 (2001) 4198-4206
G. Müller, H.-P. Abicht, M. Waldkircher, J. Lachmann, M. Lutz and M. Winkler ortho-Lithiated benzyl diorganophosphines [o-(R2PCH2)C6H4Li(Et2O)], R=Ph, Me. Synthesis, structural characterization, and reactions Journal of Organometallic Chemistry622 (2001) 121-134
G. Müller and M. Lutz
A curious case of partial spontaneous resolution on crystallization of a racemate. The crystal and molecular structures of N-acetyl-DL-alanine methylester and N-acetyl-L-alanine methylester Zeitschrift für Naturforschung56b (2001) 871-880
U. Nettekoven, M. Widhalm, H. Kalchhauser, P.C.J. Kamer, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
Steric and electronic ligand perturbations in catalysis: asymmetric allylic substitution reactions using C2-symmetrical phosphorus-chiral (bi)ferrocenyl donors Journal of Organic Chemistry66 (2001) 759-770
P. Nieczypor, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, J.C. Mol, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
Synthesis, structure, and metathesis activity of ruthenium carbene complexes containing diphosphines Journal of Organometallic Chemistry625 (2001) 58-66
W.D. Oosterbaan, R.W.A. Havenith, C.A. van Walree, L.W. Jenneskens, R. Gleiter, H. Kooijman and A.L. Spek
The occurrence of through-bond orbital interactions in an α,ω donor-acceptor substituted bi(cyclohexylidene) and bi(cyclohexyl), X-Ray diffraction, UV-Vis absorption and photoelectron spectroscopy, ab initio SCF-MO and natural bond orbital analyses Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 (2001) 1066-1074
I. Riggio, G.A. van Albada, D.D. Ellis, I. Mutikainen, A.L. Spek, U. Turpeinen and J. Reedijk
X-ray crystal structures, spectroscopic and magnetic measurements of copper(II) and cobalt(II) halide compounds with bis(2-benzimidazolyl)alkane ligands Polyhedron20 (2001) 2659-2666
I. Riggio, G.A. van Albada, D.D. Ellis, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Synthesis, X-ray structure, spectroscopy and magnetism of polymeric bis(µ-dicyanamido)(µ-pyrimidine)copper(II) monoacetonitrile; a 3D compound with bridging dicyanamide anions in two dimensions Inorganica Chimica Acta313 (2001) 120-124
J. van Slageren, A.L. Vermeer, D.J. Stufkens, M. Lutz and A.L. Spek
Novel complexes cis,cis-[Rh(R)2(I)(CO)(dmb)] (R=Me,iPr; dmb=4,4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine): synthesis, structure and photoreactivity Journal of Organometallic Chemistry626 (2001) 118-124
S.H.M. Söntjens, J.T. Meijer, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, M.H.P. van Genderen, R.P. Sijbesma and E.W. Meijer
A multiple hydrogen-bond scaffold based on dipyrimidin-2-ylamine Organic Letters3 (2001) 3887-3889
A.L. Spek
Jan Kroon (1937-2001) obituary Acta CrystallographicaB57 (2001) 441-442
A.F. Stassen, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, J.G. Haasnoot and J. Reedijk
Synthesis, spectroscopy, magnetism, and X-ray structures of hexakis(1-(2-chloroethyl)-tetrazole-N4)copper(II) salts Journal of Chemical Crystallography31 (2001) 307-314
D.R. van Staveren, G.A. van Albada, J.G. Haasnoot, H. Kooijman, A.M. Manotti Lanfredi, P.J. Nieuwenhuizen, A.L. Spek, F. Ugozzoli, T. Weyhermüller and J. Reedijk
Increase in coordination number of lanthanide complexes with 2,2'-bipyridine and 1,10-phenanthroline by using β-diketonates with electron-withdrawing groups Inorganica Chimica Acta315 (2001) 163-171
A.H. Velders, B. van der Geest, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, J.G. Haasnoot and J. Reedijk
Ruthenium(III) coordination to the exocyclic nitrogen of 9-methyladenine and stabilisation of the rare imine tautomer by intramolecular hydrogen bonding European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2001) 369-372
M.J.M. Vlaar, A.W. Ehlers, M. Schakel, S.B. Clendenning, J.F. Nixon, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and K. Lammertsma
Die norbornadien-quadricyclan-valenzisomerisierung eines tetraphosphorderivats Angewandte Chemie113 (2001) 4524-4527
M.J.M. Vlaar, A.W. Ehlers, M. Schakel, S.B. Clendenning, J.F. Nixon, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and K. Lammertsma
Reaction of a complexed phosphinidene with 2,4,6-tri-tert-butyl-1,3,5-triphosphabenzene Chemistry a European Journal7 (2001) 3545-3550
M.J.M. Vlaar, F.J.J. de Kanter, M. Schakel, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and K. Lammertsma
Phosphinidene reactivity toward unsaturated phosphorus heterocycles Journal of Organometallic Chemistry617-618 (2001) 311-317
M.J.M. Vlaar, P. Valkier, F.J.J. de Kanter, M. Schakel, A.W. Ehlers, A.L. Spek, M. Lutz and K. Lammertsma
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S.T. Warzeska, F. Miccichè, M. Chiara Mimmi, E. Bouwman, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
Tuning the coordination mode in mononuclear manganese complexes by changing the steric bulk of the carboxylates Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions (2001) 3507-3512
G.W. Wijsman, G.A. Iglesias, M.C. Beekman, W.H.de Wolf, F. Bickelhaupt, H. Kooijman and A.L. Spek
X-ray crystal structures and conformational analysis of bicyclo[5.3.1]undec-1(11)-enes: twisting versus pyramidalization in anti-bredt olefins Journal of Organic Chemistry66 (2001) 1216-1227
B.S. Williams, P. Dani, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and G. van Koten
Development of the first P-stereogenic PCP pincer ligands, their metallation by palladium and platinum, and preliminary catalysis Helvetica Chimica Acta84 (2001) 3519-3530
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Aromí, G., P. Gamez, O. Roubeau, P. Carrero-Berzal, H. Kooijman, A.L. Spek, W.L. Driessen and J. Reedijk
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Blaauw, R., J.L. van der Baan, S. Balt, M.W.G. de Bolster, G.W. Klumpp, H. Kooijman and A.L. Spek
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Casado Lacabra, M.A., A.J. Canty, M. Lutz, J. Patel, A.L. Spek, H. Sun and G. van Koten
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Deerenberg, S., M. Schakel, A.H.J.F. de Keijzer, M. Kranenburg, M. Lutz, A.L. Spek and K. Lammertsma
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Dijkstra, H.P., A. Chuchuryukin, B.M.J.M. Suijkerbuijk, G.P.M. v. Klink, A.M. Mills, A.L. Spek and G. v. Koten
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Gamez, P., P. de Hoog, O. Roubeau, M. Lutz, W.L. Driessen, A.L. Spek and J. Reedijk
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Komeda, S., M. Lutz, A.L. Spek, Y. Yamanaka, T. Sato, M. Chikuma and J. Reedijk
A Novel Isomerization on Interaction of Antitumor-Active Azole-Bridged Dinuclear Platinum(II) Complexes with 9-Ethylguanine. Platinum(II) Atom Migration from N2 to N3 on 1,2,3-Triazole. Journal of the American Chemical Society124 (2002) 4738-4746
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