Department of Crystal and Structural Chemistry
Fin J. Milder
Structural studies on the enzymes of the complement convertases:
factor B, C2a and the inhibitor SCIN
Utrecht 26 september 2007
Promotor: Prof.dr. P. Gros
Bert J.C. Janssen
Conformational Complexity of Complement Component C3
Utrecht 26 september 2007, Cum Laude
Promotor: Prof.dr. P. Gros

Nicole Hafkemeijer
Initial characterization of folding, structure, and function of the new ER protein smERp1
Utrecht, 1 maart 2006
Promotoren: Prof.dr. I. Braakman and Prof.dr. P. Gros

Jenny Smit
Oxidative protein folding in the ER: the roles of PDI, Ero1alpha and ERp44
Utrecht, 23 november 2005
Promotoren: Prof.dr. I. Braakman and Prof.dr. P. Gros

L. Vandeputte-Rutten
Structural studies of two outer membrane proteins: OmpT
from Escherichia coli and NspA from Neisseria meningitidis
Utrecht, 13 oktober 2003
Promotoren: Prof.dr. P. Gros and Prof.dr. M.R. Egmond
C.J. Oomen
Structural studies of Neisseria meningitidis - Peptide-vaccine design and autotransporter secretion
Utrecht, 29 september 2003
Promotoren: Prof.dr. P. Gros and Prof.dr. J.P.M. Tommassen
Co-promotor: P. Hoogerhout
S.H.W. Scheres
Conditional Optimization
An N-particle formalism for protein structure refinement
Utrecht, 16 juni 2003
Promotor: Prof.dr. P. Gros
M.M.E. de Backer
Crystallographic studies on cold-active shrimp alkaline phosphatase
Utrecht, 12 mei 2003
Promotor: Prof.dr. P. Gros
Co-promotoren: Prof.dr. E. Hough and Dr. S. McSweeney

R.A.P. Romijn
Structural studies on the von Willebrand Factor A1 and A3 domains - Binding
to Gplbα and collagen
Utrecht, 1 oktober 2002
Promotoren: Prof.dr. J.J. Sixma en Prof.dr. P. Gros
Co-promotor: Dr. E.G. Huizinga

D.R. Boer
Structural studies on meiosis-activating sterols and structurally
related compounds - Potential ligands of the FF-MAS receptor
Utrecht, 4 oktober 2001
Promotoren: Prof.dr. J. Kroon (overleden op 3 mei 2001) en Prof.dr. A.L. Spek
Co-promotoren: Dr. H. Kooijman en Dr. J. Kelder

W.T.M. Mooij
Ab Initio Prediction of Crystal Structures
Utrecht, 1 mei 2000, Cum Laude
Promotoren: Prof.dr. J. Kroon en Prof.dr. F.B. van Duijneveldt
Co-promotor: Dr. B.P. van Eijck
Winner of the KNCV Crystallography Award 2001
B. Bouma
Structural studies on β2-glycoprotein I and von
Willebrand factor A3 domain
Utrecht, 19 september 2000
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kroon
Co-promotoren: Dr. P. Gros en Dr. Ph.G. de Groot
C.G. Dekker
Biophysical studies on the structure of SecB
Utrecht, 25 oktober 2000
Promotor: Prof.dr. B. de Kruijff
Co-promotor: Dr. P. Gros

P.H. Kruiskamp
Conformational analysis of model compounds to predict physical properties
of cellulose and cellulose acetates
Utrecht, 30 januari 1998
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.F.G. Vliegenthart
Co-promotor: Dr. L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg
R.B.G. Ravelli
Laue Diffraction and Fast Monochromatic X-Ray Data Collection
Techniques - Application to Acetylcholinesterase
Utrecht, 2 maart 1998
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kroon
A.J.M. Duisenberg
Reflections on Area Detectors - Ab Initio Calculation of
Single-Crystal X-Ray Reflection Contours
Utrecht, 25 november 1998
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kroon

R. den Besten
Structures and reactivities of polar organometallic compounds
Utrecht, 21 april 1997
Promotor: Prof.dr. L. Brandsma
Co-promotor: Dr. A.L. Spek
G.J. Boks
Structure and conformational behaviour of peptoid peptidomimetics - Towards
an understanding of the mechanism of action of substance P
and NK1 antagonists
Utrecht, 5 september 1997
Promotoren: Prof.dr. J.P.A.E. Tollenaere en Prof.dr. J. Kroon
J. Brandsen
Crystallographic studies related to cell regulation - Inhibition of
cyclin-dependent protein kinase 2 and transcription coactivation by PC4
Utrecht, 16 december 1997
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kroon
Co-promotor: Dr. P. Gros

J.M.H. van den Elsen
Antibody Recognition of Neisseria meningitidis - a thermodynamic
and structural analysis of the interaction between a bactericidal
monoclonal antibody and a class 1 outer membrane protein epitope.
Utrecht, 20 juni 1996
Promotor: Prof.dr. D.J.A. Crommelin
Co-promotoren: Dr. J.N. Herron, Dr. J. Wilting en Dr. P. Gros

M.L.C.E. Kouwijzer
Towards reliable computer simulations of carbohydrates in
crystalline or aqueous environment.
Utrecht, 24 april 1995
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kroon
Co-promotor: Dr. B.P. van Eijck
M.L. Verdonk
Reflections on structural aspects of serotonin 5-HT2C receptor pharmacology.
Utrecht, 2 oktober 1995
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kroon
Co-promotoren: Dr. J.A. Kanters en Dr. J. Kelder

R.W.W. Hooft
A computer-simulation study of the correlation between molecular
conformation and sweet taste
Utrecht, 11 juni 1993
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kroon
Co-promotoren: Dr. J.A. Kanters en Dr. B.P. van Eijck
P. Verwer
The sparse electron-density principle in crystal-structure determination
Utrecht, 29 september 1993
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kroon

H. Kooijman
Molecular structures of muscarinic agonists and neuromuscular
blocking agents
Utrecht, 17 februari 1992
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kroon
Co-promotoren: Dr. J.A. Kanters en Dr. J. Kelder

B. Leeflang
Conformational Analysis of Oligosaccharides
Utrecht, 4 november 1991
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.F.G. Vliegenthart
Co-promotor: Dr. L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg

E.A. Klop
The phase problem in X-ray structure determination - Algebraic and
Statistical Methods
Utrecht, 17 mei 1989
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kroon
Co-promotor: Dr. B.P. van Eijck
P.F.W. Stouten
Small molecules in the liquid, solid and computational phases
Utrecht, 16 oktober 1989
Promotoren: Prof.dr. J. Kroon en Prof.dr. A.F. Peerdeman
P. van der Sluis
Single crystals and X-ray structure determination
Utrecht, 20 november 1989
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kroon and Prof.dr. A.F. Peerdeman

V.J. van Geerestein
Conformational aspects of synthetic sex steroids
Utrecht, 6 juni 1988
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kroon
Co-promotor: Dr. J.A. Kanters

L.M.J. Kroon-Batenburg
Hydrogen bonding and molecular conformation - Quantum Chemical, Molecular Chemical and Crystallographic Studies
Utrecht, 15 mei 1985
Promotoren: Prof.dr. A.F. Peerdeman en Dr. F.B. van Duineveldt
Co-promotor: Dr. J.A. Kanters
A.M. de Vos
The crystal structure determination of the sweet-tasting protein thaumatin I
Utrecht, 1 juli 1985
Promotoren: Prof.dr. A.F. Peerdeman en Prof.dr. S.H. Kim
C.J.M. Huige
Determination of the conformstions of some poly(iminomethylenes) by means
of molecular mechanics and circular dichroism
Utrecht, 8 juli 1985
Promotoren: Prof. M.P. Groenewege en Prof.dr. A.F. Peerdeman

W.M.G.F. Pontenagel
Aspects of theory and practice of sine invariants in direct methods
Utrecht, 13 juni 1983
Promotoren: Prof.dr A.F. Peerdeman en Prof.dr. J.C. Schoone
H.G.M. de Wit
Intermolecular interactions in organic molecular crystals
Utrecht, 19 september 1983
Promotoren: Prof.dr. A.F. Peerdeman en Prof.dr. F.B. van Duineveldt

J.J.L. Heinerman
Direct Methods in x-ray structure determination. A contribution to the
mathematical analysis of the phase problem
Utrecht, 16 mei 1977
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.F. Peerdeman

J. Kroon
De kristalstructuren van kaliummesotartraat dihydraat en tartronzuur
Utrecht, 8 juli 1964
Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.M. Bijvoet

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