peakref Commands by Group

impact Do/Do not read impact records pk file(s)
impact3 Do/Do not read impact3 records pk file(s)
load Read orientation matrix from rmat file(s) and reflections from pk file(s)
pk Read reflections from pk file(s)
readdetalign Read detector position and orientation
readxtalshift Read xtal position
rmat Read orientation matrix from rmat file
2view Compare refined/original matrices
comparecrit Set equal axis and angle criterium for compare and 2view
compare Compare refined lattices
comparefactor Set volume factor for compare command
normat Remove orientation matrix
notwin Remove twin relation
pgauto set pointgroup according to pgcrit
pgcrit Set equal axis and angle criterium for automatically setting the pointgroup (pgauto, rmat)
rmat Read orientation matrix from rmat file
rmatcrit Set equal axis and angle criterium for setting dependent matrices (rmat)
twin Set twin relation
Reflection filter
forbid Disable reflections
lcinvert invert perm flag
lckill promote perm flag to kill
lcperm promote temp flag to perm
lcnoperm Remove perm flag
lctemp Create temp flag
maxmismm Set maximum allowed impact error
maxmisrot Set maximum allowed rotation error
overlap Set overlap criterium
resolution Set maximum resolution
weak Set minimum intensity
back restore variables to settings just before previous refinement
bestresidue sets the initial value of the bestresidue
byexperiment Enables variables to be refined by experiment
constraint Define constraint expression
expert set expert level
expression Evaluate an expression
fix Fix variables
force Free variables
free Free variables
global Merges variables whcih were refined by experiment
go Run refinement
gox Repeat go until conversion has been reached
itmax Sets upperlimit on the number of refinement cycles
lock Lock variables
minxtalangle set autofix xtal criterium
release Undefine constraint expressions
resfactor Set residue factors for total residue
resfactorvalue Set residue factors for total residue
restore restore saved variables
set Set variable
shift Set variable shift
shiftdiv Divide all shifts
shiftmul Multiply all shifts
simplexdirection Build initial simplex
simplexfinal Calculate refine values from final vertices
simplexsetup Build initial simplex
simplexsize End refinement is simplex is too small
store save variables
tol Set refinement stop criterium
tolinner Set refinement stop criterium
tolouter Set refinement stop criterium
xgo Run refinement with some variables per experiment
xgox Similar to xgo. Continue until conversion has been reached
zero Set variables to zero
zerofix Set variables to zero and fix them
90 Set variables to 90
sig3 calculates sigma's
sigma calculates sigma's
sigrnd calculates sigma's
sigprint sets sigma progress meter
sigsub calculates sigma's
field show reflection table fields
fieldoff remove a column from the reflection tables
fieldon add a column to the reflection tables
field show reflection table fields
fullstatus select long/short status output
hkl list specific reflection
list various list options
listmax limit the number of printed reflections
listrange limit the reflections to examine for the list commands
output Controls amount of output
residue Calculate residue
show Show program status
status Show refinement status
statusexp Show residues per experiment
summary Show residues
theta Show resolution range
diraxclose Close DirAx file
diraxopen Create DirAx file
qvechisto Print a histogram of qvp's
redirect Redirect output to a file or back to the screen
save Save detector alignment
saveall Invoke various 'save' commands
saveany Save rmat- en gausspar coefficients
savefocus Save focus parameters
savegonio Save goniostat offsets
savep4p Save rmat into existing p4p-file
savermat Save rmat
savextal Save xtal position
abort Abort/continue on warnings
allowrmatchange Allow/Forbid a change of rmat in the reind process
end Finish program
exit Finish program
hklreind Allow/forbid reindexing for HKL reflections
mergeexperiment Try to assign reflections to existing experiments
reind ReIndex reflections
reset Reset parameters
diraxclose Close diraxfile
diraxopen Create diraxfile and save reflections from pk file(s)
trace trace progress
You may also visit the explanation of internal commands: aliases, flowcontrol etc.

Peakref commands by Alphabet


Syntax: 2view.
Compare a refined orientation matrix with the original matrix.


Syntax: 90 variable(s).
Sets the value for variables to 90. Related commands: set. top


Syntax: abort state.
Default: abort off.
If set to on, peakref will abort when a warning message is given.
If set to off, warnings will be displayed and peakref continues.
You could set abort on if you run peakref via a script.


Syntax: allowrmatchange state.
Default: allowrmatchange on.
If set to on, reflections are allowed to switch to the best matching rmat during the reind process. If set to off, reflections will not change the initial rmatnumber during the reind process. top


Syntax: back
Restores variables to their settings just before the previous refinement. (This command is similar to restore previous).


Syntax: bestresidue f.
Default: bestresidue 10.
Every time a better residue is found, the string ==== is printed, and the variables are stored using store best. You may restore these settings with restore best. The initial value of the best residue can be reset using bestresidue.


Syntax: byexperiment variable(s).
Allows variable(s) to be refined by experiment. Each variable will be split into nexperiment new ones, all with the same value. These new variables can be refined independently. If you later want to merge these variables, use the global command.
The commands go, go3 and gox will refine these variables simultaneously. You will probably get better residues, and faster conversion if you use the commands: xgo, xgo3 and xgox.
Related commands: readimagescale, saveany, statuslength top


Syntax: check variable(s).
The value of variable will be changed from -5*shift to 5*shift and the total residue will be calculated for each of these steps. The result of these evalations will be printed (same or different).
Related command: checklock


Syntax: checklock variable(s).
The value of variable will be changed from -5*shift to 5*shift and the total residue will be calculated for each of these steps. The result of these evalations will be printed (same or different). If the result is same, the variable will be locked.
Related command: check


Syntax: compare
If multiple lattices are defined using rmat commands, the (refined) orientations are compared.


Syntax: comparecrit ax ang.
Default: comparecrit -0.1 1.
The default of ax(-0.1) will be set to 1% of the longest axes.
Sets the axis tolerance (in Å) to ax and the angle tolerance (in ° ) to ang for 2view and compare.
Related commands: pgcrit, rmatcrit.


Syntax: comparefactor f.
Default: comparefactor 2.
Sets the maximum volume ratio for 2view and compare


Syntax: comparefomtype n.
Default: comparefomtype 0.
Sets the best selection criterium of the compare command.


Syntax: constraint variable expr
Defines a constraint on variable.
expr is an expression. To reference other variables use [variable]. Expressions are explained elsewhere.
Example: constraint b 2*[a]
You can use expression to test expr.
You can use constraints in combination with free variables.
Use release to unset the constraint. Use list constraint to display all constraints.
List of variables.


Syntax: correct none/normal/full/debug
Default: correct normal
Allows command and option corrections. Commands and options are only corrected if input originates from the keyboard, and output is sent to the screen.


Syntax: correctfreedom state.
Default: correctfreedom off.
See the residue section on the glossary page. top


Syntax: dict state
Default: dict off
If on the output of show, sigma and status will contain a list of key/value pairs. These key/value pairs can be used to parse the results of peakref into another program. The leading part of the keywords can be changed with dictname.


Syntax: dictname label
Default: dictname !!peakref-
Sets the leading part of keys of dictionary output (if dict=on).


Syntax: diraxforbid filename
Create a dirax inputfile filename, containing all forbidden reflections (see forbid). top


Syntax: echo some text
A simple command to put some text on the screen. Aliases in the text will be substituted.


Syntax: end
Finish program.


Syntax: evpylog string
Add string to the evpy logfile.


Syntax: example n
Loads one of the examples. On the example page a full description is given.


Syntax: exit
Finish program.


Syntax: expert n.
Default: expert 0.
If set to 1, the following extra variables will be available: gonio1, gonio2, gonio3, focusdist focushor and focusver.
If set to 2, the following extra variables will be available: rotax000x, rotax000y, rotax000z, kchx, kchy, kchz, lambda, swing, swingx, swingy and swingz.
Note: gonio1, gonio2 and gonio3 are locked if the goniostat data in the pk file are of type 2.
There are a few expert mode commands.


Syntax: expression expr.
Evaluate an expression. Use this command to test expr before defining a constraint. To reference variables use [variable]. Expressions are explained elsewhere.
Example: expression sind([beta])


Syntax: field
Print the used and unused field names of reflection tables.
The list commands present tables of reflection data. The format of these tables can be changed with fieldoff and fieldon.
Possible field names are: Theta Ii Si weight ims bfac im*b*I Imean HorObs VerObs RotObs HorCal VerCal RotCal Eta dHor dver Eps part part*Im dRot delmm delrot delicr logicr.
Note: some fields are not always available.


Syntax: fieldoff fieldname(s).
Remove the specified fields from the reflection tables.


Syntax: fieldon fieldname(s).
Add the specified fields to the reflection tables.


Syntax: fix variable(s).
Fix the specified variable(s). Fixed variables will not be refined. Related commands: checklock force, free, lock.


Syntax: flex f.
Syntax: flex 0.8.
Only used in combination with still data and when stilltype is flexible. The final impact is calculated using a linear combination of the eta impact (f=0.0) and the theta impact (f=1.0)


Syntax: forbid any/mm/rot/highorder/weak/overlap.
Sets the forbid flags of reflections. Forbidden reflections are not used in the refinement.
arg description
any any of the forbid options
highorder resolution < resolution
mm impact difference > maxmismm
overlap impact difference < overlap
rot impact difference > maxmisrot
weak intensities < weak
temp temporary flag, set by lctemp
perm permanent flags, promoted from temporary flags using lcperm
Use list forbid to display forbidden reflections. The values of maxmismm and maxmisrot can also be changed with reject.

forbid overlap

If multiple lattices are defined (using rmat and/or twin commands) this command will check for overlapping reflections. The initial impact positions are indexed in all lattices, the resulting reflection indices are rounded, and impacts on the (integer) indices are calculated. If the difference between impact positions is less than overlap the reflection will be excluded from the refinement. The progress of the overlap calculation can be monitored if output=full.


Syntax: force variable(s).
Frees the variables. Free variables are allowed to refine.
Some variables remain fixed after a free command (examples are: lambda, angles and axes constrained by point group, detector variables if more alignments are found in the input files and variables locked with the lock command). You must use force to free these variables. Related commands: fix, free, lock.


Syntax: free variable(s).
Frees the variables. Free variables are allowed to refine.
Some variables remain fixed after a free command (examples are: lambda, angles and axes constrained by point group, detector variables if more alignments are found in the input files and variables locked with the lock command). You must use force to free these variables. Related commands: byexperiment, fix, force, lock.


Syntax: fullstatus state.
Default: fullstatus on.
If off, the output of status will be limited to refined variables only. top


Syntax: gauss f1 f2 f3 f4.
Only used with still data.
Sets the coeficients of the gauss curve relating the partiality of a reflection to epsilon. These coefficients can also be specified in the pk file.


Syntax: gaussexp expnam f1 f2 f3 f4.
Only used with still data.
Sets the coeficients of the gauss curve relating the partiality of a reflection to epsilon of a specific experiment. The gauss parameters have to be set to byexperiment. The experiment is identified with expnam, the name of the experiment as defined in the pkfile. In general, expnam is different from the (sequential) experiment number which runs simply from one to the number of experiments.


Syntax: global variable(s).
Merges variable(s) which have been refined by experiment (see byexperiment) into the original (global) variables.


Syntax: go
Starts a refinement. The variables allowed to refine (specified with free or force commands) will be refined. The maximum number of cycles in one refinement can be specified with itmax.
The initial setup of the simplex refinement is controlled by the values of shift and the settings of simplexdirection simplexsetup.
You can use the sequence of commands: go shiftdiv 3 go shiftdiv 3 go shiftmul 9 to run a 3 cycle refinement with decreasing shifts. (Actually, this sequence can be invoked by the command alias go3).
Use tol to set the tolerance of the simplex refinement.
Every time a better residue is found, the string ==== is printed, and the variables are stored using store best. You may restore these settings with restore best. The value of the best residue can be reset using bestresidue.
If you want to refine variables per experiment (see byexperiment) you may want to use xgo.


Syntax: go3
Refine 3 cycles, with diminishing simplex setups. The sequence of commands is
  1. go
  2. shiftdiv 3
  3. go
  4. shiftdiv 3
  5. go
  6. shiftmul 9
If you want to refine variables per experiment (see byexperiment) you may want to use xgo3.


Syntax: goniostatchange args.
Allows you to change on or more of the goniostat parameters. Use only if you now what you are doing.


Syntax: gox
Repeat go3 until the final residue stops decreasing.
If you want to refine variables per experiment (see byexperiment) you may want to use xgox. top


Syntax: help [command].
Start a browser with help on peakref. An optional command will jump to the specified description.


Syntax: hkl h k l.
Print a table with all reflections with indices h k l. and their equivalents. A description of the presented table can be found under list all.
Related command: mother


Syntax: hklreind state.
Default: hklreind off.
If set to on, you are allowed to reindex HKL or HKLM type reflections with the reind command.
Note: if you are going to use an rmatrix which differs from the rmatrix used to to create the pk file, you have to set hklreind on before you read the different rmatrix. top


Syntax: imean
Calculate the mean intensities for equivalent reflections. The mean intensities are used to evaluate the resicr residue.


Syntax: impact state
Default: impact on
If set to on, impact records from the pk file will be read. If set to off, these records are ignored.
Related command: impact3.


Syntax: impact3 state
Default: impact3 on
If set to on, impact3 records from the pk file will be read. If set to off, these records are ignored.
Related command: impact.


Syntax: itmax n
Default: itmax 500
Sets the maximum number of refinement cycles (see go) to n. top


Syntax: lcinvert
Invert all permanent flags.
Related commands lckill, lcnoperm, lcperm and lctemp.


Syntax: lckill
Propagate the permanent flag (as set by lcperm) to the kill flag, and unset the perm flag. Reflections with a kill flag will never be used. This flag cannot be unset.
Use list forbid any or list forbid kill to show the killed reflections.
Related commands lcinvert, lcnoperm, lcperm and lctemp.


Syntax: lcnoperm
Remove all perm flags.
Related commands lckill, lcinvert, lcperm and lctemp.


Syntax: lcperm
Propagate the temporary flag (as set by lctemp) to the permanent flag, and remove the temporary flag.
Using repeated combinations of lctemp and lcperm, a complex reflection filter can be constructed.


This sequence mimics the behaviour of maxmismm and maxmisrot
lctemp delmm 0.0 1 yes
lctemp delrot 0.0 1 yes

Use list forbid any or list forbid perm to show the permanent forbidden reflections.
Related commands lcinvert, lckill, lcnoperm and lctemp.


Syntax: lctemp dhor/dver/delmm/delrot fmin fmax inside
Sets a temporary flag on each reflection, based on the values of a reflection variable. Note, any existing temporary flag will be ignored and overwritten.
fmin and fmax are two numbers specifying a range.
The temporary flag will be set if, from the following list, 1 is true, and either 2 or 3 is true.
  1. the permanent flag is set (see lcperm).
  2. the value of the reflection variable lies within the specified range inside=yes
  3. the value of the reflection variable lies outside the specified range inside=no.
Note: if a temporary flag is set, the reflection is used in the calculation of the residue.
Reflection variables: Temporary flags can be made permanent with lcperm.
Use list forbid any or list forbid temp to show the temporary forbidden reflections.


Syntax: list all/axes/constraint/exp/qvec/refl/rmat/store/var
Syntax: list allow/forbid option
Prints various kind of information to the screen.


Syntax: listmax n
Default: listmax 100
Limits the number of printed reflections for the commands: list all, list allow, list forbid and list refl.
To limit the reflections to examine, use listrange.


Syntax: listrange from to
Default: listrange 1 nrefl
Limits the range of reflections to examine for the commands: list all, list allow, list forbid and list refl. The default values set no limits.
Use listmax to limit the number of printed reflections.


Syntax: load args.
For every arg, execute the command rmatX arg. Then from the args a list of subdirectories is created. For every arg, execute the command pkX subdir/final.pk.


Related commands: pk, rmat.


Syntax: lock variable(s).
Locks the specified variable(s). Locked variables will not be refined.
A free command will not free a locked variable (use force).
Some variables are automatically locked (examples are: lambda, angles and axes constrained by point group, detector variables if more alignments are found in the input files). Related commands: fix, force, free.


Syntax: maxmismm x.
Default: maxmismm 1.0.
Sets the maximum allowed impact difference in millimeter. Reflections with a calculated-observed deviation larger than x are not used in the refinement. Use forbid mm or forbid any to disable the appropriate reflections. Use list forbid mm to display rejected reflections.
With reject the value of maxmismm can be changed using the refined resmm residue.
Related commands: maxmisrot, reject.


Syntax: maxmisrot d.
Default: maxmisrot 1.0.
Sets the maximum allowed impact difference in degrees. Reflections with a calculated-observed deviation larger than d are not used in the refinement. Use forbid rot or forbid any to disable the appropriate reflections. Use list forbid rot to display rejected reflections.
With reject the value of maxmisrot can be changed using the refined resrot residue.
Related commands: maxmismm, reject.


Syntax: mergeexepriment state.
Default: mergexperiment off.
Reflections in a pk file belong the an experiment. Related command: pk


Syntax: minxtalangle d.
Default: minxtalangle 15.0.
Sets the autofix xtal criterium.
The three crystal shift directions are defined on the goniometer head. The actual directions (in the laboratory system) are calculated by bringing the goniometer head to the goniostat position.
The three detector shift directions are defined on the detector. The actual directions (in the laboratory system) depend on the value of swing.
For all experiments, the angles between the crystal shift directions (at goniostat position) and detector shift directions are calculated for the begin and end of the experiment. This results in a table with 9 columns. If the range in one of the columns is less than d, the corresponding xtal shift will be locked.
The table is printed with list experiment (if output=full, the range for each column will be printed).


Syntax: mother h k l.

Related command: hkl top


Syntax: normat.
Remove an orientation matrix. The default matrix is number 1. You can append the matrix number to the command (f.e. normat3) or even use normatall. Use rmat to read an orientation matrix.


Syntax: notwin.
Remove a twin relation. The default relation is number 2. You can append the number to the command (f.e. notwin3) or even use notwinall. In the latter case all matrices will be removed. Use twin to define a twin relation. top


Syntax: output none/normal/full/debug.
Default: output normal.
Controls the amount of screen output.


Syntax: outputinner none/normal/full/debug.
Default: output none.
Controls the amount of screen output from the inner refinement part of a xgo refinement.


Syntax: overlap x.
Default: overlap 0.0.
Sets the overlap criterium. The criterium is the minimum distance (in mm) on the detector between two impacts. Use forbid overlap or forbid any to disable overlapping reflections. You can display overlapping reflections with list forbid overlap. top


Syntax: pg s.
Sets the pointgroup to s The pointgroup is normally set by the command rmat using the TMAT record in the rmat file.
Related command: pgconstraints,


Syntax: pgauto
The pointgroup is normally extracted from the rmat file.


Syntax: pgcrit ax ang.
Default: pgcrit 0.0 0.0.
Sets the axis tolerance (in Å) to ax and the angle tolerance (in ° ) to ang for the automatic pointgroup determination with rmat or pgauto.
Related commands: comparecrit, rmatcrit.


Syntax: pgconstraints state.
Default: pgconstraints on.
The pointgroup is normally extracted from the rmat file, and can be changed with the pg and pgauto commands The pointgroup is used for two purposes:


Syntax: pgzero ax ang.
Executes pgcrit followed by pgauto.


Syntax: pk filename.
Read a pk file. The default filetype = .pk
Related commands: impact, impact3, load, mergeexperiment, rmat.


Syntax: precision variable n1 n2.
Sets the floating point format for printing the value of variable. n1 is the total length, n2 is the number of decimals.
The defaults are given in the List of variables.


Syntax: prefix s.
Used by savermat. Every rmatfilename will be prefixed by s.
Related command: suffix


Syntax: progress state.
Default: progress on
If on, the program will print intermediate results during a refinement. top


Syntax: qvechisto.
Prints a histogram of qvp's. top


Syntax: readbfactor filename.
Only useful after byexperiment bfactor.
Read b-factors from filename (default bfactor.txt).


Syntax: readdetalign filename.
Read a file describing the detector position and orientation. The default is detalign.vic. This could be the result of an earlier refinement (see save).
The variables zerodist, zerohor, zerover, detrotx, detroty and detrotz will be set to the values from the file.


Syntax: readimagescale filename.
Only useful after byexperiment imscale.
Read the image scale factors from filename:


Syntax: readxtalshift filename.
Read a file describing the crystal position. This could be the result of an earlier refinement (see savextal).


Syntax: redirect filename.
Direct all further output to filename. If filename is an existing file, the output will be appended to the file.
To send the output back to the screen use the command redirect screen.


After a full refined set, store the sigma's in a separate file
fix all
free cell
redirect sigma.txt
sigma = = 50
redirect screen


Syntax: reind
Some pk files do not contain reflection indices, but impact positions only. The reflection indices are calculated from the impact positions using the available orientation matrices. If after some refinement steps, the variables have changed a lot, you may want to use reind to recalculate the indices. Reflections of type HKL or HKLM will not be reindexed (but see hklreind).


Syntax: reject f
Sets maxmismm to f*resmm (the average mm residue) and maxmisrot to f*resrot (the average rotation residue) and sets the forbid flag of reflections (similar to forbid any).


Syntax: release variable(s)
Undefines constraints on variables var. Use constraint to define a constraint and list constraint to list the constraints.


Syntax: reset
Resets all variables to their initial value.


Syntax: resfactor f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9.
Default: resfactor 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0.
Default: resfactor 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.
The total residue is a linear combination of the deviation on the detector (in millimeter or degrees) and the deviation in the angles (in degrees):
res = f1*reshor + f2*resver + f3*resmm + f4*resmmang + f5*resrotpartial + f6*resrotinside + f7*resrotoutside + f8*resrotall + f9*resicr
The default depends on the origin of the reflections. If partial reflections are available, resrotpartial will be used, otherwise resrotoutside will be active.
The original definition (pre-july 2009) can be set by resfactor 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 or resfactorvalue 0 all resfactorvalue 1 mm rotall


Syntax: resfactorvalue f s.
Sets the resfactor of residuename s to f.
s is a list of residuenames or all. The default resfactor could be specified as:


Syntax: residue
Calculates the total residue for the current set of variable settings.
Every time a better residue is found, the string ==== is printed, and the variables are stored using store best. You may restore these settings with restore best. The value of the best residue can be reset using bestresidue.


Syntax: resolution f.
Default: resolution 0.0.
Sets the maximum resolution for reflections in the refinement. Use forbid highorder or forbid any to disable high order reflections.


Syntax: restore addr.
addr is a string. You may use ? to get a listing of stored names.
Reloads a saved set of variables. The set has to be saved with the store command. Just before every refinement, the variables are stored with addr=previous. You may restore these settings with back.


Syntax: rmat filename.
Read the orientation matrix from a rmat file. The default matrix number is 1. You can append the matrix number to the command (f.e. rmat3). Use normat to remove a matrix. Use list rmat to show the matrices.

If the pointgroup is not set, peakref will try to determine the pointgroup using the tolerances of the pgcrit (the defaults are 0.0 and 0.0 for axes and angles). If a pointgroup is determined (either explicit in the rmatfile, or implicit using pgcrit) the cell parameters will be changed accordingly, unless pgconstraints is off.

If multiple rmat's are read, the cell parameters from the new rmat file are compared with the cell parameters defined by previous rmat commands. If the axes and angles are the same (within the tolerances specified with rmatcrit) the cell parameters of the new cell will be constrained to the parent cell; the orientation of the new cell will be refineable. If cell parameters or angles differ, the variables of the new cell will all be refineable.
You may use the twin command to define a twin relation.
Related commands: pgconstraints, load, pk, rmatexp.


Syntax: rmatcrit ax ang.
Default: rmatcrit -0.1 0.1.
The default of ax(-0.1) will be set to 1% of the longest axes.
Sets the axis tolerance (in Å) to ax and the angle tolerance (in ° ) to ang for detecting similar matrices (rmat2, rmat3 ...)
Related commands: comparecrit, pgcrit.


Syntax: rmatexp expnam f1 to f9.
Sets the 9 coeficients of the rmatrix for a specific experiment. The rmat parameters have to be set to byexperiment. The experiment is identified with expnam, the name of the experiment as defined in the pkfile. In general, expnam is different from the (sequential) experiment number which runs simply from one to the number of experiments. top


Syntax: save filename.
Saves the current detector position in filename (default detalign.vic). In a later run, you may want to read this file using readdetalign.


Syntax: saveall
Invokes various 'save' commands.


Syntax: saveany filename.
Create filename, to transfer data to any.


Syntax: savebfactor filename.
Write the experiment bfactors to filename. (default bfactor.txt).
Useful after byexperiment bfactor.


Syntax: savefocus filename.
Saves the focus parameters in filename (default focus.vic). The focus parameters (focusdist, focushor and focusver) can only be refined in expert mode.


Syntax: savegonio filename.
Saves the goniostat offsets in filename (default goniostat.vic). The goniostats offsets (gonio1, gonio2 and gonio3) can only be refined in expert mode.


Syntax: saveimagescale filename.
Write the image scale factors to filename. (default imagescale.txt).
Useful after byexperiment imscale.


Syntax: savep4p filename.
Saves the orientation matrix or matrices into an existing p4p-file filename.


Syntax: savermat filename.
Saves an orientation matrix in filename. The default matrix number is 1. You can append the matrix number to the command (f.e. savermat3) or even use savermatall.
Related commands: prefix, suffix.


Syntax: savextal filename.
Saves the current xtalshift to filename (default xtalshift.pic). The xtal variables are initialized to zero at the start of peakref. If an xtalshift record was found in the pk file, the saved value will be the sum of this record and the refined values. If one or more of the xtalshift parameters has been refined with byexperiment, a filename has to be specified for each experiment. The default filename is then exp.pic


Syntax: set variable f.
Syntax: set alias f1 f2 f3.....
Sets the value of variable to f. If you specify an alias, you have to enter the correct number of values.
Related commands: zero, zerofix and 90.
List of variables.


Syntax: setisexperiment state.
Default: setisexperiment off
If on, the keyword SET in a pkfile will be interpreted as EXPERIMENT. Use this command before invoking pk.


Syntax: shift variable f.
Syntax: shift alias f1 f2 f3.....
Sets the initial shift of variable to f. If you specify an alias, you have to enter the correct number of shifts.
Related commands: shiftdiv and shiftmul.
List of variables.


Syntax: shiftauto.
If res exceeds 0.1, all shifts will be multiplied by res/0.1


Syntax: shiftdiv f.
Divide shifts of free variables by f. This allows for another refinement with smaller initial shifts. See shiftmul.


Syntax: shiftfactor f.
Multiply shifts of all variables by f.


Syntax: shiftmul f.
Multiply shifts of free variables by f. Normally not used during refinement, but you may use this command to restore the initial shifts after the invocation of shiftdiv.


Syntax: show
Display the values of constants. Constants are:
name default
abort off
allowrmatchange on
comparecrit 0.1 0.1
comparefactor 2.0
comparefomtype 0
correct normal
dict off
dictname !!peakref-
expert 0
freedom off
fullstatus on
hklreind off
impact on
impact3 on
maxmismm 1.0
maxmisrot 1.0
mergexperiment off
minxtalangle 15.0
output normal
overlap 0.0
pgcrit 0.0 0.0
pgconstraints on
progress on
reject 5.0
resolution 0.0
resfactorvalue 0 all
resfactorvalue 1 mmang rotpartial
rmatcrit -0.1 0.1
simplexdirection 1.0
simplexfinal mean
simplexsetup centric
simplexsize 1.0
statuslength -1
tol 0.001
tolinner 0.001
tolouter 0.01
usestartresidue on
weak 0.0
weightint 1


Syntax: sig3 ncycle.
Default: sig3 50.
Determine sigma's of refineable variables.
Select 3 random reflections and do a least-squares refinement on the cell parameters only. The ncycle values of each refined variable lead to an average and corresponding sigma.
Use of this method to determine sigma's is strongly discouraged.


Syntax: sigma deltamm deltarot ncycle.
Default: sigma <resmm> <resrot> 50.
Determine sigma's of refineable variables.
An artificial error will be added to the observed impact positions. ( x=x+f1*deltamm, y=y+f2*deltamm and rot=rot+f3*deltarot, with f1, f2 and f3 being a number between -0.5 and +0.5). Then the current set of variables will be refined with these new impact positions as observations. The whole process is repeated ncycle times. For each of the variables, the average and sigma will be calculated and displayed.

  1. deltamm is expressed in millimeters. You should enter a number which describes the precision of the impact positions (for example 0.5*pixelsize or the refined average mm residue).
  2. deltarot is expressed in degrees. You should enter a number which describes the precision of the rotation angles (for example 0.2*imagewidth or the refined average rotation residue).
  3. free and fix variables in advance. The sigma's will only be calculated on refineable variables.
  4. you may want to use shiftdiv to decrease the initial shifts in the refinement. Remember to use shiftmul afterwards.
  5. Intermediate results are printed if output=full. A dot will be printed printed if output=normal (See sigprint).
Related commands: sig3, sigrnd, sigsub.


Syntax: sigprint nr.
Default: sigprint 10.
During the calculations of sigma's (see sigma, sigrnd and sigsub) a dot will be printed for every nr trial (but only if output=normal; if output=full all intermediate results will be printed).


Syntax: sigrnd fraction ncycle.
Default: sigrnd 0.1 50.
Determine sigma's of refineable variables.
The variation of the refined variables is determined by a repeated refinement (ncycle times) with a random subset (fraction) of the reflections. The ncycle values of each refined variable lead to an average and corresponding sigma.

  1. free and fix variables in advance. The sigma's will only be calculated on refineable variables.
  2. you may want to use shiftdiv to decrease the initial shifts in the refinement. Remember to use shiftmul afterwards.
  3. Intermediate results are printed if output=full. A dot will be printed printed if output=normal (See sigprint).
Related commands: sigma, sigsub.


Syntax: sigsub ncycle.
Default: sigsub 50.
Determine sigma's of refineable variables.
A subset of reflections (1/ncycle) will be used to refine the current set of variables. For every cycle, the next subset of reflections will be selected. The whole process is repeated ncycle times. For each of the variables, the average and sigma will be calculated and displayed.

  1. free and fix variables in advance. The sigma's will only be calculated on refineable variables.
  2. you may want to use shiftdiv to decrease the initial shifts in the refinement. Remember to use shiftmul afterwards.
  3. Intermediate results are printed if output=full. A dot will be printed printed if output=normal (See sigprint).
Related commands: sigma, sigrnd.


Syntax: simplexdirection f.
Default: simplexdirection 1.0.
At the start of each refinement cycle, a set of initial simplex vertices is build, using the current values of the refineable variables and their corresponding shift values. These shifts are multiplied by f. So a value of 1.0 adds the shifts, and a value -1.0 subtracts.
Related command: simplexsetup.


Syntax: simplexfinal low/mean.
Default: simplexfinal mean.
At the end of a refinement cyle, the definitive value of each refined variable is set.


Syntax: simplexsetup centric/acentric.
Default: simplexsetup centric.
At the start of each refinement cycle, a set of initial simplex vertices is build, using the current values of the refineable variables and their corresponding shift values. Related command: simplexdirection.


Syntax: simplexsize f.
Default: simplexsize 0.1.
A cycle of refinement stops if the tolerance of the residues of the simplex vertices is less than the threshold set by tol, tolinner or tolouter.
Sometimes a cycle will not terminate, especially if inner and outer refinements are used (xgo). To avoid eternal refinement cycles, the size of the simplex can be taken into consideration. The initial value of delta/shift will be 1.0, because the simplex is build by adding shift to each variable.


Syntax: status
Print a table containing names and refined values of variables and the values of the various residues. Use tablefield1 or tablefield2 to change the appearance of the table (previous and/or initial values).
Related commands: statusexp, statuslength.


Syntax: status
Print the number of reflections and the various residues for each experiment.
Related command: status.


Syntax: statuslength n
Only used if byexperiment is used. To avoid a very large status table, only the first n and last n byexperiment variables will be printed. By default n will be set to 5 if there are more than 100 experiments.


Syntax: still f
Default: still -1.0
A positive value will interpret the data as still data. Normally, f will be set with the STILL keyword in the pkfile.


Syntax: stilltype close/eta/flexible
Default: stilltype flexible
Only used with still data.
There are three algorithms to calculate the impact position of a reflection. They all use the primary beam (inray) and the cvector (c).
c = Rmat·hkl stilltype flexible uses flex to calculate the final impact as a linear combination from the the eta (flex=0.0) impact and and theta(flex=1.0) impact.


Syntax: store addr.
addr is a string.
The current set of variables will be stored. You can use restore to reload the variables. Use list store to print an overview of the saved sets. Just before every refinement, the variables are stored with addr=previous. You may restore these settings with back.
Every time a better residue is found, the string ==== is printed, and the variables are stored with addr=best. You may restore these settings with restore best. The value of the best residue can be reset using bestresidue


Syntax: suffix s
Default: suffix r
Sets the suffix for rmatfilenames, to be created by savermat or saveall.
Related command: prefix


Syntax: summary
Print one summary line containing: res Nmm resmm Nrot resrot top


Syntax: tablefield1 name
Default: tablefield1 initial
The status table always shows the current values of the refined variables (third column) and accumulated values (two but last column). In between these columns other values can be shown. Specify one of the stored names. These names include best initial intermediate previous and possible other names defined by store.


Syntax: tablefield2 name
Default: tablefield1 initial
The status table always shows the current values of the refined variables (third column) and accumulated values (two but last column). In between these columns other values can be shown. Specify one of the stored names. These names include best initial intermediate previous and possible other names defined by store.


Syntax: theta
Print the resolution range (of the allowed reflections).


Syntax: tol f.
Default: tol 0.001.
Set the simplex tolerance.
Resmin is the smallest residue of the simplex; Resmax is the largest residue.
Refinement stops if:
  2* ——————————————————— < f
      |Resmax| + |Resmin|
The commands xgo and xgo3 split the refinement into two parts: an outer refinement for global variables and an inner refinement for byexperiment variables. These two refinements use tolinner and tolouter tolerances.
Related command: simplexsize.


Syntax: tolinner f.
Default: tolinner 0.001.
Set the simplex tolerance for the inner (=byexperiment) refinement part of xgo and xgo3.
Related commands: simplexsize, tol, tolouter.


Syntax: tolouter f.
Default: tolouter 0.01.
Set the simplex tolerance for the outer (=global) refinement part of xgo and xgo3.
Related commands: simplexsize, tol, tolinner.


Syntax: twin parent type vx vy vz angle.
Defines a new orientation matrix related to an existing one.
The arguments are:
arg description
parent parent matrix number
type hkl or uvw
vx vy vz components of rotation axes in hkl or uvw system
angle rotation angle
The default (new) matrix number is 2. You can append the matrix number to the command (f.e. twin3). Use notwin to remove a relation. Use list rmat to show the matrices. Cell parameters of the new and parent matrices are the same, the orientations are constrained via the twin relation. You may use the rmat command to define two lattices with independent orientations.
After the twin command, reflections will be reindexed. top


Syntax: usestartresidue state.
Default: usestartresidue on.
Before every refinement, a prerefinement residue is calculated. If state is on and the final residue is larger than the prerefinement residue, all refined variables will be reset to the prerefinement values. top


Syntax: weak f.
Default: weak 0.0.
Sets the minimum intensity for reflections in the refinement. Use forbid weak or forbid any to disable weak reflections.


Syntax: weight state.
Default: weight on.
In the calculation of delicr, weights are used:
delicr1 = weight*abs(imscale*Ii - part*Imean)
delicr2 = weight*abs(imscale*Ii)

delicr = Σ(delicr1)/Σ(delicr2)



Syntax: xgo
Starts a refinement. This command is similar to go, but treats byexperiment variables differently. The (free) global variables are refined in the same way as go. For all combinations of these global variables, the program will refine the byexperiment (free) variables in a sequence of separate refinement runs, one experiment at a time. Those byexperiment variables will be refined against the reflections/peaks of the corresponding experiment. tolinner will be used as tolerance for this innerrefinement while tolouter controls the refinement of the global (=non-byexperiment) variables.

The variables allowed to refine (specified with free or force commands) will be refined. The maximum number of cycles in one refinement can be specified with itmax.
The initial setup of the simplex refinement is controlled by the values of shift.
You can use the sequence of commands: xgo shiftdiv 3 xgo shiftdiv 3 xgo shiftmul 9 to run a 3 cycle refinement with decreasing shifts. (Actually, this sequence can be invoked by the command alias xgo3).
Use tol to set the tolerance of the simplex refinement.
Every time a better residue is found, the string ==== is printed, and the variables are stored using store best. You may restore these settings with restore best. The value of the best residue can be reset using bestresidue.


Syntax: xgo3
Refine 3 cycles using xgo, with diminishing simplex setups. The sequence of commands is
  1. xgo
  2. shiftdiv 3
  3. xgo
  4. shiftdiv 3
  5. xgo
  6. shiftmul 9


Syntax: xgox
Repeat xgo3 until the final residue stops decreasing. top


Syntax: zero variable(s).
Sets the value for variable to zero. Related commands: set, zerofix.


Syntax: zerofix variable(s).
Sets the value for variable to zero and fix variable. Related commands: fix, set, zero.

Peakref expert commands


Syntax: diraxclose
Closes the dirax file. The file has to be opened with the diraxopen command.


Syntax: diraxopen filename.
Creates the file filename. After the command pk, HKL records from these peak input files will be written to filename. (The program any creates such pk files).


Syntax: trace state.
Default: trace off.
If set to on, peakref will print a trace of many routines during execution.
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